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  1. Thanks - As I thought We should be making a bigger deal about this sort of thing, an example if you like - Not just shouting about it in the commons where the majority do not give a toss As a 'one off' (For now) put it to a vote - Ask the country what they would prefer to LOSE, so that the 2 child cap can be mitigated - Free higher education / Free prescriptions / Free personal Care / Bedroom tax mitigation / Council tax freeze etc Let the public decide, and make a big fuss about it............then implement it Simultaneously, evidence how this wouldn't need to be the case as an independent country, but it's a 'choice' as we are Ok, it's a bit rough round the edges, granted, but the waiting game is taking us nowhere This is the kind of disruptive mischievous efforts I would like to see - It would also show some much needed fight / desire in terms of independence Start shining a huge fuck off light on such things properly
  2. So they could if they wanted to / could afford it - This form of taxation isn't reserved ?
  3. Can't the SG mitigate / abolish the 2 child benefit cap ?
  4. If they don't they'll be bombed in 26 They must know that
  5. Well put - Thanks for helping me out 👍 Being 'nice' has done (and will do) nothing for us, ever Time to meet them head on with as much discomfort and disruption that we can muster We can revert to being 'nice' again post indy
  6. It's a joke "But but but, we're a more reasoned colony, with better standards' Like that actually matters Civil unrest on the way when folk get their head out of their arse
  7. Cringe is subjective, and no apology was requested / needed 'Standards' work both ways, they have to be reciprocated to work, and the English media / politicians have none Personally, I'm pretty much done with our (Scotland) cowering approach Give them what they give us - And if they whine so be it - Simply provide them with an avalanche of examples evidencing the shallow unforgivable pish they send our way We'll just need to agree to disagree
  8. I hadn't realised that they won the competition (CWC I guess?) Love Street was bouncing that night Better luck this time 👍
  9. Yep The moral high ground is indeed, commendable It does fck all for us though Let's get on the offensive (within the law) and make the cnuts leave us
  10. The unionist media / little Englanders I do care what these types say / think about us Again, your last point is commendable So, what's left to try?
  11. This was a considered point prior to typing On that basis we'll just continue to have our belly tickled whilst they laugh at us What's left to try?
  12. It's subjective, I'll give you that However, there were numerous examples where the Swiss, Germans and Hungarians were singing exactly that TO us during the Euros I live and breathe it down here, too. It's dressed up as banter, and they absolutely do not like being called out on it 9 years in the forces on leaving school also has their arrogance etched in my brain. People at home and abroad see that behaviour. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree, though. I'm fine with that 👍
  13. It's fair game until they learn to behave themselves The Jock, Sweaty Sock, Porridge Wog narrative is deliberately provocative, condescending, and borderline racist in context Likewise, Scotland getting battered everywhere they go has been shown freely in news items across all media - But how dare we want them to get beat ! Without breaking any laws, it's about time we started getting some retaliation in as often as we can ..........and another thing that needs calling out is where they go on about us not liking / supporting them as if it's unique to Scotland - Most of the feckin planet feels the same FFS!
  14. That would cost a significant amount to move him and his hangers on along, surely? What noises, out with him playing games via the press ?
  15. I was based at HMS Gannet (Prestwick) at the time and few of us went to the home leg It was a right crackling atmosphere at LS under the lights from memory Probably helped from drawing (?) the away leg, albeit coming up short in the return Good luck this time around.......
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