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Project Stop The Jocks!

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Mark Steel nails it:

I suppose you can see Cameron’s point of view, that it’s grossly unfair for someone to become Prime Minister when they haven’t won a majority, by doing some sort of a deal with another party. That’s why it must be especially horrifying to imagine the SNP having some sort of influence in parliament, when they’ve cheated by exploiting the “get more votes than the other parties” loophole.

Then the SNP plan to vote – that’s right VOTE – in a parliament they’ve been elected to, and which Cameron spent a year demanding they had to carry on being governed by. The cheating Scottish bastards. The next set of posters should make his point even clearer and say, “Vote Labour and wake up being dragged by horses to Arbroath by marauding Highlanders who lock you and your children in a dungeon while they stand above you laughing and eating raw squirrels.”

Because David Cameron has every right to be angry that he has to go through the rigmarole of an election, when surely a chap of his standing is due a little bit of entitlement.

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My favourite bit.

I suppose you can see Camerons point of view, that its grossly unfair for someone to become Prime Minister when they havent won a majority, by doing some sort of a deal with another party.

Thats why it must be especially horrifying to imagine the SNP having some sort of influence in parliament, when theyve cheated by exploiting the get more votes than the other parties loophole.

Then the SNP plan to vote thats right VOTE in a parliament theyve been elected to, and which Cameron spent a year demanding they had to carry on being governed by. The cheating Scottish bastards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a man so desperate to prevent the break-up of Britain that he proposes to break up Scotland!

In today's Telegraph

A way to save the Union from the cunning Nats

"The Scots Nats are perpetual trouble-makers who will do anything and everything to aggravate the English. It's about time we turned the tables on them"

This guy proposed the same idea in December

England must be resolute and save the Scots from self-destruction

Edited by exile
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I don't even know where to start with that article the troubling thing is people will read things like this and take it as truth then it will be even more anti jock stuff from the general public and not just the media. At least the guys I work with are willing to ask me about things that are said in the msm

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People have been banned for less linking offense material ;)

reads like it's trying really hard to be satire but iany funny or smart enough

Yeah I was going to summarise it so people didn;t need to read it but you might need to read it to get the full glory of it

The implication is that unionist leaning parts of Scotland would remain in UK... of course it's just a threat but at face value he's trying to avert the break-up of Britain by allowing parts of Scotland to break away... hence breaking up Scotland, and Britain

It's hard to tell these days what is actually satire any more - he uses the term north Britain in a non ironic way? - but you can tell he's a clever man for putting the words 'nationalist' and 'socialist' so close together in the same sentence

I wonder if it's guys like this who write into the Scotsman comments section

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So, the demonisation of the SNP continues...together with the bizarre insinuation that a huge amount of the Scottish electorate are being brainwashed into voting for 'extremists'.

Better Together. As long as it's on the establishment's terms.

An equal part of the Union. As long as it's on the establishment's terms.

We want you to remain part of the Union. As long as it's on the establishment's terms.

How anyone could vote for one of these detestable establishment parties is beyond me.

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It's hard to tell these days what is actually satire any more - he uses the term north Britain in a non ironic way? - but you can tell he's a clever man for putting the words 'nationalist' and 'socialist' so close together in the same sentence



...and manages to squirt this word out as a climax: "appeasement".

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So, the demonisation of the SNP continues...together with the bizarre insinuation that a huge amount of the Scottish electorate are being brainwashed into voting for 'extremists'.

Better Together. As long as it's on the establishment's terms.

An equal part of the Union. As long as it's on the establishment's terms.

We want you to remain part of the Union. As long as it's on the establishment's terms.

How anyone could vote for one of these detestable establishment parties is beyond me.

Given the tone of the comments from down south in the last few weeks, we can surely expect someone to come out with 'Send in the tanks' before too long.

The irony is that the only reason that Scottish MPs will have any influence at all on the government of the UK (and by extension the government of Scotland) after the election is that England is finely divided between its two main parties, yet the commentariat are united in condemning Scotland for giving one party significantly more support than the others. As ever, England and its MPs have it within their power to ride roughshod over the Scottish electorate's wishes if they choose to - if they don't they've got no basis for moaning about it.

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Secret enemy: Meet the shady group fighting the SNP

Meanwhile the Telegraph is now openly endorsing tactical voting:

Parties need a united front to stop Salmond

Quite an achievement, that - the Daily Torygraph is no longer unequivocally endorsing the Conservatives, but would urge you to vote Labour if necessary.

'Anyone but Salmond'

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