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  1. I try not to use this "left/right wing" labelling. I don't think it helps. It's difficult to take each issue individually becasue you need to decide how much to spend on each issue, and then try to balance the budget that you have available.
  2. Even Craig Murray never went as far as actually naming any of them.
  3. The problem with that is that in Scotland 99% of the population are ignorant of anything of any substance. We would be better going with the other one percent. The type of person who would never volunteer to be on such a panel, i.e. ................me . 😂
  4. We all thought Plinthy had disappeared for a while but maybe not? Too many coincidences for my liking.
  5. This thread is starting to look like Mr Bongo is arguing with a poltergeist. I'm assuming something has happened to thplinth's posts? T H Plinth........... C H Ripper. Hmmmmm??????
  6. Can we have five Kieran Tierney's please? Better make that 8, just in case a few of them get injured.
  7. On the other hand, possibly David Davis didn't "reveal" anything we didn't already know, it could just get swept under the carpet again and nothing else will happen? Or somewhere in between. I actually initially thought thplinth had posted Davis's speech from a few years ago. I'm not sure if much has changed apart from the fact that the police are now involved. They have been involved for a long time, but they were involved for a long time "investigating" Alex Salmond and found next to nothing on him.
  8. I could be wrong here, but I'm pretty sure nobody has said that apart from you.
  9. Dundee to play their first two home games in Brechin.
  10. That's the whole point. He played much better than Foden so he was the better player. Why is that hard to understand?
  11. Holy fuk. You've been watching a different tournament to me.
  12. And Rodri wasn't even at his best. He got player of the tournament, but I would have given it to Olmo. He had a great tournament.
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