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Is Donald Trump's Campaign A Spoof?

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Trump's biggest ally (if he gets the nomination) could be Bernie Sanders

Trump v Clinton would be closer than anyone thinks and not cut and dry

Trump v Sanders would see a project fear campaign 100 times that used in the referendum not to mention the illuminati ensuring Trump wins through election rigging no doubt

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Even if the people of England vote to leave the EU, I don't think we will leave. It wont be allowed to happen.

I think the EU vote could be very close. It would be interesting to see how the media react, if it is so close that Scottish votes made the difference between an in/out decision. :lol: Unlikely to happen though.

No idea what will happen with Trump. There are enough mad mental cases in the USofA for anything to happen.

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How can you ban a religion from entering a country ?

It's not as if a passport has your religion on it.

The guy is an idiot being voted for by idiots.

I was asked all sorts of weird shite to get my green card. Stuff like was I a communist or had I ever lived in a communist country.
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Trump's biggest ally (if he gets the nomination) could be Bernie Sanders

Trump v Clinton would be closer than anyone thinks and not cut and dry

Trump v Sanders would see a project fear campaign 100 times that used in the referendum not to mention the illuminati ensuring Trump wins through election rigging no doubt

Who are the illuminati?

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Clinton will win by a landslide if she is against Trump. However, I said Obama wouldn't get elected, so what do I know, although I correctly said he would be a failure.

I think the UK will vote to leave the EU, which I never used to think. Syrian refugees, sex attacks in Europe, the Euro, big government, unelected beurocrats, Greece, I can see everything getting hyped up again, and I think England will vote out.

It would however be tremendous if England marginally votes No, but Scotland keeps the UK in the EU, the bile and absolute contempt we would receive would be ridiculous.

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There will definitely be no Brexit, but let's see if the media go full on project fear or if they are more balanced.

My money is on Trump for president, purely because he is so ridiculous. In every Labour leadership election prediction since McConnell quit I've guessed the sensible candidate would win and every time I've been wrong. In the US Clinton is the senseible candidate but as my prediction skills are obviously not calibrated right, I will cleverly put my prediction against the obviously wrong candidate.

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I'll go for Trump not to be President ( the demographs of Americia will guarantee this. For every white male idiot whooping Trump there will be 3 black or Hispanic voters).

And Britain in the EU. Call me Dave will succeed in whatever it is he is negotiating and will campaign with the full weight of the establishment and media (Labour/SNP) on in's side. Project Fear will be a warm up. Business cannot and will not allow this to happen.


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It would however be tremendous if England marginally votes No, but Scotland keeps the UK in the EU, the bile and absolute contempt we would receive would be ridiculous.

I'd lose all faith in the Scottish people and would not stop until every single one of us is are in Gulags where we belong!

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I think the UK will vote to leave the EU, which I never used to think. Syrian refugees, sex attacks in Europe, the Euro, big government, unelected beurocrats, Greece, I can see everything getting hyped up again, and I think England will vote out.

It would however be tremendous if England marginally votes No, but Scotland keeps the UK in the EU, the bile and absolute contempt we would receive would be ridiculous.

Would it? I would think that in that scenario the UK establishment including most of the media would be eternally grateful. As has frequently been said, probably the best bet for indie ref 2 would be an rUK OUT outweighing a Scottish IN. In the end I expect a narrow cross-UK IN.

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Would it? I would think that in that scenario the UK establishment including most of the media would be eternally grateful. As has frequently been said, probably the best bet for indie ref 2 would be an rUK OUT outweighing a Scottish IN. In the end I expect a narrow cross-UK IN.

I can't speak for Kumnio but my thinking is, it would be great from an entertainment point of view. Just over half the voters in England would absolutely detest us for forcing them to stay in the EU against their will. Especially the right wing media. It would be great fun.

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I can't speak for Kumnio but my thinking is, it would be great from an entertainment point of view. Just over half the voters in England would absolutely detest us for forcing them to stay in the EU against their will. Especially the right wing media. It would be great fun.

Most of the "EU in" articles I'm seeing seem to be coming from the Daily Mail. Murdoch as well seems to be positioning himself for an in vote. Not saying the media wouldn't indulge in some jock bashing in the above scenario. But for the time being the right wing media and the Euro ins appear to be comrades.

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One thing I've never understood, and granted I may have a simplistic view brought on by that I've been anti-EU for my entire adult life and hoping someone can shed some light on for me. People who are anti House of Lords, but support the EU, how does one unelected body that is way beyond reform differ from another unelected body that is also way beyond reform? It could also be argued, and I certainly would, that the EU commission has much more power than the HoL does.

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Most of the "EU in" articles I'm seeing seem to be coming from the Daily Mail. Murdoch as well seems to be positioning himself for an in vote. Not saying the media wouldn't indulge in some jock bashing in the above scenario. But for the time being the right wing media and the Euro ins appear to be comrades.

I try to avoid the Murdoch media if I can, but if he backs the YES side it will be over 60% to stay in. The whole thing will turn into a bit of a damp squib. Is anybody of any significance campaigning for us to say NO? Or is it just all hype to make the stories sound interesting? I haven't paid much attention to the EU debate so far.

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I try to avoid the Murdoch media if I can, but if he backs the YES side it will be over 60% to stay in. The whole thing will turn into a bit of a damp squib. Is anybody of any significance campaigning for us to say NO? Or is it just all hype to make the stories sound interesting? I haven't paid much attention to the EU debate so far.

There's no Yes or No side, the question was changed... Which I'm bloody thankful for cos I could never remember which side I was on :lol:. There isn't anyone campaigning for either side at the moment as there isn't a date set. I reckon it will be an early referendum, short campaign and a very low turnout.

As far as debate among the public goes I've not seen much to be honest, a few racists here and there, a few business folk here and there.

The only debate I've seen of consequence so far was actually between a friend of mine and her colleagues. She's a nurse and there were some excellent contributions from both sides. People worried about their jobs, the inevitable privatisation of the health service, the strain on staff if freedom of movement is removed. It really was excellent.

Edit: the above exchange will be in exact contrast to what the mainstream campaign will be.

Edited by Scunnered
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Would it? I would think that in that scenario the UK establishment including most of the media would be eternally grateful. As has frequently been said, probably the best bet for indie ref 2 would be an rUK OUT outweighing a Scottish IN. In the end I expect a narrow cross-UK IN.

The right wing media is no fan of Scotland as it is, I expect the Daily Mail etc to be seething at us. The BBC is lambasted for being left wing communists, and for being right wing Neanderthals at the same time, a significant number of presenters seem to have an issue with us.

I have no doubt that a significant minority of people would be glad of the result, but the Nigel's of middle England could possibly explode if we denied them the opportunity to rid themselves of the EU.

Independence would be achievable if Scotland voted in, but England voted out, and succeeded. This country is splitting apart anyway, there is no going back regardless.

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One thing I've never understood, and granted I may have a simplistic view brought on by that I've been anti-EU for my entire adult life and hoping someone can shed some light on for me. People who are anti House of Lords, but support the EU, how does one unelected body that is way beyond reform differ from another unelected body that is also way beyond reform? It could also be argued, and I certainly would, that the EU commission has much more power than the HoL does.

For me there is a clear line from democratic action (voting) and the commission. The fact that people don't take the MEP elections seriously is the concern. Whereas the House of Lords appointments are at best random, and at no point go to a vote.

I think what people struggle to grasp as a concept, is Europe doesn't revolve around Britian. We are constituent member parts. Voting UKIP to represent you and frustrate a body in the European Parliament is madness.

From the EU commission website.

1 President, 7 Vice-Presidents and 20 Commissioners

A new team of 28 Commissioners (one from each EU Member State) is appointed every five years.

The candidate for President of the Commission is proposed to the European Parliament by the European Council that decides by qualified majority and taking into account the elections to the European Parliament.

The Commission President is then elected by the European Parliament by a majority of its component members (which corresponds to at least 376 out of 751 votes).

Following this election, the President-elect selects the 27 other members of the Commission, on the basis of the suggestions made by Member States. The final list of Commissioners-designate has then to be agreed between the President-elect and the Council. The Commission as a whole needs the Parliament's consent. Prior to this, Commissioners-designate are assessed by the European Parliament committees.

The current Commission's term of office runs until 31 October 2019. Its President is Jean-Claude Juncker.


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I'm really torn on the EU. On the one hand I agree with the principle of free trade between the countries, freedom of movement and the likes of common standards and practices across Europe. I also think that the EU is the reason there hasn't been any conflict between EU countries since its formation due to countries being so economically tied to one another that its not in anyone's benefit to go to war within the EU.

However, and it's a big however, the EU is well down the route of being a mechanism to promote corporate interests over the rights of citizens. See TTIP as well as EU influence over democratic elections in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal.

I think I'm in favour of the original principle and premise of the EU but the current practice of the EU is where I find myself in disagreement with it.

It's definitely a difficult decision for me.

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I'm really torn on the EU. On the one hand I agree with the principle of free trade between the countries, freedom of movement and the likes of common standards and practices across Europe. I also think that the EU is the reason there hasn't been any conflict between EU countries since its formation due to countries being so economically tied to one another that its not in anyone's benefit to go to war within the EU.

However, and it's a big however, the EU is well down the route of being a mechanism to promote corporate interests over the rights of citizens. See TTIP as well as EU influence over democratic elections in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal.

I think I'm in favour of the original principle and premise of the EU but the current practice of the EU is where I find myself in disagreement with it.

It's definitely a difficult decision for me.

I absolutely agree with the concept of free movement, what reasonable person wouldn't? But the way it's currently implemented, especially for migrant workers is draconian. A migrant worker should be entitled to the same rights as a domestic worker, but with more and more cases being brought before the EU courts and time and time again being found in favour of corporate the precedent has already been set. Reformation isn't an option in my humble opinion.

I want workers to be able to work anywhere in Europe, anywhere in the world even, but the current system allows for and even favours exploitation.

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