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Yes, have always thought he was one if the more sensible Labourites. Tbh, I think politicians have every right to do that if they're being unfairly harassed. Some constituents, and media folks, are t0ssers, and shouldn't just expect to be able to say what they want. I'm guessing if we see the whole video it would become clear why he did it.

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Yes, have always thought he was one if the more sensible Labourites. Tbh, I think politicians have every right to do that if they're being unfairly harassed. Some constituents, and media folks, are t0ssers, and shouldn't just expect to be able to say what they want. I'm guessing if we see the whole video it would become clear why he did it.

A very sensible point. Now have a look at the readers comments on the Wings story:


The mob mentality surrounded Yes at the moment is frightening. Much akin to the general reaction of someone posting on Facebook that they think someone in their area is a child abuser or "Pyoor nicks dugs fur fights man".

Most objectivity has been left in September.

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Yes, have always thought he was one if the more sensible Labourites. Tbh, I think politicians have every right to do that if they're being unfairly harassed. Some constituents, and media folks, are t0ssers, and shouldn't just expect to be able to say what they want. I'm guessing if we see the whole video it would become clear why he did it.


It doesn't look good. But depending on what had led up to it - it might actually be quite restrained.

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A very sensible point. Now have a look at the readers comments on the Wings story:


The mob mentality surrounded Yes at the moment is frightening. Much akin to the general reaction of someone posting on Facebook that they think someone in their area is a child abuser or "Pyoor nicks dugs fur fights man".

Most objectivity has been left in September.

I've read through the comments and don't see this "mob mentality" you talk about.

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It sprung up for me, as i understand it myself and Scunnered are educated to at least an undergraduate level in human behaviour.

In much the same way as mathematicians and non mathematicians look at this c9f2055dadfb49853eff822a453d9ceb.png one group will see nonsense the other will see something of elegant beauty.

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A very sensible point. Now have a look at the readers comments on the Wings story:


The mob mentality surrounded Yes at the moment is frightening. Much akin to the general reaction of someone posting on Facebook that they think someone in their area is a child abuser or "Pyoor nicks dugs fur fights man".

Most objectivity has been left in September.

Classic whataboutery. I don't know what happened up to that point and as I've said maybe his frustration is understandable. What is unacceptable however is his (over)reaction. Wings readers are not eleted public servants nor are they paid from the public purse, Mr Martin is.

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Must say I read all the wings comments and "mob mentality" in no way sprung to kind. In no way, none.

I see it everyday my passionate friend... Its not exclusive to the Yes boys and girls so rest easy... Although its much more prevalent*.

* Possibly in part to a large portion of No voters being too old to use the internet.

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You do know what a mob is?

I do indeed. If you need examples look no further than threads on The Rangers on here, the Wings comment sections, or the Daily Mail comments section.

If you're denying there is a mob mentality among Yes supporters, attend ANY public meeting on the subject. It may shock your world.

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Montae, comparing wings with rangers threads or anything on daily mail is way beyond silly. You were specifically discussing wings regarding supposed mob mentality, so am unclear as to the point of referencing the other threads (which I avoid ).

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I read a lot of the WoS stuff and most of it is excellent. Much, much better than what our so called journalists produce. His style might not suit everybody but it's the facts he digs up that are important. He seems to have the ability to see right through what the politicians are up to. He is brilliant at tying things together from different stories sometimes months or years apart.

As for the comments, to me, they seem pretty reasonable and restrained. I don't know if he moderates and censors them before they go up (must be pretty time consuming if he does) but there is plenty of stuff on the TAMB which gets far closer to "offensive" than anything I've seen on WoS.

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Montae, comparing wings with rangers threads or anything on daily mail is way beyond silly. You were specifically discussing wings regarding supposed mob mentality, so am unclear as to the point of referencing the other threads (which I avoid ).

I also referenced wings. Ok, put your objective hat on. Pick a few Wings stories, start at the oldest comment and work your way to the newest. You'll notice the pattern and tone changing progressively as the loud shouty members weigh in with their 'point'... It's clear as day.

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I read a lot of the WoS stuff and most of it is excellent. Much, much better than what our so called journalists produce. His style might not suit everybody but it's the facts he digs up that are important. He seems to have the ability to see right through what the politicians are up to. He is brilliant at tying things together from different stories sometimes months or years apart.

As for the comments, to me, they seem pretty reasonable and restrained. I don't know if he moderates and censors them before they go up (must be pretty time consuming if he does) but there is plenty of stuff on the TAMB which gets far closer to "offensive" than anything I've seen on WoS.

Good post.WOS became such an integral part of the yes campaign.Nothing is ever 100% accurate where not all the evidence is available.But it's questioning of Westminster's so called facts was illuminating.

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I also referenced wings. Ok, put your objective hat on. Pick a few Wings stories, start at the oldest comment and work your way to the newest. You'll notice the pattern and tone changing progressively as the loud shouty members weigh in with their 'point'... It's clear as day.

Do the "loud shouty" folk always wait for the sensible ones to give their comments first? That seems very restrained of them. Nicola must have them well trained.

You make a lot of decent sensible points on here but you also dinae half haver some pish sometimes.

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Do the "loud shouty" folk always wait for the sensible ones to give their comments first? That seems very restrained of them. Nicola must have them well trained.

You make a lot of decent sensible points on here but you also dinae half haver some pish sometimes.

I don't think I mentioned Nicola? What you're alluding to would be an organised mob... What I'm referring to in laymans terms would be a lynch mob.

Someone also mentioned the Record above, what they and Hothersall often refer to is that Nicola has a rabid mob at their beck and call that they organise through emails and the like... Load of pish.

What I'm suggesting is that when there is a large gathering of like minded Yes chaps and chapettes either at a public meeting, or on a public forum, all objectivity is lost and all it takes is one or two individuals to speak out, and it gets ugly.

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Hope it's a good yin :ok:

I hope it's a hedgehog*

*not really. Just that's one of my favourite ever sayings, and don't like to miss an opportunity to use it. I hope it was gloriously smooth and pleasingly large

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