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About dandydunn

  • Birthday 12/28/1981

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  1. Doms sell out initial allocation for 1st game of the season at St Johnstone, on a monday night at 8pm 😂
  2. Even more interestingly is why is this the case? One had Putin steal it, the other had no steel to put in.
  3. Sure I read it somewhere, but no idea where to throw a quote in, but if idea have agreed, then it can’t be right.
  4. Don’t all European games have to be played at the same nominated ground, or is that only for the league stages?
  5. Not so sure about this one, hopefully it’s a grower after seeing it in the flesh.
  6. I came on this thread to say that, havent eaten a Mars bar in 18 years now.
  7. Agree on ralston, certainly did himself no harm there tonight.
  8. No chance. I’ve golfed more times than I haven’t in shorts & tshirt this season, including two days in a row in the highlands at the end of March.
  9. With his dad on the bag, who only went over on Sunday morning. A very emotional interview after it.
  10. Love a good trainer thread. Got a wee semi there.
  11. I bet you really believe it’s completely different as to how rangers fans acted, dont you? 😂😂😂
  12. They gave you a trophy too? So as your here, what do you think about the fan on fan fighting, the area being vandalised, left with tonnes of rubbish and sectarian singing in the streets? Acceptable, or pondlife scum behaviour?
  13. Yet there’s not a peep from the usual suspect who calls rangers fans all the scum under the sun when this happens on the other side of the city. Why would that be? Just hope it will be swept under the carpet or no one noticed? 😂😂
  14. Fury was battered last night and should be rightly slapping JF about after the fight, his whole behaviour this week has made it look a travelling circus, absolute joke of a man.
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