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Caledonian Craig

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About Caledonian Craig

  • Birthday 10/01/1968

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  1. Sorry I have to disagree about the last part. The newspapers had got hold of the story. Sturgeon does nothing then the press release the story and expose a massive Scottish Government cover-up. Once the press had the story then Sturgeon had no choice but to go through proper channels. I am stunned there are people who cannot see that. Stunned. Salmond, in any case, is very astute. He would know a set-up if there was one as he still had friends within the SNP too. If he was set-up Salmond would have reacted far, far differently than he has. He would have directed loads of angst at Sturgeon but I have seen none of that. That speaks volumes. His frustrations at the time seemed more that the allegations were made into something he evidently felt were nothing of the sort but it is the day and age we live in - no cuddles, no squeezes, no hair ruffles touch me and its sexual assault stuff. That is the way of the world today.
  2. The way I see it was the press had the story and Salmond went to Sturgeon hoping for assistance in shutting down at source. Unionist media would not have let it rest and would and could have caused much more damage to the Scottish Government if revealed they had covered up such a thing regardless of what there was/wasn't in the charges. A cover-up is a cover-up. Like I say today is far different than it was say even 20 years ago. A cuddle or ruffling of hear or squeeze was not seen as anything but today can be looked upon as sexual assault. Another case in.point was DJ Dave Lee Travis who was also a very touchy feely tpe person but not in a perverse way but allegations were made against him that damaged his career. Salmond was seen as a far bigger fish to fry. Was it fair? No. But the way law is now on such matters it was very dangerous ground. I just feel too many having a burning hatred towards Sturgeon and are letting that steer opinion. I would judge Salmond's attitude in this whole affair towards Sturgeon since then. I have not detected a burning sense or need for revenge like you would have if you knew you had been or suspected you had been set-up. That is another clue for me. This is merely a case of a modern day by modern day laws being offended by being cuddled maybe or touched in an inappropriate way and prepared to take it further than was perhaps necessary. The choice of an individual.
  3. Ridiculous theory with all due respect. But lets, for a moment, presume it holds water then Salmond worked alongside a plant for years without knowing and left leadership to a plant. Hmmm just no.
  4. Until someone gives me a valid believable motive then no i do not believe Sturgeon had anything to do with it. For god sake the press had hold of the story before Sturgeon had been told by Salmond.
  5. Salmond's admittance to being touchy, feely and knowing a newspaper report was coming out tells me this. Salmond is old school where a cuddle or ruffle of hair was acceptable in his day in this day is not. Today those things can be seen as sexual assault. Is that fair? No not if its done in no other way than as friend to friend but in this fay and age it is a precursor to being taken further by other individuals and so is not allowed. Naively, Salmond living by the laws of 30 or so years ago saw nothing wrong in it but today its a no no. It has f all to do with Sturgeon. His political career was over and was no threat to Sturgeon. Find a motive is what I say instead of blaming someone because you hate them.
  6. Salmond fans totally ignoring the fact that he himself admitted to being 'touchy feely'. Also it came out of his own mouth that he went to Sturgeon and told her press had hold of a story and was asking for her help to dismiss the rumours. Sorry but as soon as you start going down that road you take the Westminster cover-up road which has been covered hundreds of times and is one of the many reasons Scots want independence.
  7. I'd like to see clubs that bring these players through from junior/youth levels get more reward financially than they currently do. Clubs that develop the talent and sell on for a modest price to a bigger club who then sell them on to an even bigger club that bigger club seems to benefit most from add-ins like percentage of sell-on clause and recompense if they become internationals. Now to me the original club that found and nurtured that talent should get a fair bit of those rewards too. It would only serve to encourage every club to strive to develop their own talent.
  8. Plenty can be taken from friendlies. After all the warning signs were there in our friendlies leading up to the Euros that we were not in any form to do any damage - and that is how it turned out.
  9. A 4-0 scoreline for a team rusty going through pre-season away from home is hardly a glowing indictment for the standard of the MLS when we have seen Celtic struggle against nations from lesser leagues in Euro qualification at this stage of the season.
  10. Fair enough but still think its an awful idea like the proposed Super League was awful. There is no doubt the whole Scottish game needs restructuring but that should only be done within Scotland and clubs in Scotland. Anyway back to the topic in hand...
  11. Sounds a diabolical idea to me for the following reasons:- End of Scottish teams qualifying for Europe as UEFA would not recognize the league. Try policing matches when Rangers play against clubs from Ireland. Think Old Firm matches - they well become a bitter battlefield in my opinion. The same with Celtic playing clubs from Northern Ireland. It really is a non-starter.
  12. I agree that a move to Italy would really suit his style. I also believe he'd benefit with fewer games per season leaving him fresher for when he plays for Scotland. A win-win situation.
  13. Celtic are rusty as hell and also never had a full team out. They scored four goals against a team other MLS teams only average two goals per game against.
  14. Just to point out the querying of the strength of the MLS has long been a thing on here. There is a split between those who think its standard is way above the SPL and many leagues in Europe and others don't. Well Celtic hammering DC United 4-0 seems to back up the latter considering Celtic are bound to be pretty rusty whilst DC United are just over midway through their season.
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