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Does This Place Not Allow Different Opinions?

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This isn't a Rangers thing (I actually support an SPL club) but I think what happened on Friday was pretty tame when you consider the gravity of what was at stake. The streets have been swamped for weeks with inyourface tribal and antagonistic Yes backers with all their paraphernalia and after having their empty message shoved down your throat day in day out ,after the relief of the final vote (to the majority of us) you do want to let off some steam and shout from the rooftops that salvation has come.

Some individuals went too far but I can understand the passions inflamed in them. As far as the flagburning goes, the same thing happened to the Union flag in the very same place the day before and the Nazi salute thing, excuse me for my possible naivety but wasn't that the Ulster hand 'no surrender' gesture?

Nobody needed to have got hurt though , we're all scottish together just as we were all before and will continue to be regardless of the outcome so lets stop dividing ourselves, democracy has spoken so give it some dignified respect and lets go on living in peace and stop this fratricidal shit.

The union flag burning the night before didn't happen. A no voter copied it from a stock image and posted it on Facebook. The picture was taken in Tehran in 2011. And thanks for the lesson in hand gestures, now I know it was a red hand and not a nazi salute that makes it ok then. Seriously this has got to be another wind up!

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Is this a new rule folks?

I do not wish to cause any upset.

Surely the sane amongst you must realise that ostracising the No voters is extremely unreasonable and does not help achieve anything.

This is a website for the Scottish 'national' team. If you believe Scotland is a region then perhaps you were looking for

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This isn't a Rangers thing (I actually support an SPL club) but I think what happened on Friday was pretty tame when you consider the gravity of what was at stake. The streets have been swamped for weeks with inyourface tribal and antagonistic Yes backers with all their paraphernalia and after having their empty message shoved down your throat day in day out ,after the relief of the final vote (to the majority of us) you do want to let off some steam and shout from the rooftops that salvation has come.

Some individuals went too far but I can understand the passions inflamed in them. As far as the flagburning goes, the same thing happened to the Union flag in the very same place the day before and the Nazi salute thing, excuse me for my possible naivety but wasn't that the Ulster hand 'no surrender' gesture?

Nobody needed to have got hurt though , we're all scottish together just as we were all before and will continue to be regardless of the outcome so lets stop dividing ourselves, democracy has spoken so give it some dignified respect and lets go on living in peace and stop this fratricidal shit.

Lol, yeah, a bunch of right wing sectarian lunatics rioting was tame. Post fail. Silly YES supporters walking about in public, what else would we expect. Oh dear, don't think you've thought that one through son. Edited by neilly71
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This isn't a Rangers thing (I actually support an SPL club) but I think what happened on Friday was pretty tame when you consider the gravity of what was at stake. The streets have been swamped for weeks with inyourface tribal and antagonistic Yes backers with all their paraphernalia and after having their empty message shoved down your throat day in day out ,after the relief of the final vote (to the majority of us) you do want to let off some steam and shout from the rooftops that salvation has come.

Some individuals went too far but I can understand the passions inflamed in them. As far as the flagburning goes, the same thing happened to the Union flag in the very same place the day before and the Nazi salute thing, excuse me for my possible naivety but wasn't that the Ulster hand 'no surrender' gesture?

Nobody needed to have got hurt though , we're all scottish together just as we were all before and will continue to be regardless of the outcome so lets stop dividing ourselves, democracy has spoken so give it some dignified respect and lets go on living in peace and stop this fratricidal shit.

bullshit - and as pointed out above this was a US/Union jack flag burning exercise abroad

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The union flag burning the night before didn't happen. A no voter copied it from a stock image and posted it on Facebook. The picture was taken in Tehran in 2011. And thanks for the lesson in hand gestures, now I know it was a red hand and not a nazi salute that makes it ok then. Seriously this has got to be another wind up!

Yeah I'm sure the Times correspondent on the scene would have invented their report based on someone's doctored image from Facebook. Sorry if it doesnt fit with your narrative.

All this outrage on here comes from which side of the debate the protaganists were on far more than the actions themselves.

If the boot had been on the other foot you'd have been busy refuting any of it happened or blaming the other side for it all.

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Yeah I'm sure the Times correspondent on the scene would have invented their report based on someone's doctored image from Facebook. Sorry if it doesnt fit with your narrative.

All this outrage on here comes from which side of the debate the protaganists were on far more than the actions themselves.

If the boot had been on the other foot you'd have been busy refuting any of it happened or blaming the other side for it all.

You are seriously suggesting that a journalist would not embellish, exaggerate or falsify an incident to sit with a pre-determined agenda? I admire your childlike innocence.

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Its a sad indictment of our society that sectarian bile still exsits on the streets of our country and on internet forums.

Its ingrained in people on both sets of the divide. Which is sad because!! If people thought for themselves and opened up their minds, without getting brainwashed this country would be a far better place for their children growing up.

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Deep breaths everyone.

The loyalists / unionists types seen in George Sq are a very small minority and should be pityed more than anything. These people are beyond reasoning with.

No voters should be encouraged on here to say why they voted no. Sure I doubt I'll agree with their reasoning but people were scared or not convinced by the yes campaign, as difficult that is to take it should be respected.

Think it was glasgowmancity who said he voted no but was close to voting yes. We'll win more of these votes next time when the sad realisation hits that the change Scotland wants can't be achieved with a Westminster government.

Keep the heid. Remain positive. Vote SNP and watch Westminster this up themselves

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Deep breaths everyone.

The loyalists / unionists types seen in George Sq are a very small minority and should be pityed more than anything. These people are beyond reasoning with.

No voters should be encouraged on here to say why they voted no. Sure I doubt I'll agree with their reasoning but people were scared or not convinced by the yes campaign, as difficult that is to take it should be respected.

Think it was glasgowmancity who said he voted no but was close to voting yes. We'll win more of these votes next time when the sad realisation hits that the change Scotland wants can't be achieved with a Westminster government.

Keep the heid. Remain positive. Vote SNP and watch Westminster badger this up themselves

The Yes position on currency was a shambles. Even if it wasn't, though, I'd of voted No. I want to be British (and I ain't no Rangers supporter).

I'll be voting tactically in 2015/16 to keep the SNP oot.

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Guest Extreme0

I want to be British (and I ain't no Rangers supporter).

Because one can't still remain British regardless of indepedence? Sure you ain't considered a 'UK Citizen' (Unless Dual Citizenship says otherwise) but the cultural, historical and geographical sense of Britishness (I.E similer to Scandinavia and Scandinavians) is not going to go away if we do achieve Indepedence. I know a few people who will keep calling themselves British regardless and these people have worked as part of the British Army at the tmes of the Troubles and did vote Yes.

At the end of the day. You can either call yourself British because of the Politcal Union or you can call yourself British solely on the cultural, historical and geographical links towards other British people.

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I want to be British (and I ain't no Rangers supporter)..

Why though?

I've always identified as Scottish not British but I'd have voted no if I thought it was better for Scotland.

And you could argue you still will be if and when Scotland votes for independence.

Edited by ParisInAKilt
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This isn't a Rangers thing (I actually support an SPL club) but I think what happened on Friday was pretty tame when you consider the gravity of what was at stake. The streets have been swamped for weeks with inyourface tribal and antagonistic Yes backers with all their paraphernalia and after having their empty message shoved down your throat day in day out ,after the relief of the final vote (to the majority of us) you do want to let off some steam and shout from the rooftops that salvation has come.

Some individuals went too far but I can understand the passions inflamed in them. As far as the flagburning goes, the same thing happened to the Union flag in the very same place the day before and the Nazi salute thing, excuse me for my possible naivety but wasn't that the Ulster hand 'no surrender' gesture?

Nobody needed to have got hurt though , we're all scottish together just as we were all before and will continue to be regardless of the outcome so lets stop dividing ourselves, democracy has spoken so give it some dignified respect and lets go on living in peace and stop this fratricidal shit.

The union jack wasn't burned the day before you ing m0rOn. There was a picture going around twitter but it was found out to be from Iraq about ten years earlier! Edited by France here we come
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The Yes position on currency was a shambles. Even if it wasn't, though, I'd of voted No. I want to be British (and I ain't no Rangers supporter).

I'll be voting tactically in 2015/16 to keep the SNP oot.

The Britain that you're talking about and obviously love, is in the process of splintering anyway.

One of the consequences of the panic of the No camp in the last fortnight is that a chain of events has now been set in place that's effectively going to end the 'concept' of Britain as some people still imagine it to be.

Oh, you'll still have the 2nd world war and the Union flag, but stronger devolution for Scotland and (much needed) self-governance for England will mean that within 5-10 years or so we're all going to be living in a federal UK where we'll effectively be a collection of independent countries 'uniting' under the name of GB.

'Britain' is already an anachronism which has decreasing validity in the modern world. It's only held together by fading memories the past, and the fact that it's interchangeable with 'England' for many people south of the border.

Once the English actually start to discover their Englishness....something that this referendum has put in motion....then the concept of 'Britain' is dead, and the inevitable 2nd Scottish referendum within 5-10 years will have a completely different result.

You should lose your bitterness of the SNP, and start thinking in the short/medium term about which party is going to serve Scotland's needs best....a vote for anyone else is going to be a wasted vote.

Edited by Rossy
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bullshit - and as pointed out above this was a US/Union jack flag burning exercise abroad

There have been union flags burned and pictures posted on here before, i seem to remember Bzzzz posting a few pictures of his mate burning one hanging off some sort of sword. I seem to remember great delight from quite a few. Looking from the outside the Yes and No vote have been as bad as one another no voters are called quislings, selfish C**ts, loyalist scum etc beofre and after the vote no i dont know about you but if you want to change my opinion calling me names isnt likely to win me over. Speaking as someone who has frequented this board for a number of years as a guest I get that is likely to have a lot more nationalist leanings than average but this really should be rebranded as the SNP TAMB.

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Does This Place Not Allow Different Opinions?

I've probably had the most number of different opinions on here over the past (what?) 15 years and no one has got upset yet.

(Not a peep.)

Very true Scotty but however bonkers your opinions (IMHO) you are in general extremely polite which is good form ;-)

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