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Indyref 2 (2)

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4 hours ago, Toepoke said:

Has the original thread been binned?

Clearly it turned into an utter binfire, but it contained a massive amount of content from over several years.


Yes, yes and yes. 

Dont  know why the problem content could not just have been removed like happens any other time. 

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7 hours ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

must have been, i must have missed something 

Yesterday evening, Thplinth made an absolutely vile and untrue accusation towards aaid.

When thplinth realised he'd gone way too far and posted something that was beyond the pale, he panicked and unconvincingly tried to pass it off as a joke.

The mods then wiped the entire thread and very possibly thplinths account.

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55 minutes ago, ErsatzThistle said:

Yesterday evening, Thplinth made an absolutely vile and untrue accusation towards aaid.

When thplinth realised he'd gone way too far and posted something that was beyond the pale, he panicked and unconvincingly tried to pass it off as a joke.

The mods then wiped the entire thread and very possibly thplinths account.

And possibly aaid's as well. Perhaps Ramy has been caught up in it all as well, as he's been very quiet

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22 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

"Aaid" has posted recently as well. Although it might be somebody impersonating him, as he seems to want to bring back hanging for some reason or other? 

It’s the old Billy Connolly line, “hanging’s too good for him, it’s a good kick in the arse he needs”


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9 hours ago, TDYER63 said:

Yes, yes and yes. 

Dont  know why the problem content could not just have been removed like happens any other time. 

Exactly. It was a good thread. Aye, there were a few ongoing squabbles - and an occasional spam poster 🙄 - but just remove the offensive posts and ban the squabblers/spammers. Nae need to nuke the whole thread, that I can see.

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7 hours ago, ErsatzThistle said:

Yesterday evening, Thplinth made an absolutely vile and untrue accusation towards aaid.

When thplinth realised he'd gone way too far and posted something that was beyond the pale, he panicked and unconvincingly tried to pass it off as a joke.

The mods then wiped the entire thread and very possibly thplinths account.

Not quite how I saw things but hey ho.

Agree with others that maybe a couple of posts could have been deleted rather than the whole thread. I guess that’s the easy option for the mods to take rather than intervene at the time to try to diffuse the situation like Tidy tried to. Then again, I suppose if you don’t keep an eye on the board then how can you intervene?

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Anyways back to the matter in hand....

Unionists never change. You will always hear them begging for info on what will happen with currency etc but all it is about is to fabricated BS and scaremonger with the answers they get.

Since the SG announced a plan to initially stay with the pound in the interim before moving on to their own currently the unionists newspapers pounced on this.they have plucked a 20% figure out of the air claiming Scots wpuld be 20% worse off in and independent Scotland without the pound.


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3 hours ago, Bobster said:

Not quite how I saw things but hey ho.

Agree with others that maybe a couple of posts could have been deleted rather than the whole thread. I guess that’s the easy option for the mods to take rather than intervene at the time to try to diffuse the situation like Tidy tried to. Then again, I suppose if you don’t keep an eye on the board then how can you intervene?

I doubt I will be winning any Kofi Annan awards but thanks for recognising I was trying to put an end to it 🙂

It went too far.

Before it went too far another poster made a subtle post suggesting the feud was becoming nasty. This should have been enough to stop it, but it didnt and got worse. I stepped in as it  was clear no other bugger was . I ignore fights on the football thread, I realise that being a woman I may be a bit more sensitive than guys .

But I read the Indy ref thread a lot and the content was totally unacceptable so I said so in the hope it stopped.
Instead, I found myself having to respond to suggestions I had mis interpreted it. Personally i dont know what is worse, making the accusation in a serious manner or flippantly using the subject matter as a way to score a point. 

I have no idea who reported this but to delete an entire thread is ridiculous and only brought more attention to the situation . You have to wonder who has to gain by deleting the entire thread. 


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2 hours ago, Caledonian Craig said:

Anyways back to the matter in hand....

Unionists never change. You will always hear them begging for info on what will happen with currency etc but all it is about is to fabricated BS and scaremonger with the answers they get.

Since the SG announced a plan to initially stay with the pound in the interim before moving on to their own currently the unionists newspapers pounced on this.they have plucked a 20% figure out of the air claiming Scots wpuld be 20% worse off in and independent Scotland without the pound.


Yes, move on. 

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3 hours ago, mccaughey85 said:

Sad to see the plinth go. Saying that i dont know what was said so i cant judge. Perhaps he will be back soon enough. 

So indy scotland. Do we still think this will happen? Or are the scottish ppl not that bothered about it?

Its split straight down the middle.

Whether there is an IndyRef 2 and we vote No or not the question will not go away. When you have approaching half the population pulling for one thing the question of independence will never go away. And therein lies the unionists problem how to completely kill off the high numbers wanting independence reducing it to pre-1980s levels of under 20%. Those days are gone - never to return.

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9 hours ago, Caledonian Craig said:

Anyways back to the matter in hand....

Unionists never change. You will always hear them begging for info on what will happen with currency etc but all it is about is to fabricated BS and scaremonger with the answers they get.

Since the SG announced a plan to initially stay with the pound in the interim before moving on to their own currently the unionists newspapers pounced on this.they have plucked a 20% figure out of the air claiming Scots wpuld be 20% worse off in and independent Scotland without the pound.


Aye, Prof Ronald MacDonald of pro-union propaganda unit These Islands has apparently made that claim - this is the same guy who eight years ago said that a currency union with rUK would be a disaster for Scotland!

These Islands were pumping out propaganda at a rate of knots last week, including a rubbishing of Scotland's renewable energy potential.  Of all the targets to go for that seems like one of the hardest to hit, but given the pro-independence side haven't made nearly as much capital out of either Scotland's potential in this area or the ongoing energy crisis, I'm not surprised they've tried to run with it. 

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20 minutes ago, scotlad said:

Aye, Prof Ronald MacDonald of pro-union propaganda unit These Islands has apparently made that claim - this is the same guy who eight years ago said that a currency union with rUK would be a disaster for Scotland!

These Islands were pumping out propaganda at a rate of knots last week, including a rubbishing of Scotland's renewable energy potential.  Of all the targets to go for that seems like one of the hardest to hit, but given the pro-independence side haven't made nearly as much capital out of either Scotland's potential in this area or the ongoing energy crisis, I'm not surprised they've tried to run with it. 

Prof. Ronald MacDonald - is that his actual name ? 😆🤣

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12 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

I really don’t want to Go down this path again but to me, the biggest threat to Scottish independence is the GRA bill. Some seem to think it’s not a problem, we’ll I can tell you 100% it is and is getting worse as the general public awaken to it 

I'm surprised it hasn't been weaponised more tbh. On the other hand the SNP/Parliament could past the legislation anyhow irrespective of Indy Ref. The issues are, from one perspective, separate but overlap simply because of the parties who are pushing it. I do wonder what Labour will say about it in England but it just doesn't seem so much of an issue down south in terms of politics.

Edited by Hertsscot
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