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George Square Crash

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As an aside and completely unrelated to the awfulness of what has happened it would be nice for the reporting to make no mention of the Clutha and shoe-horn in a Jim Murphy connection (political allegiances out the window) - it's lazy and unnecessary. It would also be good if "witnesses" amd rent a quotes would refrain from making reference to the indomitable Glaswegain spirit - it's approaching Liverpudlian heights. Decent people react decently - it's not ingrained into a city dweller's psyche.........

Too late asking for this. Ruth Davidson has delivered on them all apart from Murphy.

Stuff like this (not the above) puts ye right off celebrating the festivities.

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Terrible news again for Glasgow, the lorry seems to have travelled a good distance as well. If the driver pulls through, his life will be hell coming to terms with whats happened.

Never good at any time of year, but its going to ruin so many peoples Chrismas'.

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Im afraid that there are reports on twitter that 3 of the dead may be children :(

Weans have no chance against that kind of vehicle. I suppose it was to be expected, especially with the holidays.

An absolute shame.

I stood at the exact spot where the truck came to a halt just last month, oblivious to traffic, phoning around for England tickets. It only takes a split-second and yer gone.

These politicians need to wind their necks in and STFU. The point-scoring by some of them is despicable.

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Can you imagine the media slagging had Salmond or Sturgeon pitched up for a photo op...

What kind of opportunistic slime ball is Murphy, bloody hell. Ambulance chasing prikk...

Sarwar is another prikk. Absolutely no need to put his name and party on a campaign for people in the area to call their family or friends.


Edited by OLAS
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I knew that that it was highly unlikely my parents were there but they often go to Glasgow on the train but I was relieved when I phoned and got them in I can't imagine what it would be like phoning and not getting an answer.

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This is just terrible news. Something like this would be awful enough at any time of year but for it to happen at Christmas is crueller still.

First the Clutha, then the School of Art fire and now this - I don't know what this city has done to deserve some of the luck it's had recently. My heart goes out to everyone involved.

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