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Labour Leadership

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Ha. It will though be interesting to see how the dynamic works if/when Corbyn gets in - likely to bring voters back to the core in Scotland (well when they get rid of associations with the likes of McAveety) but likely to lead to in-fighting for the next few months at Labour HQ London with either a clear split in the party or Corbyn getting bumped by Xmas.......

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Big day tomorrow! Hopefully we can put this Nationalist nonsense behind us and start working together for a Socialist World with no national boundaries!

Is that not more like it?

Edited by exile
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Ha. It will though be interesting to see how the dynamic works if/when Corbyn gets in - likely to bring voters back to the core in Scotland (well when they get rid of associations with the likes of McAveety) but likely to lead to in-fighting for the next few months at Labour HQ London with either a clear split in the party or Corbyn getting bumped by Xmas.......

good luck tae corbyn hope he wins old school labour wid be gid tae see back on the political map Edited by bonzo
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I'm just thankful that for every few blind Nationalists like Exile there's a good guy like ParisinaKilt. A Yes voter who can see the greater good past the Unionist vs Nationalist nonsense.

Blair Jenkins said the other day that independence will be won in 2021... I imagine it will be quite difficult to argue for a Neoliberal led Independent Scotland vs Corbyns progressive Labour government.

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I'm just thankful that for every few blind Nationalists like Exile there's a good guy like ParisinaKilt. A Yes voter who can see the greater good past the Unionist vs Nationalist nonsense.

Blair Jenkins said the other day that independence will be won in 2021... I imagine it will be quite difficult to argue for a Neoliberal led Independent Scotland vs Corbyns progressive Labour government.

you are right scunnered, however it wont be a Corbyn Led Govt ,

it will be another 5 years of Tory govt, let by Boris or Osbourne.

Maybe Indy 2 will take place on same day as Holyrude Election 2021.

Indy Scotland or more tory tule..

Corbyn, guid guy that he is, wont win in 2020....

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Awe shucks ;)

Its funny when you see labour, SNP and yes voters say Corbyn won't win the next GE. Why? Aren't you just falling for the scaremongering of the Indy ref and general election?

Look at who's against Corbyn, that's reason enough for wanting him to win. He's scarying a lot of powerful people. His biggest threat is gonna be from his own party

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Awe shucks ;)

Its funny when you see labour, SNP and yes voters say Corbyn won't win the next GE. Why? Aren't you just falling for the scaremongering of the Indy ref and general election?

Look at who's against Corbyn, that's reason enough for wanting him to win. He's scarying a lot of powerful people. His biggest threat is gonna be from his own party

Absolutely. Sturgeon was demonised by the press and won a commanding majority in the Scottish WM seats.

Of course this will all come to bite me on the arse when Burnham wins due to second preferences :(

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For all I like corbyn for being more left wing and being more like the old labour even if he does win the leadership race I just can't see him being able to win an election for pm. I think he scares the establishment/big business enough that the campaign would see corbyn being demonized in the media almost as bad as what happened with salmond during the ref

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Corbyn will reenergise Labour, and they could win the next election under him. There's millions of voters who left Labour who didn't vote elsewhere, if the were right wing tossers, they would have voted Tory, but the didn't, if they were tossers, they would have voted Lib Cnt, but they didn't.

The party will implode if he wins, it could be great viewing.

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