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Indyref 2 (2)

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2 hours ago, Caledonian Craig said:

That doesn't say a lot about your hero then that he walked out on leadership of the SNP and endorsed someone 'rotten to the core' as his successor.

correct, and its his mistake to hold,, he more than anyone has been effected by this 

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1 hour ago, vanderark14 said:

He is looking for a reaction, like most staunch posters. Thankfully the most staunch posters have long since left here

Not a single serious independence supporter would ever vote for the tories. They are the most anti independence party out there

I suppose it's better not to bite! Would be healthy though to hear some genuine other points of view, not just a scatter of economic terms or tired anti independence lines. 



Edited by StirlingEgg
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6 hours ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

they are not fitting her up,, lots more things that i know are true, have still to come out,, she is rotten to the core, and that is why i think she is being protected, if i know then hundreds of folk, including journalists must know..  

i will ask what Pap did, what is it ? Send one of us a PM if you dont want to reveal it on the thread .

‘I know something you don’t know ‘ doesn’t really convince people unfortunately’ . 

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28 minutes ago, TDYER63 said:

i will ask what Pap did, what is it ? Send one of us a PM if you dont want to reveal it on the thread .

‘I know something you don’t know ‘ doesn’t really convince people unfortunately’ . 

i dont need to convince anyone as i believe it will come out. its all out there,, i could be completely wrong who knows,,, its a pity thplinth no longer posts on here as he knew the script.. one of the many wrong doings were laid out plain to see by craig murray,, i believe what he posted back then

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On 2/6/2024 at 7:11 AM, vanderark14 said:

The lack of panic is easy to explain. Northern Ireland doesn't have anything the UK wants. They'd drop it like a hot tattie if they could. 

Absolutely they would. They'd never, ever say so publicly but I reckon in secret they're hoping a referendum takes place and that a majority votes in favour at the earliest opportunity. That must be part of the reason the GFA legislates for a border poll every seven years.

And unlike her two nationalist counterparts to date in Scotland, I doubt Michelle O'Neill will see herself smeared or dragged through the criminal courts on spurious and opaque charges either.

Scotland has been "catch't fast", and the UK government will do almost anything to avoid being put in the position it was in 2014. We're too valuable to them, despite what they let on and despite what a still depressingly large number of people here believe. 

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17 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

i dont need to convince anyone as i believe it will come out. its all out there,, i could be completely wrong who knows,,, its a pity thplinth no longer posts on here as he knew the script.. one of the many wrong doings were laid out plain to see by craig murray,, i believe what he posted back then

You said not that long ago that you didn’t think NS was corrupt but that she had been blind sided. 
If you are that sure she is rotten to the core and this big reveal will come out why not just wait till it does rather than join in with unionist rumours. It does absolutely nothing to help independence even though your heart may be in the right place. 

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50 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

i dont need to convince anyone as i believe it will come out. its all out there,, i could be completely wrong who knows,,, its a pity thplinth no longer posts on here as he knew the script.. one of the many wrong doings were laid out plain to see by craig murray,, i believe what he posted back then

Thplinth took whatever Wings and Craig Murray were saying as gospel then transferred it over to the TAMB so if you need validation then just go and look at their scripts

He did the same with Breitbart and Trump/Clinton for a while too

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Heard a bit on the radio news about Michael Mathieson resigning and they played Douglas Ross having a go at Humza  defending Mathieson as a man of integrity and honesty.
I was actually quite impressed by Humza’s  response ( well the snippet i heard anyway) he actually seemed animated .
Seriously how thick must Ross be to attack him using those particular words after the week Sunak has had. People in glass houses. 

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3 hours ago, StirlingEgg said:

I suppose it's better not to bite! Would be healthy though to hear some genuine other points of view, not just a scatter of economic terms or tired anti independence lines. 



This I agree with. If someone could come up with coherent and positive points about the union, I'd be all ears but nobody can.


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12 hours ago, TDYER63 said:

Heard a bit on the radio news about Michael Mathieson resigning and they played Douglas Ross having a go at Humza  defending Mathieson as a man of integrity and honesty.
I was actually quite impressed by Humza’s  response ( well the snippet i heard anyway) he actually seemed animated .
Seriously how thick must Ross be to attack him using those particular words after the week Sunak has had. People in glass houses. 

ross made an arse of himself yesterday AGAIN. His tactics are straight out of the unionists/tory handbook. Shout out some accusations false or true to grab the headline then runaway because the important thing is the accusation hits the headlines. 


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1 hour ago, vanderark14 said:

ross made an arse of himself yesterday AGAIN. His tactics are straight out of the unionists/tory handbook. Shout out some accusations false or true to grab the headline then runaway because the important thing is the accusation hits the headlines. 


Plus the unionist media will take his accusation, however ridiculous, as gospel.

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Article on BBC website about impact of PFI on school budgets in England. I'm presuming these are similar to the contracts in Scotland. I don't know too much (anything) about business contracts but use of NDAs seems wrong when public money is involved. When Labour bleat about lack of money for councils surely these type of contracts contribute to that.

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2 hours ago, Hertsscot said:

Article on BBC website about impact of PFI on school budgets in England. I'm presuming these are similar to the contracts in Scotland. I don't know too much (anything) about business contracts but use of NDAs seems wrong when public money is involved. When Labour bleat about lack of money for councils surely these type of contracts contribute to that.

Should have done it sooner but better late than never.

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5 hours ago, Orraloon said:

Should have done it sooner but better late than never.

Mention of abolishing parking charges at hospitals is one of the differences between England and Scotland. I was chatting to a friend who's son is a Junior Doctor in London, has to pay for parking every single day. I didn't ask how much it cost him each year but would imagine it's several hundred pounds.

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5 hours ago, DoonTheSlope said:

Useless and his daft wife taking a short holiday to Qatar where Hamas’ billionaire leaders reside


There is no getting away from it - he is far too easy a target

Edited by Ally Bongo
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Another angle to Humza's holiday: I wonder how those right-on people who happy-clapped Humza's victory in the leadership election last year feel about their hero holidaying in a massively homophobic country. 

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2 hours ago, scotlad said:

In more ways than one - I wouldn't be holidaying in that part of the world just now!

It looks like the Iranian First Minister has decided to vacation in Qatar at the same time as ours! 
What are the chances of that eh

Hopefully MI6 keeps an eye on the cunt

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1 hour ago, DoonTheSlope said:

It looks like the Iranian First Minister has decided to vacation in Qatar at the same time as ours! 
What are the chances of that eh

Hopefully MI6 keeps an eye on the cunt

He's a fucking disaster.  🤦‍♂️

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10 hours ago, DoonTheSlope said:

Useless and his daft wife taking a short holiday to Qatar where Hamas’ billionaire leaders reside

How many suitcases would it take to smuggle £61m out of the country?


4 hours ago, scotlad said:

In more ways than one - I wouldn't be holidaying in that part of the world just now!


4 hours ago, scotlad said:

Another angle to Humza's holiday: I wonder how those right-on people who happy-clapped Humza's victory in the leadership election last year feel about their hero holidaying in a massively homophobic country. 


29 minutes ago, scotlad said:

He's a fucking disaster.  🤦‍♂️

The only disaster are these posts. get a grip lads

 a politician has gone on holiday - end of story. 

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5 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

There is no getting away from it - he is far too easy a target

Every single leader of the SNP is a target, it doesn't matter who it is, their every move is scrutinised and criticised


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