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8 hours ago, thplinth said:

I honestly could not care less what the Herald, the Sunday herald or any of these two faced Herald whanks have to write. Why are so many so scathing about them one minute and then slavering at the prospect that these cocksuckers might deign to support your cause the next? The Herald especially can go take a fukk to itself. With friends like that...

2 different editorial teams is it not ?

I agree with you in principal, though The Sunday Herald is a good newspaper anyway and it's the only one I've actually physically bought in the last 2 years.

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12 hours ago, thplinth said:

I honestly could not care less what the Herald, the Sunday herald or any of these two faced Herald whanks have to write. Why are so many so scathing about them one minute and then slavering at the prospect that these cocksuckers might deign to support your cause the next? The Herald especially can go take a fukk to itself. With friends like that...

The press is bad, even when it is saying things you want it to. Got to keep that in mind.

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7 hours ago, Rossy said:

2 different editorial teams is it not ?


is indeed. The weekday Herald came out in its editorial for a "no" vote at indyref calling for more devolved powers. not too far off from the Record with its stance whereas the Sunday Herald was refreshingly "yes" from very early on and remains so. I always wonder whose choice it is to appoint editors with any particular leaning. in the case of The Sunday Herald, their original "yes" editor has gone but he has been replaced with someone who also seems to support independence but is perhaps more critical of the SNP. The editor of the weekday Herald is about to depart shortly and will be interesting to see if the leanings of the paper shift with him.

Given the Sunday Herald received a significant circulation boost in coming out for "yes", in this time of dwindling sales surely another paper taking a similar stance is well worth the risk of losing any existing readership. In saying that, following Brexit they would all seem to be moving that way (I don't count the Mail and Express as mainstream) - however if IndyRef2 does indeed go ahead I wonder how many will revert back to the status quo closer to the vote - desperately looking for a reason to cling on to Westminster. The Record for sure..........

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Talking of newspapers, I got hold of the (English) Sunday Times today and it's of course all about Brexit and Westminster leadership contests/crises. It also has a 5 point plan for Britain. In all the pages I looked through, there was literally almost not a single word about Scotland (or Northern Ireland). However vocally their local Scottish edition might be, it's clear that Scotland and Northern Ireland are simply not important, in defining the future direction of Britain, and the opinions and character of Samantha Cameron and Sarah Vine are or more importance than Nicola Sturgeon or Arlene Foster. (This would be of course fine, if they were content to leave Scotland to its own devices... On the other hand, it could represent a potential weakness, that in the upcoming stormy upheavals of Brexit ahead, they may not have the energy or attention to meddle in Scotland as zealously as they did before...,)

The only one interesting aside I did notice, was reporting of German politicians attacking Juncker for raising the possibility of independent Scotland an Northern Ireland , I think on German TV. Curious as I don't recall any other British media reporting this - all we hear of is of 'snub for sturgeon' and 'Juncker baad' but this story slipped in under the latter category .

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On 02/07/2016 at 10:32 AM, Ally Bongo said:

Just had a thought

Even if Remain won there would always be the Eurosceptics (more than there were originally) bitching in the background forever more

So - What if the only way the "Euro Project" can move on is to make Leave such an unattractive position that nobody that argues for it is taken seriously again

What if the establishment (along with assistance from the EU and the USA) allow the UK economy to bomb and let millions in the country drift into even more poverty.

By his own hand the Gover is about to be the most hated man in the UK (even by his own supporters) and it's not unimaginable through time that Farage will be too if he keeps arguing against the EU while the country "burns".  

We end up renegotiating with the EU but dont leave and its put to bed



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1 hour ago, exile said:

Talking of newspapers, I got hold of the (English) Sunday Times today and it's of course all about Brexit and Westminster leadership contests/crises. It also has a 5 point plan for Britain. In all the pages I looked through, there was literally almost not a single word about Scotland (or Northern Ireland). However vocally their local Scottish edition might be, it's clear that Scotland and Northern Ireland are simply not important, in defining the future direction of Britain, and the opinions and character of Samantha Cameron and Sarah Vine are or more importance than Nicola Sturgeon or Arlene Foster. (This would be of course fine, if they were content to leave Scotland to its own devices... On the other hand, it could represent a potential weakness, that in the upcoming stormy upheavals of Brexit ahead, they may not have the energy or attention to meddle in Scotland as zealously as they did before...,)

And therein lies the core issue.

Nothing will happen because the full financial implications of leaving are only now starting to be understood by the charlatans that promoted leaving without having ever given a thought as to how it would be implemented in practice.
The UK political system has graphically demonstrated since 23rd June why it is no longer credible or fit for purpose
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On 02/07/2016 at 10:32 AM, Ally Bongo said:

Just had a thought


Here's another thought.

Although the idea of Gibraltar and Scotland staying 'in' the EU while attached to the UK

is probably now toast, what about attachment to iScotland? (what is the constitutional status of Gibraltar? if its attachment is to the Crown, then could it attach itself to the Queen of Scotland in an iScotland scenario?)

Who would that enrage more - the British empire dreamers or the Spanish?

But more seriously, is this why England would never secede from the UK, as it would lose all the attachments to the overseas territories, naval bases, Cayman islands, etc etc.?

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The further away we get from that referendum result, the more it is obvious that not one of May, Fox, Loathsome, Gove or beardy boy wants to trigger article 50.

The implications of doing so are starting to sink in with a vengeance........................

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10 minutes ago, Barney Rubble said:

The further away we get from that referendum result, the more it is obvious that not one of May, Fox, Loathsome, Gove or beardy boy wants to trigger article 50.

The implications of doing so are starting to sink in with a vengeance........................

I see Nick Clegg's at it too - wanting a general election first

Now just imagine........ if Scotland had voted Yes in 2016, would we still be waiting for independence?

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49 minutes ago, Barney Rubble said:

The further away we get from that referendum result, the more it is obvious that not one of May, Fox, Loathsome, Gove or beardy boy wants to trigger article 50.

The implications of doing so are starting to sink in with a vengeance........................

There is also the small matter of the beardy homophobe not being able to vote on English only matters as he is a Welsh MP

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Appears Brexit is going to need parliamentary approval meaning a vote and the likelihood of the referendum being ignored

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9 hours ago, Toepoke said:

I read some of the comments after that 2nd article. They're no happy with Dani. Let's see if the Scotsman let her write any more articles.

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9 hours ago, Toepoke said:

The Scotsman/SoS are 200% Unionist papers, but from time to time even they slip into printing truthful articles.

Don't worry, come the 2nd independence referendum they'll be back to repeating every Project Fear lie and press release.

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Think we are looking at same situ Broon found himself in where he used a "get out of jail free" card by saying he would join the Euro only when certain conditions were met.  My guess is that non of the incumbents will want to pull the trigger (apart from Leadsom).  Watch out for them coming up with a "signifcant change" scenario in circumstances that will prevent or more likely delay anyone actually pulling the trigger to withdraw from the EU.


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1 hour ago, Rossy said:

The Scotsman/SoS are 200% Unionist papers, but from time to time even they slip into printing truthful articles.

Don't worry, come the 2nd independence referendum they'll be back to repeating every Project Fear lie and press release.

Assuming that they are still around then. 

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12 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

Appears Brexit is going to need parliamentary approval meaning a vote and the likelihood of the referendum being ignored

That would simply be wrong. I absolutely disagree with the referendum result, but if MPs decide against what the people voted for, then thats a very dangerous position for the UKs democracy.

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5 minutes ago, kumnio said:

That would simply be wrong. I absolutely disagree with the referendum result, but if MPs decide against what the people voted for, then thats a very dangerous position for the UKs democracy.

Not really

We dont have a referendum on whether we go to war for example - Politicians have made decisions without asking the public that have cost this country millions of lives.

We also dont have a referendum on the death penalty either - for good reason

We elect politicians to work for us and make the decisions

It should go through Parliament and once defeated have a General Election

Any party can stand on leaving the UK as their manifesto

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