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  1. Probably partied hard during his Aberdeen years. Maybe when he was at other clubs as well.
  2. Still doesn't mean anything. As the previous poster said it sounds like it was DCs B team. Are you seriously using that game as an indicator of which league is better?
  3. It's a friendly for a start and DC are third bottom of their league. Celtic should be beating lower end MLS teams comfortably. No one has ever claimed they shouldn't. Celtic would definitely be challenging for the MLS title if they played there.
  4. Dundee united seem to be interested in playing young Scots and developing them. Loads of players have either come their youth system or have played their early career there. Guys like Robertson, Armstrong, gauld, souttar etc.
  5. Pretty sure uefa have been quite supportive of the smaller leagues looking to merge. Also I would only go ahead with the idea with uefas approval so I don't know why ppl keep making that point. Only real problem is rangers playing in Dublin. As I said you deduct points for bad behaviour and you would soon see it eradicated, especially when rangers are looking to win the title. Away fan bans are also possible. I also said I wouldn't include northern Ireland in the invite until it was safe to do so.
  6. Lol, fluked their way to the final yet we can't even fluke our way out of the group stages.
  7. Yeh currently there isn't a huge difference between the leagues(outwith the old firm)but if you were to build an Irish club in Dublin into a much larger club that could challenge the old firm then it would improve the league a fair bit imo. More money and better attendances would result in a slight increase in revenue for all clubs. Maybe a better TV deal. End of the day i understand it's all pie in sky fantasy stuff but i would definitely like to see it tried out.
  8. I was just suggesting an invite into the Scottish league system for Irish clubs. If they don't take the offer then fair enough. A proper merger is very unlikely unless lots of clubs decided to move. Loi attendances might have improved but it will never hit serious numbers unless they have bigger clubs to play against. It's a case of weighing up wether a few games in Europe would be better than playing in what could be a quality league with big clubs and lots more money. Not to mention they could still qualify for Europe if they finish top 4 in Scotland. I mentioned it earlier but I am pretty sure an Irish businessman had an Atlantic league ready to go and JP morgan was going to invest huge money in it. It ended up failing but I think it's only a matter of time before it becomes a reality in some form. Says Celtic and Dermot Desmond were not keen on the idea.
  9. I don't think theres anyone who says the MLS is way above the spl in terms of standard. Both leagues are pretty similar imo. Saying that I don't watch enough MLS to really make a good judgement. The highlights I watch look pretty decent and the pace, tempo and passing moves look quite good at times. The defending at times is brutal but thats the same in the spl. I think MLS has alot more international players playing there than the spl which would indicate to me that it might be a better standard. As for Celtic winning 4 nil. Not sure that friendlies are anything to go by especially in club football. Also DC United are third bottom of their league. I would expect Celtic to beat them.
  10. Can't have been all shit by the time they reached the final.
  11. Yeh I like her but then I quite liked sturgeon so who knows lol.
  12. Not exactly a big farage fan but what kind of interview is that. The guy can go where he likes and if he wants to visit trump then thats up to him. Not exactly a big deal.
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