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3 hours ago, vanderark14 said:

Perhaps this cunt should look at why there are so many protests? Perhaps it's because your actions are not those that the people of the country agree with you utter cunt.

They are going down the route of banning all protests and demonstrations, and using lies and propaganda to justify it. It's getting more, and more, like North Korea every day.

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18 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

They are going down the route of banning all protests and demonstrations, and using lies and propaganda to justify it. It's getting more, and more, like North Korea every day.

Sunak's judgement must be impaired from all that fasting. He just seems so closeted from the real world that he'll go along with anything. Can picture him in his hot pool in the morning being fed info about angry mobs but the decent folk are buying Lee Anderson a pint. 

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1 hour ago, Orraloon said:

They are going down the route of banning all protests and demonstrations, and using lies and propaganda to justify it. It's getting more, and more, like North Korea every day.

Every time someone from the Met in asked about the Govt statements on demonstrations they seem bemused. Cleary they think this govt are clueless about policing. Sunak and his media allies are putting undue pressure on the police to act outside the law. 

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8 minutes ago, EddardStark said:

Every time someone from the Met in asked about the Govt statements on demonstrations they seem bemused. Cleary they think this govt are clueless about policing. Sunak and his media allies are putting undue pressure on the police to act outside the law. 

They won't be happy until they turn the UK into a police state. But they need to force the police to be on board first.

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9 hours ago, Hertsscot said:

I'm not going to disagree with that assessment. I can imagine how any policy rift between Flynn and Yousaf would dominate Scottish media, papers, TV, radio for days on end, calling for an explanation. Major differences between Starmer and Sarwar, not a peep.

No one really takes Sarwar seriously though, do they? He reminds me of Greg from the TV show 'Succession'. He is just there because he's there; a bemused, out-of-his-depth placeman with no real authority, who commands virtually zero respect from those at the top of the tree, and is just hanging in there because he knows he'll never do any better.

VDA is right though - we no longer have actual journalists in this country, we have propagandists. People picking up a wage, working to editorials, pumping out whatever message they've been instructed to pump out. If we do still have any actual journalists in Scotland there's gey few of them.


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1 hour ago, scotlad said:

No one really takes Sarwar seriously though, do they? He reminds me of Greg from the TV show 'Succession'. He is just there because he's there; a bemused, out-of-his-depth placeman with no real authority.

I agree with your assessment but I fear there are people who do take him seriously and believe all the rubbish about how he'll stand up for Scotland's interests (ironically enough, against London based Labour!!!!!)

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I see someone has finally been found guilty and sentenced for the murder of Emma Caldwell. I'm surprised the trial hasn't been covered more widely, as it was a huge story when she was murdered back in 2005.

I'm relieved for her family, who have finally seen justice delivered, but there are a couple of things about the case that puzzle me. Seemingly Strathclyde Police (as was) were determined to nail four Turkish men for her murder, so much so that a couple of detectives who worked on the case claim they were told by senior colleagues to forget about Iain Packer - the guy who was eventually found guilty of the murder - despite the evidence pointing towards him. 

Apparently the case was only re-opened in 2015 after someone leaked details of the investigation to a journalist; the police then allegedly spent more time trying to identify the mole than re-investigating the case. 

Packer was eventually charged after contacting a journalist in 2019 to put his side of the story across on camera, Prince Andrew-style. He did so of his own volition. If he hadn't he might got away with it.

So what puzzles me is why were the polis hell bent on getting the Turkish guys sent down (one of them was subsequently jailed for raping another woman so maybe they knew he was a bad yin) and who was looking out for Packer, and why? And why would Packer take such a risk by allowing himself to be interviewed by a TV journalist all those years later?

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9 hours ago, Orraloon said:

They are going down the route of banning all protests and demonstrations, and using lies and propaganda to justify it. It's getting more, and more, like North Korea every day.

No one wants 'mob rule'. But the thing about protest is that it's often those who are the underdog, who feel they are under attack, who don't otherwise have a voice, who take to the streets, that are then labelled the angry mob. But they are right to be angry. It's just if an establishment type or big business guy feels his/her interests threatened, they have a quiet word with someone in high places, they don't need to be angry, they don't need a 'mob' to be heard.

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7 minutes ago, exile said:

No one wants 'mob rule'. But the thing about protest is that it's often those who are the underdog, who feel they are under attack, who don't otherwise have a voice, who take to the streets, that are then labelled the angry mob. But they are right to be angry. It's just if an establishment type or big business guy feels his/her interests threatened, they have a quiet word with someone in high places, they don't need to be angry, they don't need a 'mob' to be heard.

And don't forget lawfare. The poor have to fight on the streets. The rich fight in the courts.

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33 minutes ago, vanderark14 said:

British politics is absolutely mental

It's worse than that it's fucked, especially in England

A by-election where Labour and Galloway scrambled for the Muslim vote in order to win with the backing of Nick Griffin

Edited by Ally Bongo
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2 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

It's worse than that it's fucked, especially in England

A by-election where Labour and Galloway scrambled for the Muslim vote in order to win with the backing of Nick Griffin

According to this, Galloway and his team sent out two versions of election material; one to voters with Muslim names and one to voters with non-Muslim names:

That truly is the measure of the man. 🙄


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15 minutes ago, scotlad said:

According to this, Galloway and his team sent out two versions of election material; one to voters with Muslim names and one to voters with non-Muslim names:

That truly is the measure of the man. 🙄


The old Scottish Labour tactic, depending where they were campaigning SNP stood for "Soon No Pope" or "Soon No Protestants".


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27 minutes ago, Toepoke said:

The old Scottish Labour tactic, depending where they were campaigning SNP stood for "Soon No Pope" or "Soon No Protestants".


👍 That's where Galloway learned everything he knows.

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17 hours ago, exile said:

No one wants 'mob rule'. But the thing about protest is that it's often those who are the underdog, who feel they are under attack, who don't otherwise have a voice, who take to the streets, that are then labelled the angry mob. But they are right to be angry. It's just if an establishment type or big business guy feels his/her interests threatened, they have a quiet word with someone in high places, they don't need to be angry, they don't need a 'mob' to be heard.

That’s called the British establishment, they’re the ones in charge of the UK, been doing it for centuries without any public mandate. We live in the most controlled and corrupt country in the world but it’s all done from behind closed doors unlike some of the so-called notoriously corrupt third world countries who do it in a less sophisticated way.

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I like to think that I keep up with a lot of political stuff and usually have some idea of what is going on. But, I didn't even know that Galloway was standing in this by election. I hadn't seen anything in the main stream media about it, until he had won. OK, it's not a by election that I was following closely, but I would have thought I would have seen it mentioned somewhere along the line. If that had been Farage instead of Galloway he would have been all over the MSM for at least a  fortnight. The state propaganda machine decides who are the goodies, and who are the baddies, that deserve their coverage. I don't have a lot of time for Galloway personally, but I hope he gets the chance to say things in the HoC that a lot of people would like to hear, but most MPs are scared to say.

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Galloway is already threatening legal action against Talk TV. He's been back less than a day and he is starting Libel proceedings 🤣

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2 hours ago, vanderark14 said:

I'm at the point where I wish harm comes of these scumbags. 



He wants us to live in a police state. The problem is Starmer will go along with it as well.

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Galloway doesn't give a fuck about the Palestinians, he only cares about himself. He should bugger off and never come back, the biggest self serving wanker to populate politics in my lifetime.

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5 hours ago, Orraloon said:

I like to think that I keep up with a lot of political stuff and usually have some idea of what is going on. But, I didn't even know that Galloway was standing in this by election. I hadn't seen anything in the main stream media about it, until he had won. OK, it's not a by election that I was following closely, but I would have thought I would have seen it mentioned somewhere along the line. If that had been Farage instead of Galloway he would have been all over the MSM for at least a  fortnight. The state propaganda machine decides who are the goodies, and who are the baddies, that deserve their coverage. I don't have a lot of time for Galloway personally, but I hope he gets the chance to say things in the HoC that a lot of people would like to hear, but most MPs are scared to say.

Indeed. Only plus point is that he will say things nobody else dares.

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11 hours ago, mariokempes said:

Indeed. Only plus point is that he will say things nobody else dares.

Like this



I don't like Galloway on the basis he supports a United independent Ireland but not scotland. However I'd be happy for him to rip sky news reporters a new one like this.

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