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Indyref 2 (2)

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What's the odds on "released without charge" ..again ?

If that does happen there should be a fucking rammy

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39 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

I think he will be charged 

They have two hours

He was taken into custody at 09:13 on Thursday and is being questioned by Police Scotland detectives.

Legally, Mr Murrell can be held by police for 12 hours of questioning.

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Embezzlement is not always a form of theft or an act of stealing, since those definitions specifically deal with taking something that does not belong to the perpetrators. Instead, embezzlement is, more generically, an act of deceitfully secreting assets by one or more persons that have been entrusted with such assets. The persons entrusted with such assets may or may not have an ownership stake in such assets.

Will be interesting to see what the PF makes of it

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So I have no idea what to believe.  However I am pretty sure that Alex Salmond will be having a dram tonight (while hoping the investigation extends to Murrell and Lloyds role in coordinating complaints against him).

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1 hour ago, phart said:

Be interesting to see what actually happened.

Wings has seemingly been on the ball right from the start

£600,000 was raised by the SNP through campaign funding and was supposed to be ringfenced for an Independence campaign

It was obviously spent on other things and when the SNP were asked where it was, Murrell and others have "cooked the books" to pretend it was still there.

How that translates into a two year investigation and the Procurator Fiscal taking someone to court for it i have no idea

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4 minutes ago, Ally Bongo said:

Wings has seemingly been on the ball right from the start

£600,000 was raised by the SNP through campaign funding and was supposed to be ringfenced for an Independence campaign

It was obviously spent on other things and when the SNP were asked where it was, Murrell and others have "cooked the books" to pretend it was still there.

How that translates into a two year investigation and the Procurator Fiscal taking someone to court for it i have no idea

He's obviously innocent til proven guilty but with such a long running investigation you'd think that it doesn't look good for him. After that the question becomes, as it would with any organisation, who else knew?

The other thing that puzzles me as a party member is if they were short of funds,why didn't they simply ask their members to donate a bit more. It seems so unnecessary.

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9 minutes ago, Hertsscot said:

He's obviously innocent til proven guilty but with such a long running investigation you'd think that it doesn't look good for him. After that the question becomes, as it would with any organisation, who else knew?

The other thing that puzzles me as a party member is if they were short of funds,why didn't they simply ask their members to donate a bit more. It seems so unnecessary.

i agree… innocent until guilty, but one can’t imagine that Nicola did not know everything that was going on.  When they were lying in bed of an evening or on a Sunday morning, I am sure the party finances must have been discussed.

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17 minutes ago, Hertsscot said:


The other thing that puzzles me as a party member is if they were short of funds,why didn't they simply ask their members to donate a bit more. It seems so unnecessary.

I can only imagine it is a combination of the media scrutiny that would arise plus an admition of a massive drop in memberships and donations 

When the SNP membership numbers were at their height i'm sure i mentioned on here how healthy their finances must be when you consider there were 120,000 members

Even at the lowest membership rate of £1 that's a bare minimum of £100,000 every month and if you average it on £3 a month it's £300,000

Where was it all going ?

Spads ?

Staff wages ?

Maybe it was being spent correctly on all these things and when the memberships started to fall they didnt cut cloth

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