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  1. To be fair, regardless of what player leaves it could be classed as getting rid of the deadwood!
  2. If Goldson is going I'd keep Tavernier around as we need to retain some experience in the squad and at the moment it's lacking. I'm not sure I'd be playing him in every single game the way he has for the last 8 years but I'd definitley have him around. We're sorely lacking quality in key areas though and unless we recruit wisely (and I don't see where the money is coming from) I'm expecting Celtic to win the league by a significant margin and possibly even a decent fight for second place the way our squad stands currently.
  3. At this point I'd be asking Alex Rae to put his boots on! It's amazing how much we've regressed since Seville.
  4. Other than the fact that we’re becoming desperately short of bodies, I won’t be overly unhappy to see him good. Decent player on his day but nowhere near consistent enough and not as good as he thinks he is.
  5. Goldson signing for Aris Limassol isn’t one many would have predicted!
  6. If he sticks in he might get a crack at the Rangers job before the Christmas lights go up! In fact, I'd take him in midfield at the moment!
  7. Apparently he said that Aluko and another female commentator were "the Fred and Rose West of commentary" or words to that effect. While it's in pretty poor taste I struggle to see where a crime has been committed. People like Frankie Boyle and Jerry Sadowitz have made careers out of saying a lot worse.
  8. Rangers drawn against winners of Dynamo Kiev or Partizan Belgrade in UCL Q3. Interesting possibility that could have a draw where neither team plays their home leg at their home ground!
  9. Burglars targeted current and former EPL players homes during the Euros. Ryan Giggs lost 13 PL medals, 2 Champions League and 9 cup medals. De Bruyne lost 6 PL, a Champions League and 7 cup medals. Harry Kane lost a DVD player and a toaster.
  10. It's just me and the wife so I'm well trained at tuning out her moaning by this stage (and vice versa I'd imagine!).
  11. Read something during the tournament that Ronaldo had apparently told Maritinez he wants to get to 250 caps (currently on 212, with 130 goals! 😳).
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