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  2. Exactly they did it yesterday. I've kept out of it as i said my peace the last time he came back during covid and arguing about ivermectin and weirdly how logarithm and exponential functions work.
  3. Today
  4. ☹️ thought this was going to be about Mickey Weir
  5. I try not to use this "left/right wing" labelling. I don't think it helps. It's difficult to take each issue individually becasue you need to decide how much to spend on each issue, and then try to balance the budget that you have available.
  6. What are the odds !! I get on Sky Sports, Billy gets on BBC. We are best mates and both live in Ottawa... 😂😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  7. I’ve seen a lot of people define themselves as one or the other or label others as one or the other. The lines seem very blurry to me now. More and more I find that common sense belongs to the other side and I’m left to defend well meaning stupidity. Personally, I think we all ( whether Indy or not ) need a new direction that takes each issue individually but is decisive on it!
  8. Ok a wee bit to unpack there, plus don’t be getting the idea I’m some sort of campaign manager for the cunt! (1st) project 2025 has a million hoops to jump through to become law. It’s theoretically possible but practically impossible to make the statute book. (2nd) Almost every war ends in negotiation not capitulation. The Ukrainians will have to recognise that eventually. (3rd) If he calls a halt to the genocide that’s a start. He’s more talking about pulling the plug on funding. Without the USD and military support the Israelis can’t continue what they are doing!
  9. Apart from what we have already seen with the overturning of Roe Vs Wade have a look at Project 2025 - Everyone will be affected but the plans for Women's reproductive health are akin to Islamic Extremism The Ukrainians are already freaking out with his proposal that the US will only continue to fund them if they enter peace talks with Russia I realise it's kinda meaningless as there is nothing the Ukrainians will agree to short of the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine however Russia did illegally invade them which sticks in their craw He did have a plan for the middle east but i dont think the Palestinians were consulted plus it did nothing to halt the Israeli illegal settlements
  10. He’s said he wants an immediate cease fire. He’s a businessman at heart and war is bad for most business. Please don’t ask me to be subjected to any more of Scottys shite. I’ve seen plenty 🙈
  11. Yesterday
  12. Why would you think it’s low? The US are bankrolling both. Stop the money stop the wars. I get he’s got a pretty dreadful record on all pc matters but why would you feel women will be worst affected?
  13. I'll give you Ukraine certainly. But Palestine... that's new to me? Trump moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It was lauded by the Zionists, as it rubber stamped the city as the capital of Israel. Also, his 'base' are the christian evangelical right, who are ideologically wedded to Israel and the battle of Armageddon (Scotty CTA will provide more details). In short, i don't think Trump means peace in Palestine any more than Genocide Joe did.
  14. The likelihood of him achieving those is extremely low - remember this is the guy that asked his military advisors if using a nuke was feasible .. and by moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem shows who's side he is on The cost of a Trump victory will be massive - especially for women
  15. Back on topic. I think I actually want Trump to win! Dont get me wrong I can’t stand him but he’s the only serious player I’ve heard pushing peace in Ukraine and Palestine! 🤔
  16. Cheers Barney 👍
  17. To be fair, regardless of what player leaves it could be classed as getting rid of the deadwood!
  18. Tbh it got out of hand on both sides, if there had been any decent moderation it would never have got that far. People can interpret things literally particularly these days. Totally bizarre that the entire thread got binned.
  19. 😆 Funny you should mention it , just arrived today along with my other heroine !
  20. His saying the Obamas don't endorse Harris was another example of him taking his MAGA-influenced newsfeed as gospel. It's much more likely they'd time the announcement to keep Harris in the headlines. A bit like how the attempted coup and resignations against Corbyn was drip drip.
  21. You're talking about the original Indyref2 thread i think? From my hazy memory of the posts before the Admin canned the thread, i think thplinth was hard done by there. He didn't directly insinuate aaid a paedo. He was making a rhetorical point. He seemed more radicalised in his recent iteration
  22. An avid reader right enough. Yer waxwork of Diana better do her justice, Tidy! 😋
  23. Ikr? In my excitement I had to Google the guy to see if he was Scottish! I didn't even register he was that Spanish dude
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