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About TDYER63

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  2. MeToo ! I should have stuck with another episode of Snowfall. I cant even spell radicalisation without spell check 🙄😁
  3. Yes, I think the traditional interpretations of right wing and left wing have changed or become more extreme. Anyone deemed as left wing these days must be uber woke and anyone right wing is a nazi. Truth is the majority of people are probably still sitting well within these extremes, on the side that most aligns with their social conscience. I think things are exaggerated more in Scotland due to Indy. I genuinely think we are a more left leaning country than England and when every man and their dug voted Labour we were mainly all in agreement regarding policies and therefore fewer arguments. But the SNP / independence has changed that by taking Labours crown, for a while at least, and Labour have moved more to the right to secure votes in England. Any traditional left wing Labour voter would never vote for them if they actually looked at what their policies are . Anyone voting Labour now either must see it as a lesser evil to Tories , or have themselves become more to the right politically. The outcome is that each side will never agree that the other side have a point when discussing policies. I am quite guilty of it myself. That is why anyone who wants independence needs to listen more and shout less. I think Labour being less hostile to independence , without having to agree with it, would be a major step towards common sense overcoming divisions.
  4. Tbh it got out of hand on both sides, if there had been any decent moderation it would never have got that far. People can interpret things literally particularly these days. Totally bizarre that the entire thread got binned.
  5. 😆 Funny you should mention it , just arrived today along with my other heroine !
  6. 😂 naw, there are enough dummies in my house as it is. I saw it on a google search, was in the Daily Mail, some waxworks in Poland. Pure ragin so they were 😁
  7. Do any waxworks actually look like the person? They all look like mannequins to a degree. Look at the nick of William and Kate .
  8. I think Loon is saying she isnt a plant , more likely that through actual plants around her she became embroiled in murky activity AFTER she became FM , and it got out of hand. It may still be nonsense, but its certainly not impossible. I have no idea who all these alphabet folk are or positions they hold, which makes it difficult to get my head round the allegations . But it doesn’t take a super sleuth to be concerned about how flimsy the case was.
  9. Aaid initially had thplinth on ignore the last time thplinth came back , but took him off. I remember it well as I had quoted thplinth on something and aaid could see it and said it was bollox so took him off ignore in order to see what else was getting posted. Unfortunately things got quite unpleasant between them after that. I thought thplinth must have been banned after the incident that got the whole thread removed, simply because he disappeared, but obviously not. When i started posting on this board 10yrs ago thplinth was one of, if not my favourite, poster. I admired his alternative ways of looking at things and larger than life personality. He regularly disagreed with folk but there was also a bit of mutual respect. I think he went away for a while and when he came back he had changed a bit. Far less tolerant and more aggressive. He went away again and initially came back more laid back, but the arguments started again. At least this is my recollection, it may be me thats changed. Still, IMO the board is poorer without both aaid and thplinth in his former self, different as they are. PS. Just waiting for him to post telling me I am a sanctimonious cabbage brain wee turd and can fuck right off ….😆
  10. People are focusing too much on the short term cost of this ’ benefit’ rather than long term ‘benefit’ it could bring. We are constantly getting told there will not be enough people paying taxes to fund an ageing population yet we are closing our doors to immigration AND making it less appealing for people in the UK to have more than 2 children. I may be looking at this too simplistically but surely more people = more tax further down the line. Assuming of course the government create enough jobs for these people.
  11. Yip, at least the Tories dont try to pretend to be something they aren’t in terms of welfare . Labour are sneaky fuckers. And they have a bloody cheek blaming the state of the UK’s finances for not scrapping the cap. They clearly have forgotten the nick they left the economy in last time they were in power. They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. If ever proof was needed that the UK is two sandwiches short of a picnic then this is it. Changing back and forth between the same 2 horses that offer nothing different whatsoever is the ultimate sign of madness.
  12. Probably not for those who get offended. Or are from Coatbridge…
  13. I remember laughing at a ‘light bulb gate ‘ thread Jen started years ago so did a quick search ❤️
  14. Jen was a member of WESTA and although I didn’t know her well it is very clear from Westa’s communication of her passing that she was a very well liked lady. Like Craig says, she got to the Euro finals and as a prominent part of a fan group who did the team and country proud. I am certain she would have had a ball. RIP.
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