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About romanticscot

  • Birthday 10/10/1979

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    Texas, USA
  • Interests
    Music, Movies, Football, Drums, Jesus

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  1. Is Scott McKenna still playing? International quality, available for free on for in this day and age "modest wages". Champions league and premiership experience, I figured he would have been snapped up by now.
  2. Another Tournament over with, it wasn't great if I'm honest. Who came out as "winners" were the surprising non-fashionable teams - Romania, Georgia, Switzerland, Turkey, Austria to name a few. Spain were worthy winners, it's not always the case the team that plays the best football wins but on this occasion for me I believe they did. France underperformed, I expected far more from them. England, easy path to the final but they had a few breaks that went their way, getting to the final flattered them but that's really irrelevant. For us, we failed to meet our objective and we played terribly. The Switzerland match, I'll maybe give us pass marks but we either could not handle the pressure, or our tactics were all wrong or a combination of both. I feel, despite the injuries, the squad we had did not perform to expectations. I often look back over past tournaments, but this one I doubt I will have any fond memories whatsoever other than remembering seeing the countless Foot soldiers having a good time...oh and the National Anthem against Switzerland, but nothing football related stands out for me. I'm glad to have conversed with this forum over the past few weeks. Roll on 2026, if we make it, you're all welcome at my house in Texas.
  3. Time to retire the old thread which was three years out of date. I believe the first match of the new season falls to St Mirren. They play on July 25th in the UEFA Conference League second qualification round.
  4. Not a transfer, but a player declaring for Scotland - English Premier League striker set to switch national allegiance to play for Scotland | The Scottish Sun
  5. Rumours today the SFA will stick with Clarke...anyone surprised?
  6. I remember when we played Norway and Haaland won a penalty against us, this incident reminded of that. Hard to get consistent reffing because they are not machines. Could Armstrong not have got a shot off? I cant bring myself to go back and watch the match or low lights.
  7. Wow, imagine being a Georgian right now? Our players let us down.
  8. I think we have to accept that depending on Tierney as a starter is a bad move. If we get a full natch out if him, its a risk that we avoided. Use him off the bench, and come on for the last 20-25 either for Robbo or McKenna to exploit tired legs and minds. I dont know if his issues can be fixed but Kieran, his agent and those around him would know.
  9. Every time I load this site and see recent activity on this thread, I am like "Oh, has something happened".
  10. @Tartan blood "Which I doubt he'd do either, unless he has spent a lot of time on social media the last few days..." - I hope he hasn't for the sake of his mental state. At the same time, I hope he isn't sitting at home feeling really proud that we did great and were only a measly 2 minutes from getting the draw that might have seen us qualify with two points.
  11. If Clarke was to resign, anyone got any idea how long that could take? If I was on a plane home and decided I was going to resign, I wouldn't leave it hanging around I would have done it on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the availability of my boss. If he was going to be removed, I am sure the SFA had a post tournament review on the calendar . Not saying anything untoward to Clarke's character but if I quit do I lose 2 years of severance? It then maybe in Clarke's interest to let the review take place and see if I am dismissed.
  12. Its June 26th, and I still want Clarke out.
  13. We have a better squad than what we demonstrated. Our tactics, Squad usage, formation and attitude were abysmal. Apparently, Clarke had more rest scheduled between Switzerland and Hungary, but yet some of us still seemed gassed, why did we not detect tiredness and make adjustments?
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