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  1. Was talking to Billy in the pub yesterday. He made the bbc news.
  2. Thats the first thing that sprung to mind when i saw this sad news on facebook the other day. Like many, i didn't know Jen personally but she was a well kent face at games home and away and was a great poster on here from the early 00s. Really sad news, such a relatively young age too. RIP 💙
  3. All 3 home stands sold out for tomorrow at Rugby Park. Shame there doesn't seem to be a way of segregating the Chadwick stand.
  4. Yeah cos everyone who breaks oil goes to jail for 5 years. It's an absurd sentence but no surprises a gammon like you would support it.
  5. Not one that appears useless and easy for trumps campaign to smear. Democrats best chance is a left field candidate.
  6. Over 10,000 sold for Rugby Park so far on Thursday, with around 1000 Belgians.
  7. Aye, i reckon we could have shifted well over 3,000. Few of the boys in the home end.
  8. We sold 5200 last season so defo on course to beat that.
  9. Haven't really thought about the league season yet - Germany and Killie in Europe taking up most of my planning this summer! We've sold 5,000 season tickets this season, hopefully 5,500-6,000 by time the season starts.
  10. Superb bottle from him. Backed him at 40s few weeks back. Trip to Bruges in a couple of weeks to watch Killie now paid for.
  11. Aye he was just about right there. I didn't think in January it was possible but past month or so it seemed more likely!
  12. I definitely believe the latter but absolutely don't agree you ever thought about the former.
  13. Don't disagree with that but you can blame the Murrells for that. Ideally he gets some time in the big house.
  14. I never knew that, apologies. Hopefully he's on the road to recovery.
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