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2 minutes ago, StirlingEgg said:

Not sure what's to be gained from comments like that. Unless he's sooking up to Labour management and wants a job under Starmer...

He doesn’t sound that confident when speaking. Its like he has rehearsed his speech and numbers, pretty certain he would be ripped to shreds if put under any scrutiny whatsoever. 

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15 minutes ago, StirlingEgg said:

Not sure what's to be gained from comments like that. Unless he's sooking up to Labour management and wants a job under Starmer...

That's probably a big part of it.

We should never forget that without London Labour, "Scottish" Labour is financially insolvent. They have to rely on London Labour for most of their funding. 

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Sweeney is an odious, arrogant, effeminate lying bastard who has long been in cahoots with the MSM in Scotland, particularly the BBC

Only last week he lied about coming under attack from a baying Islamist mob

I'm almost sure that Police Scotland have had to chastise him for wasting their time

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13 minutes ago, vanderark14 said:

She was found guilty of murder at Oxford Crown Court last Friday.

Her trial heard she had been on the streets looking for potential victims.

The Ministry of Justice said Blake, who is transgender, would serve the sentence in a men's prison.

The court previously heard how she arrived in the UK from China aged nine,

The court heard she led him to a secluded riverbank, hit him over the head with a vodka bottle, attempted to strangle him and then pushed him into the water where he drowned.

She said killing the cat was something she "very much didn't want


Humanity is fucked


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On 2/22/2024 at 3:50 PM, Ally Bongo said:

This is a taster of what British Labour will be like when they become powerful

Since the Rutherglen by-election happened we have seen a resurgence in the likes of Douglas Alexander, John McTernan and Jim Murphy amongst others

It will be fucking unbearable and the contempt they will show to Scottish Independence and it's supporters will be off the scale


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2 hours ago, Hertsscot said:

I can think of some advice I'd give George but I'm not sure he'd like it.

They're still so petty and bitter. There won't be an area where the Tories haven't left an almighty skidmark for Labour to deal with and we'll hear about that a lot in the next few years. Labour up here will do the same re the SNP even though the current govts are not remotely comparable in terms of policy or access to funds.

It's funny too how we don't investigate the parties/entities who aren't skint. 

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£31 million 'set aside' to cover security for mps. What budget does that come from when there's no money? Who benefits from that nice wee contract? People working in A&E for example get verbal abuse, physical assault and spat on regularly but they have to strike to get their basic worth recognised. 

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3 hours ago, StirlingEgg said:

£31 million 'set aside' to cover security for mps. What budget does that come from when there's no money? Who benefits from that nice wee contract? People working in A&E for example get verbal abuse, physical assault and spat on regularly but they have to strike to get their basic worth recognised. 

TBF two MPs have been murdered doing their jobs in recent years.

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On 2/27/2024 at 7:27 AM, Hertsscot said:

Exactly. If it were true, then you'd also be asking why that was the case, what policies or investment have favoured London, why has rest of UK been neglected.

If it's the clip I'm thinking of, Sweeney is being interviewed alongside the journalist Grace Blakeley. Blakeley is from the south east of England (and is presumably still based there), yet she was the one arguing it is unhealthy that the UK is so heavily tilted towards London and south east England, rather than Sweeney, the elected MP for a post-industrial provincial constituency!

Why Sweeney, a supposed Labour "socialist" thinks, or even thought, the scenario he was positing to be some kind of positive baffles me.

21 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

Sweeney is an odious, arrogant, effeminate lying bastard who has long been in cahoots with the MSM in Scotland, particularly the BBC

Only last week he lied about coming under attack from a baying Islamist mob

I'm almost sure that Police Scotland have had to chastise him for wasting their time

😂 That was hilarious! Did you see the video? The "angry mob" was actually half a dozen or so OAPs with homemade placards standing patiently outside his office. One of them was so decrepit he was struggling to get up the stairs! I doubt they could even have beaten up Ross Greer (very badly).

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3 hours ago, Toepoke said:

TBF two MPs have been murdered doing their jobs in recent years.

True but still wonder where the money is coming from and how it can be allocated so urgently. There's an increasing number of MPs stirring things in a dangerous way and not considering how this puts people at risk (inc their colleagues). Out of all that's happening just now, I'm not sure that mps or parliamentary process should be the main priority. That's how it seems though given it was the main headline this morning. 

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20 minutes ago, StirlingEgg said:

True but still wonder where the money is coming from and how it can be allocated so urgently. There's an increasing number of MPs stirring things in a dangerous way and not considering how this puts people at risk (inc their colleagues). Out of all that's happening just now, I'm not sure that mps or parliamentary process should be the main priority. That's how it seems though given it was the main headline this morning. 

Yes, it's total nonsense. They keep saying there's no more money, there's no more money. They won't even engage in discussions with junior doctors because "there is no more money". Yet as soon as that cretin Hoyle uses MPs safety as an excuse for essentially telling the SNP to "fuk off", all of a sudden "here's £30 million we found stashed doon the back of the sofa". He was in more danger from Starmer's bully boys than from anybody outside parliament. 

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1 hour ago, Orraloon said:

Yes, it's total nonsense. They keep saying there's no more money, there's no more money. They won't even engage in discussions with junior doctors because "there is no more money". Yet as soon as that cretin Hoyle uses MPs safety as an excuse for essentially telling the SNP to "fuk off", all of a sudden "here's £30 million we found stashed doon the back of the sofa". He was in more danger from Starmer's bully boys than from anybody outside parliament. 

Relieved that you see it that way too. The Westminster tab overall must be enormous. I'm not sure to what extent the increased security proposal was brought up after the two murders but I'm not convinced by the timing of it now given the heat Hoyle & Starmer were generating on themselves. 

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2 hours ago, StirlingEgg said:

Relieved that you see it that way too. The Westminster tab overall must be enormous. I'm not sure to what extent the increased security proposal was brought up after the two murders but I'm not convinced by the timing of it now given the heat Hoyle & Starmer were generating on themselves. 

Seems to me that Hoyle dreamt it up as an excuse to get him off the hook for britannia waiving the rules yet again, then promptly changed his story.  He and Starmer are a pair of lying cunts, with their Israeli owners pulling their strings to avoid the phrase "collective punishment" being voted on.  Anyone that believes either of them are being truthful needs to be sectioned.

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3 hours ago, Alibi said:

Seems to me that Hoyle dreamt it up as an excuse to get him off the hook for britannia waiving the rules yet again, then promptly changed his story.  He and Starmer are a pair of lying cunts, with their Israeli owners pulling their strings to avoid the phrase "collective punishment" being voted on.  Anyone that believes either of them are being truthful needs to be sectioned.

If Hoyle had genuine concerns about MPs safety as grounds for ignoring the SNP motion he should surely have consulted party leaders beforehand and explained his reasoning. As it is his MPs safety line is growing legs. Yes, there are legitimate worries but I worry about how right wing Governments can use security concerns to undermine democracy and basic civil rights.

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3 hours ago, Alibi said:

He and Starmer are a pair of lying cunts, with their Israeli owners pulling their strings to avoid the phrase "collective punishment" being voted on. 

Has any Scottish journalist actually asked Sarwar or Starmer why they disagree with one another around 'collective punishment'? Or are those journalists under orders not to expose the lie that SLab are somehow independent of their English masters?

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8 hours ago, Hertsscot said:

Has any Scottish journalist actually asked Sarwar or Starmer why they disagree with one another around 'collective punishment'? Or are those journalists under orders not to expose the lie that SLab are somehow independent of their English masters?

Too many journalists are not really journalists. They have an allegiance and a motive for a asking questions, that motive isn't the truth, it's what sells papers or its about painting an individual or organisation in a good or bad light.

See scottish football for an example how bad journalism is nowadays. 

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24 minutes ago, vanderark14 said:

Too many journalists are not really journalists. They have an allegiance and a motive for a asking questions, that motive isn't the truth, it's what sells papers or its about painting an individual or organisation in a good or bad light.

See scottish football for an example how bad journalism is nowadays. 

I'm not going to disagree with that assessment. I can imagine how any policy rift between Flynn and Yousaf would dominate Scottish media, papers, TV, radio for days on end, calling for an explanation. Major differences between Starmer and Sarwar, not a peep.

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1 hour ago, vanderark14 said:

Perhaps this cunt should look at why there are so many protests? Perhaps it's because your actions are not those that the people of the country agree with you utter cunt.

It's quite difficult to read that article all the way throughh. It's just one big wtf after another. Words like 'democratic', 'integrity' and 'British values'. Just give it a rest. 

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"British values"?  It's as if they think that's a positive thing.  Grates a bit that those using that phrase are verging on fascist; unprincipled chancers whose main interest is lining their own pockets and who are happy to be funded (I should maybe use the word "subsidised", so beloved of unionists) by the likes of Israel and/or Russia.

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