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Sir Billy Connolly

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11 minutes ago, aaid said:

What things that he claimed to stand for?

Scotland to be servile to England (yes he really does) and the Labour party are two

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I'd imagine he is at the stage of thinking about his own mortality and dying

Even although i think it's a lot of cack i dont begrudge him it if it makes him happy

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3 hours ago, Toepoke said:

This congratulatory tweet from the First Minister certainly raised the bait...


As Ally said he's an ill old man, if this gives him happiness then fine.

Tbh the honours system doesn't bother me much at all, it's not likely to be a dilemma I'll ever have to face...


Where's the dilemma? Just tell them to stuff it up their erchie.


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16 hours ago, Toepoke said:


Tbh the honours system doesn't bother me much at all, it's not likely to be a dilemma I'll ever have to face...


indeed, why people get so upset about other people they don't know excepting them is bizarre

we'd all take them if offered

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2 hours ago, dan cake said:

indeed, why people get so upset about other people they don't know excepting them is bizarre

we'd all take them if offered

Not upset but it's a evidenfe of a unequal society, hence why some are against it. 

Edited by ParisInAKilt
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2 hours ago, dan cake said:

indeed, why people get so upset about other people they don't know excepting them is bizarre

we'd all take them if offered

Man who crawls up the arse of English fitba' in defence of British boak worthy whank fest shockaroonie. :rolleyes:

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14 minutes ago, ParisInAKilt said:

Not upset but it's a evidenfe of a unequal society, hence why some are against it. 

I'm sure there are many more reasons than that why people oppose them. Even the "equal" Soviet Union gave out gongs to civilians.

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23 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

Scotland to be servile to England (yes he really does) and the Labour party are two

When did he say the servile bit? I know he has been outspoken in his criticism of both nationalism and patriotism, and he made a comment a while back about England having saved a bankrupt Scotland (referencing Darien presumably). But he's also said he's no fan of a union with England. As for supporting Labour so did I for most of my adult life, and so did 99% of folk of his background until very recently. I'd prefer everyone told them to ram their honour up their royal ring (rather than smooch it) but he's an actor and comedian not an historian and, to my mind, if he wants to take the honour that's his business. He's done a lot more to deserve it than most.

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16 minutes ago, Pool Q said:

When did he say the servile bit?

Was what he stands for rather than saying it in so many words 

You have touched on it with his point of the Darien expedition - a common ludicrous reference made by Brit Nats



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10 minutes ago, Ally Bongo said:

Was what he stands for rather than saying it in so many words 

You have touched on it with his point of the Darien expedition - a common ludicrous reference made by Brit Nats



I know the history, unlike Connolly it appears. I didn't think he had said that, or anything like it.

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7 minutes ago, DaveyDenoon said:

I can absolutely and categorically tell you that in the highly unlikely event of being offered one I would most definitely NOT accept it.

Aye, you say that noo.

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On 17/06/2017 at 2:41 PM, Ormond said:

What a sell out piece of shite. Everything he claimed to stand for is now a pile of bollocks. 


On 17/06/2017 at 3:35 PM, aaid said:

What things that he claimed to stand for?


On 17/06/2017 at 3:48 PM, Ally Bongo said:

Scotland to be servile to England (yes he really does) and the Labour party are two


17 minutes ago, aaid said:

So you were havering then. 


Servile: having or showing an excessive willingness to serve or please others.

In 1974 he made a party political television broadcast on behalf of the Labour party which criticised and blasted the Scottish National Party

Although he has chosen not to live in Scotland for most of his adult life, he questioned the expense of independence

"You must remember that the Union saved Scotland. Scotland was bankrupt and the English opened us up to their American and Canadian markets, from which we just flowered."


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I suppose any lefty once-poor working class kid who grows up to be rich and famous is in danger of becoming a walking contradiction.

If you become rich and famous I don't think it's hypocritical either to continue to be a socialist, say, or to become a bit of a conservative in old age (as long as you don't try to trade on your socialist past).

But some things are clearly entirely optional sending signals about yourself, and for someone I thought was sympathetic to both socialism and Irish nationalism, to choose to be honoured by and literally kneeling to the British monarchy is baffling to me.

If you bring your politics into your act, or public profile (unlike, say, Ronny Corbett? Rikki Fulton?) you're likely to expect public scrutiny. So I think he's fair game in that respect.

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