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I sent one of my colleagues in Manchester the link to that video about the Scottish bloke playing Heads Up that Ormond posted. After commenting on the humour he mentioned what a fine head of hair the young bloke had. 

My colleague is in his early 50's and told me that when he goes out on the town these days he gets his hair out of a can. He says he just gets dressed up and 'sprays on his hair' . 

I asked him if he meant he just sprays on a colour, or if it is actual hair that comes out the can, a bit like string. Thought he was maybe into dreadlocks. 

He said it was called 'Mane ' for men. I was rather intrigued by this so checked it out on google. Was just wondering if any of the men on here are brave enough to admit using this, or indeed have there own tips for receding hair. 

For the record I am a wummin with a fine head of hair.....


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Still find it remarkable that in 2017 with how much humans have advanced we cant find a simple cure for hair loss.

Would be worth trillions to whoever comes up with it so id imagine most avenues have been tried

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16 hours ago, Charlie Endell said:

Going through golf clubs at a ferocious rate!

He has a suspiciously fine mane for a man in his mid-forties. 

Try running your fingers through it next time you see him, just to check the texture. Though perhaps no when he is holding a golf club in his hand .

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I had a look at the reviews which are , unsurprisingly, mixed. There was a review that looked like it could be written by someone on this board. 

'Been using it fir months now and disnt apear to be doing anything'. They then went on to give it 4 out of 5 stars. 

Unfortunately I think it may be seeping into their brain.    


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14 hours ago, thplinth said:

There is a crafty edit around the 35 seconds mark where it looks like it was turning very nasty and then suddenly it was looking all ok. I wonder what happened in between?

That is horrific... like spraying your already ill hair with a super toxic short term cosmetic spray. Guaranteed to ensure baldness. 

It looks like a Blue Peter moment when they have thought 'fook this', here is one we prepared earlier. The right hand side of his hair didnt seem to be reacting to the product and then the next shot it was thick and dark. 

I think someone on here should test this. Any volunteers?

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13 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

Still find it remarkable that in 2017 with how much humans have advanced we cant find a simple cure for hair loss.

Would be worth trillions to whoever comes up with it so id imagine most avenues have been tried

Completely agree, i was unfortunate enough to lose my hair before inwas 20,, took me years to embrace it haha,, i would have sold my granny to get my hair back,, they say a cure will be found within the next 10 years but thats been said many times before 

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On 23/07/2017 at 6:16 PM, Jersey Jim said:

Well TDYER63

That's your receding brothers Xmas pressie sorted then :lol:

From the man who despite being one year older than me was once mistaken for my faither! :lol:

Any way. Fine heid of hair me. 

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9 hours ago, Marky said:

From the man who despite being one year older than me was once mistaken for my faither! :lol:

Any way. Fine heid of hair me. 

Ach, she was a nutter that burd, and only only saw my fine flowing grey locks from the back of the car and not my dashing good looks face to face, so understandable mistake to make.

if I wanted to get rid of my distinguished look it'll set me back about £1.99 in boots, however if you wish to return to your "crowning glory" of yesteryear about £8K should do the trick. :lol:


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1 hour ago, Jersey Jim said:

Ach, she was a nutter that burd, and only only saw my fine flowing grey locks from the back of the car and not my dashing good looks face to face, so understandable mistake to make.

if I wanted to get rid of my distinguished look it'll set me back about £1.99 in boots, however if you wish to return to your "crowning glory" of yesteryear about £8K should do the trick. :lol:


Erm. You were in the front of the car and she had her heid right in Pops!!

She is a nutter mind. I'll give ye that. 

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