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19 minutes ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

That's a bit   over the top on Brown. Easy.... Calling  your former Scotland captain a "fucking animal"..  

Being a former scotland captain doesnt make him immune from being an arsehole. He is and always has been nothing more than a ned

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4 hours ago, Tiny Tim said:

The talk naturally will be all about Celtic but that’s some run that Livi are on. Shite pitch or not.

Especially when they rested 7 players from Saturday and brought on 2 players for their debut. Basically the Livi B team just drew with Celtic and could've won it, had Kamala's elbow at the corner been punished.


That is seriously impressive, especially coming back from 2-1 down, a lot of teams would've buckled in that position.


Edited by Blantyre_Braveheart
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If Lennon had a shred of dignity about him he would resign now. His decision making under pressure last night was as bad as I've seen. Turnbull could be seen visibly shaking his head when he was subbed, he must have been wondering why he was being sacrificed at the expense of Christie who contributed nothing last night. 

Before the last couple of days unfolded I was quite relaxed about Lenny staying on until a proper succession plan was ready for all the positions that need addressed. However this can't be allowed to go on any longer. The situation has become toxic and I can see him doing even more damage if he's not removed immediately. 

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10 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

Oh ffs. Your club was liquidated, you have not won the league in 10 years, and you are havin a pop at me? Away and pound sand up yir arse... And take the fuckin penny arcade wae yae ya fukin Helmut...

Pish. Stained. Alki!

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2 hours ago, slasher said:

If Lennon had a shred of dignity about him he would resign now. His decision making under pressure last night was as bad as I've seen. Turnbull could be seen visibly shaking his head when he was subbed, he must have been wondering why he was being sacrificed at the expense of Christie who contributed nothing last night. 

What’s the script with hooking Turnbull all the time?

Is it to vindicate Lennons own assertion that he wasn’t fit enough? Or does he just trust his old guard more?

Seems to get hooked most games, even though he looks far more likely to contribute than others.

I like Callum Mcgregor as a player (except when he dives at fir park), but is he Celtic captain material?

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5 minutes ago, Och Aye said:

Lennon has spoke up about his mental issues in the past and after seeing that interview I sincerely hope someone at Celtic Park is keeping a close eye on him in relation to that. 

That is what I have been thinking as well.  The pressure on him must be unbearable and I feel for him.  It is not Lennon's fault that Rangers have come back strong and were luckier with their signings last year.  The pressure heaped on him for the 10 was huge.  Football with the OF swings in roundabouts.  Dubai as everybody and their granny knows was a mistake and Lennon should just have admitted that instead of blaming everyone else.  There will be plenty of help for him medically at Parkhead I am sure.  I hope he keeps well.  He has given 20 years as a player, captain and manager.  I think he should stay until Celtic find a suitable replacement as he must know by now the time has come.

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12 minutes ago, Och Aye said:

Lennon has spoke up about his mental issues in the past and after seeing that interview I sincerely hope someone at Celtic Park is keeping a close eye on him in relation to that. 

More to do with arrogance issues than mental issues, he’s always been a smug twat.

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2 hours ago, sbcmfc said:

What’s the script with hooking Turnbull all the time?

Is it to vindicate Lennons own assertion that he wasn’t fit enough? Or does he just trust his old guard more?

Seems to get hooked most games, even though he looks far more likely to contribute than others.

I like Callum Mcgregor as a player (except when he dives at fir park), but is he Celtic captain material?

Substitutions have been baffling for a while. The last 2 players who should have been coming off last night were Ajer and Turnbull then he brings on 2 dribblers in Frimpong and Johnstone on a snow covered pitch, leaving a £5m striker on the bench when you need a goal. That's before you even get the pointless cameo from Brown. He's floundering hopelessly and needs taken out of the position rapid! 

Re your point about McGregor being skipper, I don't have an issue with it. If you saw his post match interview on Saturday you can see he's got a tongue in his head and wasn't afraid to give an opinion. He needs to stay out of his own box though, he has no defensive instinct and has easily cost us about 8 goals this season getting in the way of defenders. 

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9 minutes ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

I have it on good authority that Lennon is going no where unless he resigns. His contract is the only reason he has not walked. He is staying on for the ££££, nothing more.. Arrogant prick... 

I think that’s pretty standard. Why would he walk away from a contract.

Presume he’s on the 12 month rolling contract Celtic have used previously? Why would he walk away from over £2 million?

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31 minutes ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

I have it on good authority that Lennon is going no where unless he resigns. His contract is the only reason he has not walked. He is staying on for the ££££, nothing more.. Arrogant prick... 

Why would he walk if he thinks he has done nothing wrong?

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15 minutes ago, sbcmfc said:

I think that’s pretty standard. Why would he walk away from a contract.

Presume he’s on the 12 month rolling contract Celtic have used previously? Why would he walk away from over £2 million?

Well, that's the 2 million pound question. Lenny has said his entire life that he loves Celtic, his boyhood heroes. If that's the case, then walk away and do what's best for your childhood club which you are currently destroying. But no, it's all about money, same as Rodgers. I have not one fucking ounce of respect left for that prick, or the board for that matter.... I will love Celtic till the day I die, we have had it good, you take the good with the bad, that's football, but the current manager and the board are to blame for the mess we are in.. Fuck off the lot of them...

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