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23 hours ago, Parklife said:

The SFA condones racism and misogyny.

They'll not be getting a penny of my cash for the foreseeable future.  

exactly. i'll bet if he had sent similar texts at the same time abusing the armed forces or poppy wearers the SFA wouldn't go near him. The feckin state of us. Honestly, it would make you greet.

Edited by Return of Yermaw
edit had written SAF instead of SFA. not pwoud of it.
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It takes a lot for the SFA to get a worse appointment than Daryl Broadfoot but there you go.

Everyone is entitled to a second chance i guess

Im already 2 years into a boycott so it makes no difference to me

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Gets on ma tits to see people involved in football patting him on the back...'he's a real football man'...according to Warburton.

Meaning that he's an unapologetic racist and homophobe. 

Has anybody involved in the Scottish game ever criticised someone else involved in the game ? 

It's a wee mafia where they all pat each other on the back.

Shite appointment. Awful.

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4 minutes ago, Rossy said:

Has anybody involved in the Scottish game ever criticised someone else involved in the game ? 

It's a wee mafia where they all pat each other on the back.

All football is the the same - the possible exception being Dutch football, where everyone criticises everyone else all the time apparently.  

It's a small industry and there's every likelihood you'll end up working with someone so it's not surprising that everyone is pretty anodyne about it.

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My Tin hat is on, trench dug and waiting for the abuse.

Is this really as big an issue as some are making out? He's being backed by the anti racism group show racism the red card, he's shown remorse and has taken part in re-education. he made a massive mistake, that can't be disputed but does he deserve a life sentence for it?

I don't see this as the SFA condoning racism especially when the main anti racism body condones the appointment. 


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21 minutes ago, vanderark14 said:

My Tin hat is on, trench dug and waiting for the abuse.

Is this really as big an issue as some are making out? He's being backed by the anti racism group show racism the red card, he's shown remorse and has taken part in re-education. he made a massive mistake, that can't be disputed but does he deserve a life sentence for it?

I don't see this as the SFA condoning racism especially when the main anti racism body condones the appointment. 


Fair points. Im a little less angry having read he's been on educational course, is subsequently backed by anti-racism group and has done some interesting stuff in his time away from football. There's a decent article on BBC:

I still think it's a pretty sh*t appointment but he deserves some credit for doing what he has done since, although many will doubt his motives. 

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Let's face it, our lot are exactly the same as the FA.

Run by white men in blazers who are not fit for purpose.

I'll never lose my interest in my country's scores but I have zero interest in attending games at present and don't see that changing any time soon sadly,

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15 minutes ago, macy37 said:

Let's face it, our lot are exactly the same as the FA.

Run by white men in blazers who are not fit for purpose.

I'll never lose my interest in my country's scores but I have zero interest in attending games at present and don't see that changing any time soon sadly,

Bizarre comment

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1 hour ago, vanderark14 said:

My Tin hat is on, trench dug and waiting for the abuse.

Is this really as big an issue as some are making out? He's being backed by the anti racism group show racism the red card, he's shown remorse and has taken part in re-education. he made a massive mistake, that can't be disputed but does he deserve a life sentence for it?

I don't see this as the SFA condoning racism especially when the main anti racism body condones the appointment. 


I've no issue with McKay working, earning respect back and working his way up. 

What i object to is him going straight in to a role at the top of the SFA. 

19 minutes ago, ProudScot said:

Bizarre comment

Nah, it's an accurate comment.

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37 minutes ago, Ally Bongo said:

I agree

It's bizarre when referring to Scotland

England not so much

It is indeed.  Scotland has a significantly lower ethic minority population than England, hence it is extremely unlikely that any football administrator will come from such a background.  We've only had a dozen or so players from any minority background make any kind of impact on the Scottish National side(s) since 1872.  Of those players, only Andrew Watson in the 1880's and in my opinion, Ikechi Anya of the current generation have had significant influence on the teams of the time.   So it's hardly the sign of a backward FA that there are only white people on it.

English football isn't comparable at all to Scotland in that respect.

Edited by BremnerLorimerGray
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1 hour ago, Parklife said:

I've no issue with McKay working, earning respect back and working his way up. 

What i object to is him going straight in to a role at the top of the SFA. 

Nah, it's an accurate comment.

by the sounds of it he's earned respect by his actions following his mistakes, this is backed up in the article above. I'm sure he's been applying for many roles but he's been turned down. 

Society, particularly on social media seem to think we should punish everyone for the rest of their lives for their mistakes. surely the mark of a progressive society is one who can allow those who have been rehabilitated back into society and allow them to earn

I think your previous comment "the sfa condone racism" is way OTT considering the comments from Give Racism the Red Card. Shite like that belongs on or facebook.

I don't condone what he did but he's shown remorse and re-educated himself. he deserve a chance to show he is 1) a changed person & 2) he is the right man for the job.




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17 minutes ago, vanderark14 said:

by the sounds of it he's earned respect by his actions following his mistakes, this is backed up in the article above. I'm sure he's been applying for many roles but he's been turned down. 

Society, particularly on social media seem to think we should punish everyone for the rest of their lives for their mistakes. surely the mark of a progressive society is one who can allow those who have been rehabilitated back into society and allow them to earn

I think your previous comment "the sfa condone racism" is way OTT considering the comments from Give Racism the Red Card. Shite like that belongs on or facebook.

I don't condone what he did but he's shown remorse and re-educated himself. he deserve a chance to show he is 1) a changed person & 2) he is the right man for the job.




Don't "Show Racism the Red Card" say "Hun" is a sectarian word? Sums up how thick those guys are. 

I don't want to punish him forever. I don't want him getting a prominent role in Scottish football right away though. 

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On 12/14/2016 at 1:11 PM, Rossy said:

he's an unapologetic racist and homophobe. 

I think it's brilliant how everyone's getting there knickers in a twist over a few private texts someone sent a few years ago. I listened to sportsound yesterday, and it was unbelievable the vitriol that was poured out against him. Rapists and Paedophiles have been given no worse a reception in our game at times. 

The only reason any of this is public knowledge is because the crazy former chairman of Cardiff stitched him up. Do you honestly think Malky Mackay is the only person in football to have ever talked like that in private?

He's spent the last few years trying to redeem himself and has apologised repeatedly for the texts. 

We can go on labelling and condemning the guy, but I'd rather give him a chance to get on with his life.

I suspect a lot of this response is down to a deep seated desire that a lot of the Tartan Army have to criticise the SFA currently, and not really that much about Malky Mackay at all.

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41 minutes ago, COLT NY said:

I think it's brilliant how everyone's getting there knickers in a twist over a few private texts someone sent a few years ago. I listened to sportsound yesterday, and it was unbelievable the vitriol that was poured out against him. Rapists and Paedophiles have been given no worse a reception in our game at times. 

The only reason any of this is public knowledge is because the crazy former chairman of Cardiff stitched him up. Do you honestly think Malky Mackay is the only person in football to have ever talked like that in private?

He's spent the last few years trying to redeem himself and has apologised repeatedly for the texts. 

We can go on labelling and condemning the guy, but I'd rather give him a chance to get on with his life.

I suspect a lot of this response is down to a deep seated desire that a lot of the Tartan Army have to criticise the SFA currently, and not really that much about Malky Mackay at all.

1. if evidence presents itself that other managers are homophobic or racist, then i would hope the appropriate action would be taken. This though specifically concerns Scotland, a team we all support, and supporters have a view as to whether the appontment of MacKay is appropriate.

2. if you look at the SFA's supposed stance on fair play, equality and stamping out racism, then I would say the appointment of MacKay is not appropriate if viewed against the ethos that supposedly informs the SFA's position.

3. aside from his views, or perhaps previously held views, he is a manager whose abilities would seem to be in decline and therefore this depressingly fits the mould of the type of person the SFA now seem happy to bring into the structure of the Scottsh game

4. In connection to that, I fail to see how his previous record in football qualifies him to be a effective Performance Director. 

Points 1-4 suggest to me that the appointment is poor. I would suggest that a lot of people criticising the appointment have considered these four points. Collectively it all adds up to yet more ineptitude from the SFA and our game will never ever improve unless this depressingly myopic vision that the SFA has is completely rooted out. 

You are implying that the critcism however is just part of general criticism directed at the SFA and suggest you are are not part of this criticism and are quite happy with this appointment. If indeed that is the case then you'll be delighted that it is very likely that the next 10 years will probably be on a par with the past 10 years for the national team. 



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3 hours ago, COLT NY said:

I think it's brilliant how everyone's getting there knickers in a twist over a few private texts someone sent a few years ago. I listened to sportsound yesterday, and it was unbelievable the vitriol that was poured out against him. Rapists and Paedophiles have been given no worse a reception in our game at times. 

The only reason any of this is public knowledge is because the crazy former chairman of Cardiff stitched him up. Do you honestly think Malky Mackay is the only person in football to have ever talked like that in private?

He's spent the last few years trying to redeem himself and has apologised repeatedly for the texts. 

We can go on labelling and condemning the guy, but I'd rather give him a chance to get on with his life.

I suspect a lot of this response is down to a deep seated desire that a lot of the Tartan Army have to criticise the SFA currently, and not really that much about Malky Mackay at all.

There were approx 10,000 messages sent, if you think the ones released were the only ones of note or exceptions then I think you are barking up the wrong tree. If someone is happy to be racist, homophobic and misogynistic in a handful of messages seen then I would suggest thats his character full stop. 

And to add to his crime sheet, the "crazy" CURRENT chairman of Cardiff, yep its still the same one, is now getting Mackay investigated for bungs on transfer deals. Who would have thought it, someone who is sinking £1m a month into a club to keep them afloat is wanting dodgy transfer deals looked into because he thinks his club has been ripped off by his former manager and agents. Funnily enough this mental chairman wants the hearings heard in public, so everyone can make their own judgement on what happened around these transfer deals, Mackay and his assistant and the agents all want them held in private so discussions can't be disclosed to the general public. I wonder why that is?

Aside from Mackay not exactly being the best of characters, currently being investigated on fraud allegations against Cardiff, I do wonder what in his glowing CV made him a stick on for the role of Performance Director at the SFA?


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1 hour ago, Dalgety Bay TA said:

There were approx 10,000 messages sent, if you think the ones released were the only ones of note or exceptions then I think you are barking up the wrong tree. If someone is happy to be racist, homophobic and misogynistic in a handful of messages seen then I would suggest thats his character full stop. 

And to add to his crime sheet, the "crazy" CURRENT chairman of Cardiff, yep its still the same one, is now getting Mackay investigated for bungs on transfer deals. Who would have thought it, someone who is sinking £1m a month into a club to keep them afloat is wanting dodgy transfer deals looked into because he thinks his club has been ripped off by his former manager and agents. Funnily enough this mental chairman wants the hearings heard in public, so everyone can make their own judgement on what happened around these transfer deals, Mackay and his assistant and the agents all want them held in private so discussions can't be disclosed to the general public. I wonder why that is?

Aside from Mackay not exactly being the best of characters, currently being investigated on fraud allegations against Cardiff, I do wonder what in his glowing CV made him a stick on for the role of Performance Director at the SFA?


When you see the work he's done in the last two years to learn about racism and now be in a position to coach other coaches on it, it's understandable how his appointment is being approved by racism campaigners.

A refreshing interview too and happy to give him the benefit of the doubt in some respects.

In terms of the claim from Cardiff - Timing bizarre years after the alleged fraud. See what comes of it but I suspect nothing.

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