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I think wee Willie Bain will be the last man standing.

Im pretty sure I seen someone on Twitter state that current swing relative to 2010 would see NO Labour seats in Scotland. 1 Tory, 1 LibDem. The rest SNP. NO Labour seats.

Let that sink in for a moment.

That's not going to happen. Not a chance. And that makes me question some of this polling.

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Im pretty sure I seen someone on Twitter state that current swing relative to 2010 would see NO Labour seats in Scotland. 1 Tory, 1 LibDem. The rest SNP. NO Labour seats.

Let that sink in for a moment.

That's not going to happen. Not a chance. And that makes me question some of this polling.

I've always had doubts about polling too but you can't deny that they got it right for the referendum.

But if I switch on the results programme at 10pm and see any of those Scot-Lab troughers looking relieved after some kind of unexpected postal vote landslide the tv is going straight back off again and I'm going to bed. And I'm giving up on Scottish society.

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I just want SNP to have more seats than Labour, for Scotland's party to be the biggest..

I cant take in these figures in...

I will go for SNP 31, Labour 22, Libs 4 Tories 2 ......

For Mhairi to beat Doogie here would be unbelievable... I really cannae see it.

I can see this being 1992, again

sorry to put a dampner on it.....


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Broon got 29,000 votes in 2010. That's a majority of 23,000. 65% of all the votes cast. :yikes3:

OK, he isn't standing this time, but there is no way that seat can go to SNP. Just totally impossible.

Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath

Mullin (SNP) - 20704

Selbie (Lan) - 19235

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Being a pessimistic bassa, it's certainly feeling like that. It's getting to the point where election night can't possibly live up to the hype. Im still scarred by September and with three weeks to go, the SNP can't possibly sustain this surely?! The numbers are a total mind-f*** and for all those seats to go SNP in the same election, would be like your number coming up in the lottery... twice. Im still sticking with between 30-40 seats although I cant remember what my prediction was last month. Im struggling to not predict 40+ now though.

I need a good election night, not September all over again. Expectations are getting too carried away for me to be comfortable.

The day you say all will be well is the day I stop looking on the black side ;)

I am still sticking with about 20 seats.

The thing is, that even with 40+ seats, I'm not sure what the SNP are going to do with them. Lib Dems got 57 last time and it hasn't done them any good.

They went into a coalition with the Tories - that was never going to do them any good!

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East Renfrewshire:

I'm satisfied with Cameron - 30%

I'm dissatisfied with Cameron, but would prefer him to Miliband - 22%

Net: I want Cameron over Miliband - 52%

I'm dissatisfied with Cameron, and would prefer Miliband as PM - 31%


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East Renfrewshire:

I'm satisfied with Cameron - 30%

I'm dissatisfied with Cameron, but would prefer him to Miliband - 22%

Net: I want Cameron over Miliband - 52%

I'm dissatisfied with Cameron, and would prefer Miliband as PM - 31%


East Ren is littered with Tories...

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"That Davidson and the wee witch Curran are top of my wishlist"

Mine too, I hate that wee c Davidson and would never tire of seeing him getting a good kicking.

If you don't believe it is that bad for labour, then have a look at some on the spot polling by channel 4 news on the streets of Glasgow.

In true Glaswegian style..."shove your in Labour up your a**e".

It's first up on the YESnhs facebook page.


Pure class. Enjoy.

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