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Wanky Phrases

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We should be celebrating our regional dialects, they are part of our culture.

Of course we should. Respect all and all that.

Are you honestly saying that no regional phrases confuse or bug you ?

I only get annoyed with the " speak the queens " comment. I get confused by others but respect them all the same.

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Talking about phrases that are utter nonsense and mean nothing:

Scotrail would like to apologise.

Did I mention "technical problems/difficulties" earlier in this thread?

Gets my goat that one, as its effectively blaming me for what's often user error or the likes.

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"The Dam" for Amsterdam rather than just the square. It just sounds wanky.


"Take cognisance of..."

One of the worst that is. When you hear it being used the if you aren't thinking 'Aye aye, we've got a complete wankstain here' then your not thinking much of anything at all.

'Craft beer'.

I can only speak from personal experience here, but anyone using this phrase is probably someone who has been drinking beer for about 5 minutes in the scheme of things (roughly since he started waxing his beard), and who in reality knows next to nothing about it, but feels the need to pretend that he does.
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'I'm dying' or 'I'm crying' when describing something very funny...Starting to see this a lot on Facebook now.

Fvckin' idiots.

Speaking of which ...

LOL - ok, maybe, occasionally - but PMSL and ROFL? Only if you're incontinent or deranged.

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Ive probably mentioned these two earlier in the thread but:-

1) Physicality - if anything it cn be used to describe one's physical make up - but all these rugby types mention it at every turn to emphasise toughness - does my head in.

2) from the "get go" fuuuuck off with that shyte - the word is start - start - start - not fuuuuuckin get go .

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Speaking of which ...

LOL - ok, maybe, occasionally - but PMSL and ROFL? Only if you're incontinent or deranged.

I used to play world of warcraft with a German boy who when someone said something funny he would say "lawl" instead of laughing, I used to pick him up on that. Just laugh mate...

oops forgot lol

Edited by phart
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