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Josh Taylor


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No complaints about that decision.

In many ways it was similar to Cattrall fight where he was just not throwing enough telling shots and was outworked and out-fought and out-thought by his opponent. One decent shot here and there in a round is not going to win you decisions especially in the States.

The best fighter won. Taylor with serious thinking to do now on where he goes from here.

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Another thing, Taylor has always wanted to box at MSG, and with the recent Ken Buchanan passing and mention of him in the build-up to this one, to go and perform like that, in that building in front of the NY and most of the American fight writers is bitterly disappointing for Taylor. It could haunt him for a while.

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9 hours ago, morrie21 said:

Another thing, Taylor has always wanted to box at MSG, and with the recent Ken Buchanan passing and mention of him in the build-up to this one, to go and perform like that, in that building in front of the NY and most of the American fight writers is bitterly disappointing for Taylor. It could haunt him for a while.

Just watched it the now, yup gave it up without a “fight” 

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On 6/11/2023 at 9:48 AM, morrie21 said:

Another thing, Taylor has always wanted to box at MSG, and with the recent Ken Buchanan passing and mention of him in the build-up to this one, to go and perform like that, in that building in front of the NY and most of the American fight writers is bitterly disappointing for Taylor. It could haunt him for a while.

You will know better than me Morrie so I am interested in your view point here. I get the impression Taylor gets a lot of unfair criticism and this is a result of the extremely controversial Catterrall fight. No doubt a lot of it will be fuelled by the english media. Had the opponent not been english I suspect the back lash would not be quite so bad. Taylor can hardly be blamed for it too, the judges made the decision not Taylor



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47 minutes ago, vanderark14 said:

You will know better than me Morrie so I am interested in your view point here. I get the impression Taylor gets a lot of unfair criticism and this is a result of the extremely controversial Catterrall fight. No doubt a lot of it will be fuelled by the english media. Had the opponent not been english I suspect the back lash would not be quite so bad. Taylor can hardly be blamed for it too, the judges made the decision not Taylor



If I may interject, the British media are kings at building people up and knocking them down. They've done it to all nationalities of sportsmen too as Lewis Hamilton is an example.

True the Catterall result was not Taylor's performance but his poor performance was his fault. By all accounts he was in great nick going into this fight both mentally and physically but, again, he just did not deliver. Again Taylor must be questioned as to why that is. 

In these last two fights in particular he has not done enough eye-catching work to win enough rounds to win him the fights. Sporadic and very bitty and surrendering the initiative is how I'd describe the performances and not willing to lay enough on the line.

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9 hours ago, vanderark14 said:

You will know better than me Morrie so I am interested in your view point here. I get the impression Taylor gets a lot of unfair criticism and this is a result of the extremely controversial Catterrall fight. No doubt a lot of it will be fuelled by the english media. Had the opponent not been english I suspect the back lash would not be quite so bad. Taylor can hardly be blamed for it too, the judges made the decision not Taylor



I dunno really. Taylor didn't really do anything wrong apart from say he believed he won the fight against Catterall. I'm not too sure what other boxers would have said after a close fight either. Things got out of hand badly after that resulting in trolls online publishing the address of his wife#s place of work and her and other members of his family receiving death threats.

I think in general, even when he was winning, performing well and tearing it up on the way to becoming undisputed the media here didn't really like him. He is a bit stand-offish and can be spiky at times. The incident at the Edinburgh nightclub after he'd been on the bevvy all day also did his image no favours.

I'm not sure if that answered your question or not. There is more boxing specific stuff in the article I just posted above. My pen was busy writing that.

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  • 8 months later...

The re-match now confirmed for April - the two pressers have been pretty tasty with a fair bit of needle.

If I wasn't going to the Euro's I would be travelling down for it. . . . . hopefully a clear victory this time for Taylor, because I thought he was a very luck boy last time.

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  • 3 months later...

Well the second fight was conclusive, I can't make up my mind if Josh Taylor is on the decline or Catterall just has his number (Catterall's style must be very hard to fight against).

Noticed Taylors face is starting to show the signs of too many wars.

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Taylor is well on the decline mate. Even when he beat Ramirez to win undisputed he was showing signs of it. His last three fights he's been the ghost of the Tartan Tornado. Remember all the injuries too, knee, foot and eye.

His rise was impressive but all those wars took something away from him. It happens. Imagine prime Taylor, trained by Shane McGuigan against any version of Catterall. Would be one sided until the ref rescued Jack. Taylor should at least give himself half a chance and move up to welter instead of taking it all out of himself boiling down to 140 pounds.

He had a great career but now he's just another boxer hanging around the sport for too long. Sad to see but that cycle repeats itself over and over in this sport.

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Was at the first fight and it was a joke with the scoring, put me right off going to another fight anytime soon. I know it's always happened but that one was a shocker IMO. 

Taylor is bye, looks a shadow of the great boxer he once was. 

Heard a few folk say he had la mild dose of long covid, probably shite but makes you wonder. He'd certainly never admit that! 

I think it's more down to the fact he isn't good enough at that weight. Should go up a division and give himself a chance. If he fails at that, he'd be as well chucking it. 

Catterall deserved to the win the two fights and i certainly didn't think i'd be saying that walking into the Hydro that night!

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