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To be fair Parkie, at least a couple of hours passed before you were sanctioned for calling someone "Mr Scotland" then were banned for 48 hours more cause someone forgot to un-ban you. So any suggestion of bias is clearly fantasy.

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I can see that this is going to be a great illustration of Julian Barnes's definition of history from his novel Sense of an Ending: "History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation."

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Parkie got lippy with the wrong alcy and got his arse handed to him. There was a suggestion of violence to follow. Pwopa nawtie it was.

I wasn't lippy to anyone. Don't talk pish :ok:
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Well, it seems that no one grassed to the Mods. Despite the vile things that were posted (and then some apologists coming on bizarrely seeking to justify why those vile comments may have been made), everyone can sleep easy knowing no one ratted - and to some that's the most important thing.

If there wasn't a ban, and I have not seen any posts from the culprit since so not sure, then the Mods are saying it's fair game to post vile comments about anything to anyone. Every now and then some poster will make a self-aggrandising opening post saying how rubbish the Board has become and they are leaving because there are now no great posters (like them). This is done in the hope of being pleaded with to stay. All utter pish but if no action was taken then the board really has gone to the dogs - I'll start shortly on my OP for my thread on this............

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Never logged on yesterday so unaware what was said but Parklife is an antagonistic wee fandan who gets involved more than most with personal abuse.

Not surprising he's causing drama.

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