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Revisiting 9/11?

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17 minutes ago, kumnio said:

Ach, I was away to post that.

If I was a 'globalist' trying to conceal the flat earth, then that's the sort of 'story' I'd drum up to discredit those who are getting too close to uncovering the truth.

(And as you see, it works.)

The 'elite', of course, have not only infiltrated, but have established and control a large portion of the 'Truth' movement.

There's lots of cointelpro to sift through.

4 minutes ago, thplinth said:

Scotty do you not see how you actually kill every discussion about 9/11? 

Provably not true.

I've started more 9/11 threads than anyone, and chem trails, moon landings, and JFK were all mentioned before I even opened the thread.

(I can't control what folk are more interested in.)

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11 minutes ago, thplinth said:

 It is astonishing vanity that you always manage to make the discussion about you and make no mistake that is what you do. Look at this thread... why did you derail it if you care so much about 9/11 truth on probably the last ever tamb 9/11 thread. You love playing the martyr. You are vain.

Is this what you are blaming me for?

On 9/10/2017 at 7:19 AM, Toepoke said:

Yay! Let's debate the flat earth again, the last days of the TAMB are going to be fun....



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16 minutes ago, thplinth said:

Scotty do you not see how you actually kill every discussion about 9/11? 


Check out my 'signature' that hasn't changed in literally years.

(In fact, find a post of mine that doesn't contain the words "9/11 was an inside job!"

I'm the one who brought the false flag claim to the TAMB in 2003 (and stood alone until others caught up) and I've been the one (more than anyone) to keep it going.

Edited by Scotty CTA
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12 minutes ago, thplinth said:

Isn't it. Been like that on here the whole time I have been posting. It is not a tamb thing but a human thing.  Real stuff is frightening... flat earth stuff is comfortable by comparison.

That's true right enough. 

In Scotty's defence he never mentioned the other stuff first but has kept it going but fair play to him if that's what he believes. 

Edited by ParisInAKilt
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9 minutes ago, ParisInAKilt said:

That's true right enough. 

In Scotty's defence he never mentioned the other stuff first but has kept it going but fair play to him if that's what he believes. 

The 'flat earth' discussion has taken over because Tthat's where the other poster have taken it.

6 minutes ago, thplinth said:

Scotty you have murdered 9|11 truth on here. Murdered it. How can you not see that?! 


1. I brought the 9/11 inside job truth to light on here.

2. If my conclusions don't match yours then that's what a message board is for.

Let's unpack it.

I'm not going to go along with you on (say) Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon if I don't see any proof of it.

(I'm going to start new threads... )

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4 hours ago, ParisInAKilt said:

In the spirit of the thread, I read this, a lot of guff would be my review. I've not read alot of 911 stuff but that appears pretty typical of a lot of it, some self important nobody droning on about irrelevant nonsense and their own pet physcological theories, backing up their arguments with irrelevant nonsense and more pet psychological theories from other self important nobodies.

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1 hour ago, Scotty CTA said:

3 inches over what distance?

2-5km. So that guy probably added a bit extra. He certainly took it into consideration, as per your link. 

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21 minutes ago, Eisegerwind said:

In the spirit of the thread, I read this, a lot of guff would be my review. I've not read alot of 911 stuff but that appears pretty typical of a lot of it, some self important nobody droning on about irrelevant nonsense and their own pet physcological theories, backing up their arguments with irrelevant nonsense and more pet psychological theories from other self important nobodies.

Fair enough. I see what you're saying but I thought it added someone to other things I've read or watched. 

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7 minutes ago, ParisInAKilt said:

Fair enough. I see what you're saying but I thought it added someone to other things I've read or watched. 

Thanks for the reasoned reply. I just don't buy all this conspirarcy theory stuff. I've no doubt that every government and their agencies are lying about lots of stuff all the time but the idea that they are clever enough or organised enough to concieve huge consparicies  and then carry them out in a world where the smallest  action can have all sort of unintended consequences, I just don't believe

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7 minutes ago, Eisegerwind said:

Thanks for the reasoned reply. I just don't buy all this conspirarcy theory stuff. I've no doubt that every government and their agencies are lying about lots of stuff all the time but the idea that they are clever enough or organised enough to concieve huge consparicies  and then carry them out in a world where the smallest  action can have all sort of unintended consequences, I just don't believe

I just think there's too many unanswered questions, coincidences and alternative evidence that contradicts the offical narrative. 

At the very least a proper investigation should have been carried out, even the commission said it was set up to fail, which is staggering considering what happened. 

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I remember the old innocent days when some people believed a baby t-rex had been found in the jungle...

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11 hours ago, Flat Earth said:

I remember the old innocent days when some people believed a baby t-rex had been found in the jungle...


You never see folk walking about town centres with sandwich boards anymore.

Did they all move to Canada?



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9 minutes ago, Dave78 said:


You never see folk walking about town centres with sandwich boards anymore.

Did they all move to Canada?



About ten or so years ago at election time (Westminster, Holyrood and local) I always used to see this wee auld guy in a mobility scooter driving a continuous circuit around Glasgow City centre with big "Vote Scottish Labour" placards fixed to it  He could barely see over the front one he had fixed to it.

He's probably died now.

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43 minutes ago, ErsatzThistle said:

About ten or so years ago at election time (Westminster, Holyrood and local) I always used to see this wee auld guy in a mobility scooter driving a continuous circuit around Glasgow City centre with big "Vote Scottish Labour" placards fixed to it  He could barely see over the front one he had fixed to it.

He's probably died now.

He was still there in the run up to the referendum with the scooter bedecked in Union Jacks and Better Together paraphernalia 

Just your typical bigoted auld fvcker   

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17 hours ago, Eisegerwind said:

In the spirit of the thread, I read this, a lot of guff would be my review. I've not read alot of 911 stuff but that appears pretty typical of a lot of it, some self important nobody droning on about irrelevant nonsense and their own pet physcological theories, backing up their arguments with irrelevant nonsense and more pet psychological theories from other self important nobodies.

That sums it nicely.

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On 9/14/2017 at 6:00 PM, Scotty CTA said:

3 inches over what distance?

That's either a saddo or a set-up.

No, just a clear and honest understanding of logic and deception, and a willingness to question everything.

I won't be brow-beaten by the eggheads, though, if that's what you're getting at.

Academia is only one component toward determining the truth.

If a person rejects God in their heart, is convinced by impossible theories as fact, and only comfortable in going along with the majority, then they're no good to anyone (including themselves).

There are plenty of people of 'higher learning' who accept creation and question a globe earth.

Scotty, we have never met but I believe you to be a genuine really good guy (I have heard so from others).


If you remove "religion/God" from of your arguments it'd have a chance.

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4 minutes ago, thplinth said:

My feeling is there were a lot of really decent 9/11 threads on here strangled at birth by the Scotty Show.



That blows Scotty's big theory out the water as Hell has just Frozen over as I agree with you.

He is either on a long term wind up and needs to get a life or he believes this crap and needs to get a life or is desperate for attention and needs to get a life.


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On 9/14/2017 at 6:00 PM, Scotty CTA said:

No, just a clear and honest understanding of logic and deception, and a willingness to question everything.

No, you don't question everything (and you have very little understanding of logic). You do not question the nature of the text upon which your entire subsequent worldview is based and that inability to question undermines all that follows as it is built on sand. Faith is a perfectly fine way of approaching knowledge of metaphysics, in fact it is the only sensible way, but it's a crap way to approach physics.

Science isn't based on faith and the false 'certainty' that faith inspires. Science is based on doubt. Theories, to have scientific validity, have to be testable. Heliocentricism, relativity, big bang have all, so far, passed the tests that make them continue to be viable. They all enable prediction, and those predictions have, so far, been shown to be sound. Bible-based cosmology is a hotch-potch of lies, evasions, mysticism and bullshit.

One reason you make few contributions to the 9/11 debate these days is that you need physics to make a case, and using physics would highlight the hypocrisy of your more recent conversion to faith-based cosmology. It leaves you in a fundamentally illogical position where you do not understand the difference between necessary truth and contingent truth, or 'beyond reasonable doubt' and 'beyond all possible doubt'. And yet despite all this you claim "a clear and honest understanding of logic and deception, and a willingness to question everything". You're deceiving yourself.

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On 14/09/2017 at 4:03 PM, Scotty CTA said:

Satan has the power to (and does) control all 'governments'.

It is ultimately those 'governments' which decide/allow what gets taught through our education systems and released through the various medias.

(For example, if I were to discover free and unlimited 'energy', I couldn't just announce it. I would just be a target for being discredited or death in the same way that so many have previously been black balled and have 'perished'.)

I don't subscribe to the theory of relativity, or believe that the Hubble telescope exists.

Oooooh, getting all excited, is this a glimpse of the future, is there going to be another bonkers thread coming along, 'How the baby Jesus helped me find free unlimited energy.' I believe there are already some cracking youtube vids available.

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