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Indyref 2 (2)

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4 minutes ago, Squirrelhumper said:

Usual suspects will be along soon to tell us how anyone who thinks so is a bigot.

Not really sure why you’re saying that as it seems pretty reasonable to me when it comes to sex offenders,  I’d question whether a pre op trans woman who has been convicted for something like fraud and who is not sexually attracted to women would be better housed in the men’s or women’s estate, but that is a question for another day.   I prefer decisions to be made in a case by case basis rather than by diktat.

Still, in this case, she’s not going to be in the women’s estate to serve her sentence so it’s not relevant.

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4 hours ago, vanderark14 said:

The same Gamrie lads are telling me its true, its easy to believe people we trust but even they can get hoaxed. It will no doubt hit the tabloids soon since the Nationial has it

Aye you have a point, must be something in it, maybe just not how it’s being portrayed. You imagine someone in the Broch academy identifying as a cat 🐈 🤣🤣 

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1 hour ago, Squirrelhumper said:

Usual suspects will be along soon to tell us how anyone who thinks so is a bigot.

Are these new proposals for England really much different to what's currently happening though? Or even much different to what is happening in Scotland? As far as I can see the main difference in the proposed new legislation (for England) is that persons with penises (PWPs) will, by default, initially go to a male prison. A few may still end up in a female prison but it would be a government minister making the decision. Currently it's down to a panel of professionals carrying out a detailed risk assessment to decide where each individual ends up. I suppose peoples views on it might come down to who you think would make least mistakes - government ministers or professionals in the field. Neither will get the decisions right all the time. I think this new piece of legislation could be more about winning a few votes, rather than helping the prison service or any individuals involved.

Either way, IMO, it's not very relevant to "Indyref 2" or even the GRR (Scotland) Bill.

Edited by Orraloon
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6 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

Awe FFS, what are folk going to get outraged about now?


I heard that some men have decided to self identify as dogs so that they are allowed to take a pish up against lampposts, whenever they feel like it. Can't believe Nicola allows them to do that. 

Is that in Banff as well?

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The first minister also stressed it was careful that people "do not, even inadvertently, suggest that trans women pose an inherent threat to women", adding: "Predatory men, as has always been the case, are the risk to women."

So he’s not a trans women after all? Or he is but isn’t a risk anymore? 

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3 minutes ago, ParisInAKilt said:

The first minister also stressed it was careful that people "do not, even inadvertently, suggest that trans women pose an inherent threat to women", adding: "Predatory men, as has always been the case, are the risk to women."

So he’s not a trans women after all? Or he is but isn’t a risk anymore? 


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1 hour ago, ParisInAKilt said:

The first minister also stressed it was careful that people "do not, even inadvertently, suggest that trans women pose an inherent threat to women", adding: "Predatory men, as has always been the case, are the risk to women."

So he’s not a trans women after all? Or he is but isn’t a risk anymore? 

she’s a bafoon.  I suspect she means as a collective, but clearly some trans women are a significant threat.

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1 hour ago, Och Aye said:

As a lesbian trapped in a mans body, I find this all very worrying.

That's a line (although it may well not have been original) from Douglas Coupland novel Generation X published in the 1991. I was teaching some stuff on Ultimate Questions and the Arts. I remember reading the line and making some flippant comment at the time. Not sure I'd make such a comment now given current controversies!

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Watching Reporting Scotland tonight and the Scottish Government seem to be being criticised for the following:

  • Ailsa Brighton being placed in Cornton Vale while undertaking a risk assessment
  • “interfering” with the SPS to get Ailsa Brighton moved to the male part of Saughton
  • blocking councils from cutting teacher numbers
  • Police and prosecution being too good so there being too many gangsters in prison

Only really Jim Goodwin that they’re not being blamed for. 

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My last post before Nicola resigns. She's the SNPs bad actor. It genuinely gives me no satisfaction in tearing apart the SNP. 

Sturgeon can trigger a defacto Independence referendum by resigning gracefully and restoring her reputation in the eyes of Indy. She can change the policy to ensure that a 50 per cent Parliamentary majority is required for this plebiscite referendum plan. 

That is what will unite the Independence cause. 

Identity politics in the UK died today. The trans rapist was the straw that broke the camel's back. 

All that's left for the SNP now, is to change its leadership. 

Death of a Salesman. She's like Willy Lowman the advertiser, be liked and you'll never want.

She's got to resign to be liked again by triggering Indy Ref 2 Holyrood plebiscite. It's the only thing she's got left to give. 

SAOR Alba! Set us free Nicola. Set us free! 

Edited by Tartan_Tonna
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2 hours ago, Hertsscot said:

That's a line (although it may well not have been original) from Douglas Coupland novel Generation X published in the 1991. I was teaching some stuff on Ultimate Questions and the Arts. I remember reading the line and making some flippant comment at the time. Not sure I'd make such a comment now given current controversies!

Check me out quoting literature 😎

Heard the term Generation X but never knew it was a novel. Take it that was the inspiration for The Divine Comedy's Generation Sex.

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7 hours ago, aaid said:

Not really sure why you’re saying that as it seems pretty reasonable to me when it comes to sex offenders,  I’d question whether a pre op trans woman who has been convicted for something like fraud and who is not sexually attracted to women would be better housed in the men’s or women’s estate, but that is a question for another day.   I prefer decisions to be made in a case by case basis rather than by diktat.

Still, in this case, she’s not going to be in the women’s estate to serve her sentence so it’s not relevant.

He is not a she. 

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