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Ally Bongo

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About Ally Bongo

  • Birthday 09/18/1967

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    Las Vegas Baby
  • Interests
    The study of Women's bottoms, eating honey from Bees nests, feeding the fox out my backdoor and haircuts.

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  1. Apart from what we have already seen with the overturning of Roe Vs Wade have a look at Project 2025 - Everyone will be affected but the plans for Women's reproductive health are akin to Islamic Extremism The Ukrainians are already freaking out with his proposal that the US will only continue to fund them if they enter peace talks with Russia I realise it's kinda meaningless as there is nothing the Ukrainians will agree to short of the withdrawal of all Russian troops from Ukraine however Russia did illegally invade them which sticks in their craw He did have a plan for the middle east but i dont think the Palestinians were consulted plus it did nothing to halt the Israeli illegal settlements
  2. The likelihood of him achieving those is extremely low - remember this is the guy that asked his military advisors if using a nuke was feasible .. and by moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem shows who's side he is on The cost of a Trump victory will be massive - especially for women
  3. Any Questions on Radio 4 at 8pm Alex Forsyth presents political discussion from the Scottish Maritime Museum in Irvine with Douglas Alexander MP, Angela Haggerty, Lord Offord and Pete Wishart MP.
  4. Sinead O'Connor waxwork removed from a Dublin museum after a public backlash Among those who criticised the original figure was O'Connor's brother, John. He said he was shocked when he first saw the waxwork online and said it was "inappropriate". "It looked nothing like her and I thought it was hideous," he told Irish broadcaster RTÉ's Liveline radio programme on Friday. He added that the figure looked "between a mannequin and something out of the Thunderbirds".
  5. He'll be too busy battering the keyboard on some Breitbart site now that the Obama's have endorsed Kamala Harris
  6. He seemed to take everything personally and a slant if you disagreed which resulted in you being "thick" Since he came back after so many months away it was worse and the elephant memory grudges he held against mainly anonymous accounts went back years. I tried to stop interacting with his posts but you saw what happened when i only said that the movie JFK was riddled with so many fabrications it could not be taken seriously by anyone really interested in the truth Probably best for his own sanity
  7. Depends if the person proposing it is trying to make loads of money from gullible people
  8. It's the cold hard facts of what was reality in 1963 versus what Stone put in his film High profile investigators and researchers have long dismissed it - BY USING EVIDENCE Fuck all to do with me - i am a non entity on a message board But that's your only tactic when you have been caught out talking shite Now fuck off
  9. You are seriously deranged and unlike most of us on here will admit when they are wrong The fact you are still defending Oliver Stone's fiction also shows you have no real interest in the truth - apart from your version of it
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