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2 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

I will always be a supporter of self determination however i have not the will to vocally support the snp in their current state, thay are just as bad as the rest unfortunately,, 

You seem to be hugely confused. Perhaps you need to take some time out from all this.

Self-determination/independence is just that right now. Do you support Westminster rule? Yes or No. In 2014 and now it had Jack shit to do about the SNP under Salmond or under Sturgeon since they are temporary whereas independence is permanent.

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11 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

There will be a lot of folk who protest vote in may, where that vote goes i really don’t know, i just gave a feeling Labour will pick up protest votes from snp and tory voters, maybe no. I really hope boris stays around for another year at least. 

I can see Labour picking up some votes from the Tories as a “protest”vote.  I can’t for the life of me see why anyone who is an SNP voter would vote for Labour in those circumstances particularly as there are other options for a pro-Indy person unhappy with other aspects of SNP policy.   Maybe you can say why you think that?

These are council elections and while people will be inclined to vote by party, local issues come into play a lot more than in general elections.

Under STV, the whole concept of a protest vote doesn’t really apply anyway.

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1 hour ago, aaid said:

I can see Labour picking up some votes from the Tories as a “protest”vote.  I can’t for the life of me see why anyone who is an SNP voter would vote for Labour in those circumstances particularly as there are other options for a pro-Indy person unhappy with other aspects of SNP policy.   Maybe you can say why you think that?


I can see folk just not voting, rather than voting elsewhere. 

I've said this previously but i've various family members who are teachers, all are SNP/Yes voters but in May none of them voted as they were utterly scunnered with the direction of education under the SG. 

SNP have a massively majority, i'm, not sure that is healthy than for anything other than pushing indy (which they aren't overly doing) and as a result has less pressure on them to keep up standards in other areas. 

So i can see some folk just not voting instead of voting elsewhere. Given the state of the streets/back courts in Glasgow just now with litter and neglect then you could see why some folk might just not vote SNP at all as the council aren't even attempting to address it.

If i vote it'll be SNP out of habit and fact i don't want an unionist council. Would prefer somebody other than Aiken though! 

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12 minutes ago, Squirrelhumper said:

I can see folk just not voting, rather than voting elsewhere. 

I've said this previously but i've various family members who are teachers, all are SNP/Yes voters but in May none of them voted as they were utterly scunnered with the direction of education under the SG. 

SNP have a massively majority, i'm, not sure that is healthy than for anything other than pushing indy (which they aren't overly doing) and as a result has less pressure on them to keep up standards in other areas. 

So i can see some folk just not voting instead of voting elsewhere. Given the state of the streets/back courts in Glasgow just now with litter and neglect then you could see why some folk might just not vote SNP at all as the council aren't even attempting to address it.

If i vote it'll be SNP out of habit and fact i don't want an unionist council. Would prefer somebody other than Aiken though! 

Not voting might be more likely than switching votes, especially if people have long memories about the decades that Labour were in power in Glasgow.

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2 hours ago, Caledonian Craig said:

You seem to be hugely confused. Perhaps you need to take some time out from all this.

Self-determination/independence is just that right now. Do you support Westminster rule? Yes or No. In 2014 and now it had Jack shit to do about the SNP under Salmond or under Sturgeon since they are temporary whereas independence is permanent.

haha fuck me, its not me that's confused pal

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33 minutes ago, aaid said:

Not voting might be more likely than switching votes, especially if people have long memories about the decades that Labour were in power in Glasgow.

I think that's the mindset of quite a few of my mates. Will never vote for anyone else but feel let down by SNP for a variety of reasons. 

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15 hours ago, ParisInAKilt said:

Almost optimistic, cautiously so 😬

I think he might be in danger of overstating the protection that could be gained from previous infection by common cold coronaviruses. It's a very small study and much more data is required. The level of protection seems to be (so far anyway) much less than that gained from vaccination.

Another thing that he doesn't mention is that only about 10 to 20 % of common colds are caused by coronaviruses. So you need to have had about 5 or 6 doses of cold to have a good chance of having one that was caused by a coronavirus.

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7 hours ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

sturgeon isn't filling everyone with confidence though is she?

Your views are the stereotypical north east "old guard" who live in the bubble with their Salmond tinted specs. Without even asking I can identify people in this group because of their similar characteristics. You think your views are in some way widespread/mainstream but you are part of a very bitter fringe group that in the end of the day are simply agitators who's only contribution is like to be negative and corrosive rather than being any real positive productive force.

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3 minutes ago, Lamia said:

Your views are the stereotypical north east "old guard" who live in the bubble with their Salmond tinted specs. Without even asking I can identify people in this group because of their similar characteristics. You think your views are in some way widespread/mainstream but you are part of a very bitter fringe group that in the end of the day are simply agitators who's only contribution is like to be negative and corrosive rather than being any real positive productive force.


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3 minutes ago, Lamia said:

Your views are the stereotypical north east "old guard" who live in the bubble with their Salmond tinted specs. Without even asking I can identify people in this group because of their similar characteristics. You think your views are in some way widespread/mainstream but you are part of a very bitter fringe group that in the end of the day are simply agitators who's only contribution is like to be negative and corrosive rather than being any real positive productive force.

i live about 500 yards from the BBC Studios in Glasgow and the wee group of folk i saw having protests there with Alba flags etc all fit the same characteristics. 

That Denise Findlay on twitter being exhibit number 1- some real odd, odd views. 

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36 minutes ago, Squirrelhumper said:

i live about 500 yards from the BBC Studios in Glasgow and the wee group of folk i saw having protests there with Alba flags etc all fit the same characteristics. 

That Denise Findlay on twitter being exhibit number 1- some real odd, odd views. 

I blocked her some time back.  She’s completely hatstand and she’s on their exec.

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6 hours ago, Caledonian Craig said:

Sorry that would be political suicide for the Yes movement.

Push aggressively for independence during a global pandemic? Sorry but that would be an insane thing to do. Why? Well for Yes to get across the line in IndyRef2 it needs to persuade the majority of don't know/undecided voters. These are generally the hardest to persuade as they are fence sitters petrified of committing to anything. If the Yes movement were to aggressively start pushing NOW for independence then Better Together 2 are given unlimited free ammo from the Yes movement. I can see it now with Better Together saying they are putting independence before the health and well-being of the public and those waiverers will be lost just on that alone. Political suicide.

We have to sit tight and when the infection rate has fallen right off then look to ramp things up.

Don't the two of them go hand in hand though? I mean isn't independence as a whole better for the health and well being of the public? I think it is.

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6 hours ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

I will always be a supporter of self determination however i have not the will to vocally support the snp in their current state, thay are just as bad as the rest unfortunately,, 

Independence isn't about the SNP though

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Was thinking recently that it had been ages since Devi Sridhar was on TV. Dr Christine Tait-Burkard seems to have taken over as the go-to person. Just wondering if this is Devi's choice or if she has been dumped!

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I waas shouting at the TV tonight when they said that England reducing the self isolation period to 5 days was bringing it into line with Scotland because we have a 7 day self isolation but it seems England's 5 days is actually the same as Scotland's 7. 🤨



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9 hours ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

sturgeon isn't filling everyone with confidence though is she?

Perhaps not, but she shouldn't really matter too much in all this; politicians come and go.  It's the ingrained belief that someone born or living north of Berwick-upon-Tweed is just innately worse at running a country, inferior even to a bunch of despotic ex-public schoolboys and girls.

What I will concede though is feeling mixed emotions when I saw that YouGov poll last night.  On the one hand the likelihood of a Labour government in WM could be bad news for the independence movement; but on the other hand there doesn't seem to be much movement on the independence front right now, so it maybe it is the only hope of getting shot of the Tories in the short to medium term.  🤷‍♂️

9 hours ago, vanderark14 said:

Replace Boris with Mogg or Gove and Scotland would be en route to indpendence

I thought the same about Johnson.  😕

8 hours ago, Caledonian Craig said:

The Tory infighting is glorious to behold.

In recent weeks and months there have been whispers about the Scottish Tories breaking away from the Westminster-branch Tories. This latest fall-out may progress those whispers now into something more. And the Scottish Tories who staunchly support their precious union then how does JRM's comments make you feel about this wonderful union of yours now. It seems clear to me as another sign of Tories seeing Scotland as the shit on their shoes.. That won't change even if Johnson goes but I doubt those Scottish Tories will ever see or accept that.

I don't think they will care a jot.  Douglas Ross's pride will probably be a bit hurt but most of the people who vote for him and his party will probably be wondering what all the fuss is about. 

To them, anything to do with the Scottish parliament or Scotland in general will always be inferior.  Everything is viewed through a UK/Westminster prism.  Holyrood and Scottish politics are, at best, a minor distraction; a Challenge Cup tie compared to a league title decider.

What it might do, though, is make a few people who are on the fence sit up and think.

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22 hours ago, exile said:

Mogg bigging up Alister Jack as the right sort of Scotch chap

It shows that they still think the Scottish Secretary / Scottish Office (i.e. WM) is thee most important place when it comes to managing Scotland. 

Devolution is a pure inconvenience to them and they couldn’t care less. 

It’s been obvious for so long but this lays it absolutely bare. How anyone can accept or not see that, and put up with that attitude is beyond me. 

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