Is Donald Trump's Campaign A Spoof? - Page 79 - Anything Goes - Other topics not covered elsewhere - Tartan Army Message Board Jump to content

Is Donald Trump's Campaign A Spoof?

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2 minutes ago, ParisInAKilt said:

from their actual website

" At Crowds on Demand, we provide our clients with protests, rallies, flash-mobs, paparazzi events and other inventive PR stunts."

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1 hour ago, Fairbairn said:

I must have missed the meeting where that was decided but if you don't mind I'll pass on that. 

For now. 

It was Ally Bear who decided it. Take it up with him. 

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20 minutes ago, thplinth said:

Bannon seems to be saying Trump has turned. The presidency that got elected is gone or something similar he said... ooph. Also think he provoked his own sacking with comments on NK...

I think Trump has turned also. Now will do anything to preserve his 'name'. His desire to always win means everything else is variable, including every promise he ever made. 

Fortunately I think he will become politically impotent quite soon from now. 

But then... I think we are in for a huge shit storm on many many levels. There is going to be a lot of really really pissed pf people out there. 


Trump is being used to further divide and conquer the American people. He's either a willing participant or he's been turned, but even then he would never have been elected president unless the powers that be didn't want it to happen. 

His presidency will be used to further restrict freedom of speech etc. 

The media coverage of what happened in Charlottesville has been surreal at times. Admit you agree with anything Trump has ever said now and you're thrown in with Nazi's and white supremacists. 

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8 minutes ago, Eisegerwind said:

I just find the whole thing hilarious. The leader of the free world for example promoting the idea that executing people in bullets soaked in pigs blood is a good idea. I don't think that's fake news or media coverage bias, he said that didn't he?

Think he's leader in name only. 

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22 hours ago, thplinth said:

The one person in the Trump Camp I always liked is Kellyanne Conway. I only ever saw Bannon speak once on TV with Preibus and he was ok too to be fair.

If Conway leaves then that will be it IMHO. She was the real star in this show. Canary in the mine moment if she quits.

By the way any arse can just go visit Breitbart. I have been skimming it for a couple of years now and I challenge anyone to find a single racist article or whatever... They just want you to not read it it! So they try to make it taboo. Fhuck em! Read it.

They seem like a right smart bunch down at Breitbart towers.

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30 minutes ago, Orraloon said:


"There is no evidence Mr Podolski is either a migrant gang member, nor being human trafficked." 

Ah, but is there any evidence he isn't?   Clearly that multi-millionaire international footballer career was just a front.   I bet he was smuggling migrants in the kit hampers. 

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On 13/01/2017 at 4:32 AM, ParisInAKilt said:


12 hours ago, thplinth said:

You post a guardian link to refute a breitbart link... wow. you is smart.

The link is immaterial, the content is the most important thing and your boys are just not a particularly bright bunch of lads I'm afraid.

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1 hour ago, thplinth said:

Yep, it's over.

The Revolution Betrayed Now it’s Trump vs. Bannon

You sense a change in tone on the Breitbart site already. Won't be long until they are ripping Trump to bits. 

I wonder how long it will take before Trump's base realize that Trump has been turned. 

The one consolation about Trump was that he was not a war monger (at least that is what he kept telling everyone) but now all bets are off (his ability to do the opposite of what he promised in speech after speech for months on end is spectacular, just ask Anne Coulter for one). If his base starts to turn on him I think the guy could be seriously dangerous and probably now already is. He will try anything to make his presidency into a 'win' somehow. This is someone who would probably prefer to see the world in flames than for him to go out as a failed president or a laughing stock... This relentless assault on the Trump presidency has now created a very dangerous guy. He does not seem to recognize how isolated he is neither. Interesting times ahead I suspect. 

Obama said similar things in terms of regulating Wall Street etc and appointed the same crooks to the federal reserve and his inner circle. 

Maybe after the next democrat president will the penny drop that no government can drain the swamp. 

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3 hours ago, thplinth said:

The one consolation about Trump was that he was not a war monger (at least that is what he kept telling everyone) but now all bets are off (his ability to do the opposite of what he promised in speech after speech for months on end is spectacular, just ask Anne Coulter for one). If his base starts to turn on him I think the guy could be seriously dangerous and probably now already is. He will try anything to make his presidency into a 'win' somehow. This is someone who would probably prefer to see the world in flames than for him to go out as a failed president or a laughing stock... This relentless assault on the Trump presidency has now created a very dangerous guy. He does not seem to recognize how isolated he is neither. Interesting times ahead I suspect. 

I think this volte face on Afghanistan is exactly that.   The US system of government makes it very difficult for any president to do things domestically if they don't have the backing of congress, the only area where they are relatively unfettered is foreign policy and war is the most extreme and visible manifestation of that.   Having probably realised that a pre-emptive full frontal assault on North Korea is a no-no, he probably looks at Afghanistan as a low-risk - at least in the short term - area where he can demonstrate how big his dick is.  

The UK has largely pulled out of Afghanistan, I think there are only a few hundred troops remaining largely in advisory and training roles.   I see Trump is calling for more NATO involvement as well.  

I don't see any huge support for a large scale UK redeployment and given the current government's shaky majority and all the other pressing domestic and European issues, I can't see them being that keen to get involved.  I reckon if they put it to the vote in Parliament they would lose.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Aww fvck

Presidents and their administrations have been talking to North Korea for 25 years, agreements made and massive amounts of money paid......


...hasn't worked, agreements violated before the ink was dry, makings fools of U.S. negotiators. Sorry, but only one thing will work!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks like the final release of the JFK files is, as expected, going to be a damp squib despite Donaldo getting everyones hopes up.

It's now been delayed and the US Govt is now in danger of missing the deadline for them to be released.

My opinion has always been that the CIA and FBI wanted to "cover up" their connections with Oswald - not because they were in on the assassination or wanted it to happen but that they could have easily prevented it.

As far as i'm lead to believe all thats still to be released, and the reason it's been kept secret, is mostly to do with US foreign policy in Cuba. 

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