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15 minutes ago, fringo said:

This thread was started nearly a year ago (29th Jan 2020) and earlier today and I went back and read the first 4 pages.

It's an interesting diary of how things started to unfold and I'm sure reading more of those early pages would be interesting.

Aye I didn't even think it was something to worry about!

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On 3/4/2020 at 7:26 AM, phart said:

Starting to look worse than I originally thought.

Seems I was wrong.

To cover for that i'm going to also make an observation that will hopefully overshadow my wrongness.

Reading about all the funding suddenly being thrown at it it's worth noting that something like 9000 children under the age of 5 die each day from starvation or lack of political will depending how you view the context, yet 3000 deaths worldwide in 2 months is a huge concern. A great example of the self preservation mechanism in the human race. :)

page 5 I had to recant.

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8 minutes ago, fringo said:

No one on earth knew . Caught everyone one out as it had not happened in all our lifetimes.

I think we were also all trying to be optimistic and/or hopeful.

Mad looking back there's a picture of Trump page 1 - not many at that point would have seen this outlasting him.

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12 minutes ago, fringo said:

No one on earth knew . Caught everyone one out as it had not happened in all our lifetimes.

I think we were also all trying to be optimistic and/or hopeful.

Actually that isn't quite true. I read a couple of articles from people who did. I didn't really appreciate what they were saying would actually mean though. I did however twig that I needed to avoid crowded places two weeks earlier than most people.

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6 minutes ago, Lamia said:

Actually that isn't quite true. I read a couple of articles from people who did. I didn't really appreciate what they were saying would actually mean though. I did however twig that I needed to avoid crowded places two weeks earlier than most people.

Aye, plenty folk had been warning this was coming. They just didn't know when and on what scale. Lots of folk had been planning for it for at least a decade. To be fair out NHS and public health care people had been trying to plan ahead for something like this. Funding cuts ensured the plans weren't anywhere near adequate though.

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24 minutes ago, kumnio said:

After fringo read the first few pages, I thought Iā€™d do the same. What a twat...

I wasn't singling anyone out.Ā šŸ˜„

It's an interesting diary of what was going through our minds over many weeks (and later months).

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6 hours ago, phart said:

Looking at a few graphs of data now that's been produced we're going to rocket passed where we were in April. This is looking grim as fuck and Tories just dithering away doing fuck all.

All the folk downplaying this and advising the Tories like the Barrington decleration folk have really used their influence negligently in way that is going to kill a lot of people. "Funny" how there is an overlap of folk who believe in population control conspiracies and also believe this is a hoax when they're engaging in encouraging behaviour that will excesively kill hundreds of thousands perhaps millions worldwide.

Fortunately this time around we do have a light at the end of the tunnel with a vaccine though, just need to lockdown hard, bite the bullet and pay everyone for 4 months , cover everything and get this under control. We can parachute payments to folk without fear of runaway inflation (See Mark Blyth Brown University economist talks about the mechanisms of this) Trident replacement will cost Ā£250 billion over the course of it's lifetime.

Shut schools, remove summer holidays in favour of a break now. Quantatively ease with parachute payments directly to the people. Have a full shut down to break transmission as we vaccinate the nation. Then when we come out people have money businesses have money and kickstart the economy off the basis of that.

Excellent post. The UK PM had the SAGE data from 17th December that showed children are twice as likely to infect a household than adults and yet insisted disingenuously yesterday that schools areĀ safe. Heā€™s now just admitted they act as vectors of transmission toĀ adults. How many people in England got infected today on the basis of that advice and his decision to keep primary schools open?Ā A resignation issue.Ā 

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3 hours ago, Orraloon said:

Aye, plenty folk had been warning this was coming. They just didn't know when and on what scale. Lots of folk had been planning for it for at least a decade. To be fair out NHS and public health care people had been trying to plan ahead for something like this. Funding cuts ensured the plans weren't anywhere near adequate though.

I think that people did understand that something like this could happen. I remember some discussion and awareness round the 100th anniversary of the Spanish flu. Epidemics, pandemics have occurred throughout recorded history. It's just a shame our politiciana are so short term in their vision. SARS and more recently Ebola should have been wake up calls.


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1 hour ago, Hertsscot said:

I think that people did understand that something like this could happen. I remember some discussion and awareness round the 100th anniversary of the Spanish flu. Epidemics, pandemics have occurred throughout recorded history. It's just a shame our politiciana are so short term in their vision. SARS and more recently Ebola should have been wake up calls.


It just goes to show if you're not directly affected by something you become complacent. In the last couple of decades we've had scares around SARS, MERS, Ebola, Bird flu and Swine flu, which didn't impact the UK in the way many feared.Ā So when Covid came there was a fairly blase attitude.Ā 

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Can someone explain to me why we are not insisting thatĀ people who fly in and out of the country should, at their own expense, isolate inĀ a hotel on return like what happens in Australia ?Ā Ā Why do all of us stick by theĀ rules when others do what they want, Ā and nobody seems to care.
Please dont say we need to trust the public to adhere to the isolationĀ Ā because many of them dont. Putting peopleĀ in hotels would also bring some help to this industry which is being badlyĀ hurt.

AndĀ why cant the army police the borders of each UK country to ensure people only make essential travel between them ?Ā We are getting told what a threat this virus is, which it is. People have been unable to see families in care homes for months and people in hospitals get no visitors.Ā 

What is point ofĀ the army if they are not called upon at a time like this ?Ā 

Am I missing something ?Ā 


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48 minutes ago, TDYER63 said:

Can someone explain to me why we are not insisting thatĀ people who fly in and out of the country should, at their own expense, isolate inĀ a hotel on return like what happens in Australia ?Ā Ā Why do all of us stick by theĀ rules when others do what they want, Ā and nobody seems to care.
Please dont say we need to trust the public to adhere to the isolationĀ Ā because many of them dont. Putting peopleĀ in hotels would also bring some help to this industry which is being badlyĀ hurt.

AndĀ why cant the army police the borders of each UK country to ensure people only make essential travel between them ?Ā We are getting told what a threat this virus is, which it is. People have been unable to see families in care homes for months and people in hospitals get no visitors.Ā 

What is point ofĀ the army if they are not called upon at a time like this ?Ā 

Am I missing something ?Ā 


Loads of folk care just not the right folk.


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7 minutes ago, phart said:

Loads of folk care just not the right folk.


Like Celtic?Ā  I have a meeting online today.Ā  Not going back until Feb 1st at the earliest.Ā  This is a football forum and I would be saying exactly the same if it was Rangers that went away so not point scoring.Ā  What they have done in these times is wrong and should be investigated.

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