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Is Donald Trump's Campaign A Spoof?

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How can you ban a religion from entering a country ?

It's not as if a passport has your religion on it.

The guy is an idiot being voted for by idiots.

Yeah but we all know what a muslim looks like right? Brown skin, funny hat. Sling yer hook Abdul.

That's how they'll do it no?

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Undecided. Like others have said, I support the principles but have real problems with the practice. So the dilemma I have is whether it's better to come out and hope for reform/rebuild, or to stay in and affect reform/rebuild. The former seems to have more bite but more risk, while the latter is safer but less likely to affect change.

Ill also admit to being somewhat influenced by the independence campaign as well: what will make it more likely? I find this important because no matter which of the scenarios above plays out, being represented by the UK Government in the EU is every bit an issue as the EU itself.

All things considered, I'd probably settle for voting to remain in the EU especially if rUK votes to leave. That will be a trigger for another referendum IMO, which we'll likely win and would represent a unique political and economic opportunity to reestablish Scotland as an independent nation.

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Nah, as per my post above, I think very unlikely that Trump beats Clnton.

Two reasons:

1. He has completely alienated the Hispanic vote and it is very difficult to win without them.

2. He is relying on the vote of a bunch of people who don't normally vote.

Clinton for Prez.

Your second prediction is looking more and more likely,

your 2nd point is very valid, most people who agree with Trump are too stupid to know how to register to vote

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Meanwhile in Bernie land.... painful viewing at times. (action starts at 47 seconds.)

That's hilarious.

These 2 racist dykes hijacked his meeting to a 4 minute moment of silence for Michael Brown.

Not Trayvon, but Mike Brown - the guy who robbed a store for the ingredients of Purple Drank, assaulted the store owner and then attacked a cop and tried to shoot him with his own gun.

Black Lives Matter - founded by a white guy who claims that the father on his birth certificate is not his real father (cos he's white like his mother is) and his real father was a light skinned gentleman of colour; who is essentially saying that his own mother is a cheating hoor who likes big black cock - have no stance on black on black violence whatsoever but race bait the justified killings of young black criminals.

They hold black people back by blaming everything on whitey and doing nothing about the thug culture that leads to so many young black men being killed and jailed. The vast majority of blacks see them got what they are and disagree with them.

Sanders showed himself up as complete pussy by pandering to them.

The moment they stepped in front of him he should have got his security to set about them with Alsatians and fired water cannons at them.

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