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Snp Website Crashed

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The membership has increased by over 20% since the vote. Their servers have been crashing every few hours due to the number of applications. Scottish (sic) Labour are getting hunted. SSP, Greens, and the real progressive Left will replace them in 2016. And we need to send as many SNP MPs to Westminster as possible in May. Scotland has been changed, enough of it's people are wise enough now that Independence is inevitable. We will continue until the dream is realised.

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The membership has increased by over 20% since the vote. Their servers have been crashing every few hours due to the number of applications. Scottish (sic) Labour are getting hunted. SSP, Greens, and the real progressive Left will replace them in 2016. And we need to send as many SNP MPs to Westminster as possible in May. Scotland has been changed, enough of it's people are wise enough now that Independence is inevitable. We will continue until the dream is realised.

This is heartening news indeed :ok:

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The membership has increased by over 20% since the vote. Their servers have been crashing every few hours due to the number of applications. Scottish (sic) Labour are getting hunted. SSP, Greens, and the real progressive Left will replace them in 2016. And we need to send as many SNP MPs to Westminster as possible in May. Scotland has been changed, enough of it's people are wise enough now that Independence is inevitable. We will continue until the dream is realised.

My senior LFI pal has said they're considering forming a "labour" party as one option in order that they can contest GE 2015. Serving labour members are not allowed to campaign against their own party. They have some bid decisions to make. They are taking a lot of satisfaction from the broad-left effectiveness in helping Glasgow, Dundee,N Lanark and W. Dumbarton being Yes and very nearly bringing similar success in Ayrshire.

There is talk of a Yes Alliance to spread the 59 MP seats between YES parties.

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My senior LFI pal has said they're considering forming a "labour" party as one option in order that they can contest GE 2015. Serving labour members are not allowed to campaign against their own party. They have some bid decisions to make. They are taking a lot of satisfaction from the broad-left effectiveness in helping Glasgow, Dundee,N Lanark and W. Dumbarton being Yes and very nearly bringing similar success in Ayrshire.

There is talk of a Yes Alliance to spread the 59 MP seats between YES parties.

One thing is for sure, we need to get organised. Properly organised. Robin McAlpine on Bella makes a worthy case

We need to do this and do it right. Factionalism and cynicism have no place at this table. When a pro Indy event is on near you, you go, you turn up, you say your piece, you contribute. The broad Left of Scotland is in agreement, there can be no power struggles or egos, we unite in our common cause. Social justice and care for the vulnerable in our society are paramount, we want a community that protects, helps, encourages all of our citizens to maximize their potential and live the best of lives that they are able to. We say no to corporate greed, the laissez-faire of the markets, selfishness, and a dismantling of community. We need to re-democratize ourselves and work for each other. All of us first.

The next few weeks should see the the emergence of the vehicles as to how we do this. Get involved, shape them - make it yours. The referendum has stirred most of us from our sleep. Now we're awake and we'll actually start doing it. There's no going back now, the society we want to mould, the communities we want to live in, the aspirations we've dismissed as unachievable, the values we cherish, the changes we all want to see to make ourselves proud of where we live; all of these choices are ours to realise.

I know this sounds like a bit of a rant but I'm now more determined than ever. An independent Scotland is unstoppable, we just need to make it so.

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might not live in scotland anymore but i will still join and help where i can. this fight might be lost but the war still goes on

I think there is a role for everyone, anywhere. The Scottish debate was 'kettled' in Scotland or reported (to rest of UK and world) mostly via London media.

England was shocked by the Sunday Times poll as activists struggled and shifted opinion; shocked to find Britain could be unilaterally shattered. That's why people panicked, the markets sank, and the press panicked (even though a large proportion of rUK would not care too much or notice if Scotland left). For the next time, maybe more could be done to prepare the ground down south for a more harmonious exit, that has a degree of mutual consent about it. Get the Billy Braggs and others sympathetic to self-determinism and fairness and respect. Wales and Northern Ireland knew, of course, but also seemed on the sidelines. How could Northern Ireland be reconciled in a council of the isle arrangement?

And the rest of the world... as far as I can tell, every actual country who expressed an opinion was against independence. (Except North Korea, apparently. Argentina may have had a sneer at its old adversary splitting up, but that is different). Only separatist regions spoke up for independence. There could be more of an effort somehow to prepare the ground with links internationally - among the 45% or the beyond 45% who couldn't vote as they live abroad - doing what exactly I don't know, just a thought. Maybe before, independence was a minority stance, and people kept their heads down. When nearly half the country wants it, it's reasonable for anyone anywhere to be more vocal about it.

It's not for politicians to tell us that in some gentleman's agreement, the issue is dead for a generation.

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We all know a lot of angry 45's right now. This is great way to vent it and express your disgust with what we have just witnessed, to signal your defiance and intent to reverse it. Suggest it to anyone you know who is pissed off...I have and everyone of them has said fukk yes.

We have no other avenue, no referendum, no election right now, but this is almost better, it is alike a standing Yes vote, a perma-Yes.

Days after they shafted us I would love to see us double and beyond the SNP membership. Personally I would like to add a 50-100k. Why not? This is nothing compared to the 45 numbers.

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We all know a lot of angry 45's right now. This is great way to vent it and express your disgust with what we have just witnessed, to signal your defiance and intent to reverse it. Suggest it to anyone you know who is pissed off...I have and everyone of them has said fukk yes.

We have no other avenue, no referendum, no election right now, but this is almost better, it is alike a standing Yes vote, a perma-Yes.

Days after they shafted us I would love to see us double and beyond the SNP membership. Personally I would like to add a 50-100k. Why not? This is nothing compared to the 45 numbers.

Why stop at 45s? There must be lots of sympathisers outside the voters roll - expats around the world and others - who could join up.

Well, maybe a few...

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SNP Website Crashed

Because of the number of people trying join on line.

If I could give 2 historical examples...

Firstly, Christianity didn't end with the Apostles scattered and Jesus being crucified.

It absolutely flourished after that.

And secondly, the fight for Scottish Independence didn't end with the betrayal and murder of William Wallace.

That cause, too, flourished immediately after.

With hopes so high on Thursday it was only natural to be down after the disappointment, but 3 days have now gone by.

Lets simply get back up, dust ourselves off, regroup, and together take this cause over the finish line.

There is absolutely no way any of us should take our foot off the gas after giving the Unionists the biggest scare of their lives.

I will defiantly never give them any satisfaction or rest of any kind ever!

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