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Is Donald Trump's Campaign A Spoof?

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I've been thinking for a while that the only rational explanation of the Trump phenomenon is that he's simply ripping the piss out of his fellow Americans. The whole campaign could just be the greatest work of satire since Swift's 'A Modest Proposal'.

Whatever the case, it's a constant test of Poe's Law...

Edited by DonnyTJS
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I've been thinking for a while that the only rational explanation of the Trump phenomenon is that he's simply ripping the piss out of his fellow Americans. The whole campaign could just be the greatest work of satire since Swift's 'A Modest Proposal'.

Whatever the case, it's a constant test of Poe's Law...

I'm starting to think Jon Stewart quit the Daily Show to run this.

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I want him to win.

America is always much better when there's a nut job Republican running the place.

If Trump gets in there's a very real chance he will nuke Mecca.

Can you imagine the footage of Mecca getting nuked?

In 4KHD?

It will make 9/11 look like an infant's drawing.

It will be the telly event of the century.

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I want him to win.

America is always much better when there's a nut job Republican running the place.

If Trump gets in there's a very real chance he will nuke Mecca.

Can you imagine the footage of Mecca getting nuked?

In 4KHD?

It will make 9/11 look like an infant's drawing.

It will be the telly event of the century.

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I could be totally wrong but here is my take...

The Republican Party establishment does not want Trump. After the first couple of primaries they will put huge pressure on all but one (no sure who that will be yet) candidate to drop out. In a head to head Trump then loses.

On the Democrat side it is a two horse race, but Hillary has the Democrat establishment on her side, so barring some sort of scandal she wins over Bernie.

In the presidential election Trump may stand as a third party candidate. He splits the republican vote and Clinton wins.

Even in a two horse race (Hillary vs establishment republican with no Trump) I think this campaign might have damaged the Republican Party so much among Hispanic voters that they can't win.

Edited by Denny's Yard
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