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About bonzo

  • Birthday 04/01/1920

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    The bottom of a barrel

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  1. Don't dae social media but Mrs B showed me this sad news. I'm sure everyone will show their own respects .
  2. Jim ,jeez oh man....
  3. Cheers Ally I did think naebudy cared, she was probably on this forum as long before most of us. RIP Jennblueeyes...
  4. Heard this news on Thursday night ,thought it should be mentioned that Jenn had passed away. Force of nature, only had a chat with her a couple of weeks ago in Suttgart. RIP jenblueeyes
  5. Seen Weller in every guise .. The Jam, Style Council, Paul Weller Movement and solo. Haven't seen him since 2009 at the Barras, yooz are putting me in the mood 👍
  6. I know but it was one of those, as soon as I read it I remembered 😁
  7. My memory is getting worse, I'd totally forgot Schmeichel played for Falkirk.
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