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1 hour ago, phart said:


years of life lost... sounds a bit like sacrificing older people to me.  Like something out of Logan's run!  There's no way of telling how long someone will live, its very individual.  They going to give us averages?  That would be open to massive interpretation and skewing.  Every day, year is a valuable to someone - it doesn't matter if it's the 68th year or their 22nd.  What a nightmare this is becoming.  It's not so much the idea here but the thinking behind his use of the word "instead".  Creep.


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Coronavirus: Czech schools and bars shut in new emergency


The Czech Republic is imposing a new three-week state of emergency from midnight (22:00 GMT) to combat coronavirus, shutting schools, bars and clubs and restricting restaurants to deliveries and takeaways.

Kindergartens will stay open and special provision will be made for the children of critical care workers.

University hostels are also being closed temporarily.

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Just now, wheres the pies said:

143 deaths recorded and 17.234 new cases most daily deaths since early June 

wow 143 is a big increase. Will need to see what days they get allocated to. Always a clearer picture when you look back in a week, but still seems a large jump.

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I try not go get too bogged down with all the numbers mainly because I never remember them, but this is not looking good. 527 in hospital and hospitals at 80% utilisation. I might be over reacting right enough.

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2 minutes ago, TDYER63 said:

I try not go get too bogged down with all the numbers mainly because I never remember them, but this is not looking good. 527 in hospital and hospitals at 80% utilisation. I might be over reacting right enough.

You are not over-reacting. It's out of control again. Politicians, north and south, of the border are trying to pretend that it isn't, but it is.

They have done very little to try to stop it, just tinkering at the edges. I think Nicola would like to do more but she doesn't have the access to any money to do it with. She should be shouting about this very loudly.

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2 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

You are not over-reacting. It's out of control again. Politicians, north and south, of the border are trying to pretend that it isn't, but it is.

They have done very little to try to stop it, just tinkering at the edges. I think Nicola would like to do more but she doesn't have the access to any money to do it with. She should be shouting about this very loudly.

I blame those darned christian quines huddled in their churches then out  spreading the word 🙂

Seriously though, it would seem the Louisa Jordan will be needed if things dont improve. I dont think some people appreciate how bad things may get. Loads of prison officers in isolation as well. 

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12 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

You are not over-reacting. It's out of control again. Politicians, north and south, of the border are trying to pretend that it isn't, but it is.

They have done very little to try to stop it, just tinkering at the edges. I think Nicola would like to do more but she doesn't have the access to any money to do it with. She should be shouting about this very loudly.

That Whitty guy yesterday, saying more or less that it ain't going to work they need to do more. And the revelation that SAGE had recommended doing more but they (UK Govt) didn't act on it. Now Starmer calling for more, like a 2-3 week 'circuit break' lockdown. I don't recall Labour in Scotland supporting the current restrictions or urging going further; at least, the opposition seemed to spend all last week gurning about the restrictions and their effect hospitality business.

I know this is/could/should above & beyond party politics but we can't ignore the political dimension either. Maybe they really should all get together if it meant that they'd cooperate, and stop opposing things for opposition's sake. But hard to see how that would work, if (say) Tories want to go at slower pace of Johnson and/or put business first, while Scots Govt wants to act faster; it could end up in stalemate.

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12 minutes ago, TDYER63 said:

I blame those darned christian quines huddled in their churches then out  spreading the word 🙂

Seriously though, it would seem the Louisa Jordan will be needed if things dont improve. I dont think some people appreciate how bad things may get. Loads of prison officers in isolation as well. 

Most people,  and I mean 99% haven't a clue about numbers and have zero understanding of exponential growth. You'd need a hell of an  information message to get that across. 



And 99 % of those no longer give a toss.

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9 minutes ago, exile said:

That Whitty guy yesterday, saying more or less that it ain't going to work they need to do more. And the revelation that SAGE had recommended doing more but they (UK Govt) didn't act on it. Now Starmer calling for more, like a 2-3 week 'circuit break' lockdown. I don't recall Labour in Scotland supporting the current restrictions or urging going further; at least, the opposition seemed to spend all last week gurning about the restrictions and their effect hospitality business.

I know this is/could/should above & beyond party politics but we can't ignore the political dimension either. Maybe they really should all get together if it meant that they'd cooperate, and stop opposing things for opposition's sake. But hard to see how that would work, if (say) Tories want to go at slower pace of Johnson and/or put business first, while Scots Govt wants to act faster; it could end up in stalemate.

Even if all the Scottish parties got together in agreement (and let's face it, that ain't going to happen) we still wouldn't have the powers, or the access to funds to do anything significantly different to what's happening down south. We are just tinkering at the edges.


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17 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

Even if all the Scottish parties got together in agreement (and let's face it, that ain't going to happen) we still wouldn't have the powers, or the access to funds to do anything significantly different to what's happening down south. We are just tinkering at the edges.


Yes I realise that, it would probably need to involve Rishi Sunak agreeing a furlough scheme to match Scots Govt desired level of restrictions so that both could somehow share credit in doing the right thing. I only brought up  the scenario to try to think of a way of not bringing politics into it but it seems impossible.

Border restrictions are another one. For that one it probably really needs Drakeford to bring in first, on Eng-Wales border, since, as a unionist, and with Labour cross-border support, it wouldn't be screamed at for being too "nationalist/anti-English". For Scotland to do it unilaterally would be difficult.

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Back in June, England had the opportunity to suppress the virus. With a functional test and trace system, support to help people self-isolate, a robust set of regulations to keep work and leisure spaces safe and a clear public communications campaign, we could have suppressed coronavirus into the winter.

But the opportunity was squandered. Worse, as restrictions were lifted on 4 July – what became known colloquially as “Freedom Saturday” – we were encouraged to relax, to travel back to work, to go to the pub, to mix and mingle. Meanwhile, the country’s dysfunctional, centralised and privately-run test and trace system lurched from one calamity to the next. World class?

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On 10/6/2020 at 1:14 PM, phart said:

September 11th to september 25th went 45 to 89. so 2 weeks to double. Folk in hospital, this is.

September 25th to October 3rd went 89 to 191 so that's 8 days.

7 day average took 11 days to double though for new admissions. (chart updates tomorrow for this weeks numbers so that's 6 days out fo date atm)



hospitals more than doubled in 8 days there again.

2 doubling periods away from peak atm, although it's nowhere near as fats as March which was 4 day doubling.

8 days for ICU to double as well.

Deaths fortunately still down though as hospitals get better at mitigating fatalities. Some hospitals are really busy though, can't have high risk patients in for certain operations etc if too many covid patients, the risk is too high, a cancer ward in Edinburgh had 4 fatalities once Covid got into it.

Notice how easy they got Baroness Dido to stand down when she affected TalkTalk but can't get her to fuck off from test and trace. Mental.

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4 hours ago, phart said:

Back in June, England had the opportunity to suppress the virus. With a functional test and trace system, support to help people self-isolate, a robust set of regulations to keep work and leisure spaces safe and a clear public communications campaign, we could have suppressed coronavirus into the winter.

But the opportunity was squandered. Worse, as restrictions were lifted on 4 July – what became known colloquially as “Freedom Saturday” – we were encouraged to relax, to travel back to work, to go to the pub, to mix and mingle. Meanwhile, the country’s dysfunctional, centralised and privately-run test and trace system lurched from one calamity to the next. World class?

As someone who lives in England, while I see general high compliance with mask wearing, even outwith mandatory environments, social distancing seems to have gone completely out of the window here some months ago.   Anecdotal example, the other week, I was sitting on a bench in the local high street, opposite McDonalds waiting for a mate of mine to turn up.  I was sitting at one of the bench, which was probably around 2m or so long.  Basically if someone sat at the opposite end there was probably enough space between us.  I had my bag next to me on the bench - not something I would do in normal times - some bloke sat down next me, directly the other side of my bag, so definitely less than 1m between us and started wolfing down his big mac - obviously not wearing a mask.

Other little things like when I'm out, back at the start, people were very aware of space and distance and generally did their best to observe a proper distance, stepping to the side to let people pass and the like.  That all seems to be less noticeable.

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17 minutes ago, aaid said:

As someone who lives in England, while I see general high compliance with mask wearing, even outwith mandatory environments, social distancing seems to have gone completely out of the window here some months ago.   Anecdotal example, the other week, I was sitting on a bench in the local high street, opposite McDonalds waiting for a mate of mine to turn up.  I was sitting at one of the bench, which was probably around 2m or so long.  Basically if someone sat at the opposite end there was probably enough space between us.  I had my bag next to me on the bench - not something I would do in normal times - some bloke sat down next me, directly the other side of my bag, so definitely less than 1m between us and started wolfing down his big mac - obviously not wearing a mask.

Other little things like when I'm out, back at the start, people were very aware of space and distance and generally did their best to observe a proper distance, stepping to the side to let people pass and the like.  That all seems to be less noticeable.

Really rips my knitting when people without masks walk past you about 10mm away.  I want to get a sharp pointy stick 1.95m long with which I can fend them off if they stray into the exclusion zone.

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1 minute ago, Alibi said:

Really rips my knitting when people without masks walk past you about 10mm away.  I want to get a sharp pointy stick 1.95m long with which I can fend them off if they stray into the exclusion zone.

TBF, if its outside and they're walking past you unless they cough in your face the likelihood of infection is slim to non-existent.

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5 minutes ago, kumnio said:

Decisive action from Wales, we should have done the same a while ago. It would have been great seeing Labour and Tory cunts exploding with rage.

You won't see a media frenzy given Drakeford is a Unionist politician with no desire for Indy for Wales. Like you say, if NS goes down that route watch for the likes of Baillie, DRoss and Tom Gordon screaming like apoplectic babboons. You'd hear the cries of 'Anti English Nationalism' from over there mate

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