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When are you arriving in Munich?

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Two of us from Canada flying Tuesday night next week 6pm Canada time and going via Frankfurt.

We should arrive lunchtime in Munich all being well.

When are folk getting in? Trying to establish what to do . Main party would be the night before I assume. Will be doing a bit of sight seeing then hoping to meet up with the rest of the Scotland fans. Any indication of a pub or area to hit up?


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Me and my pal arrive separately (him from Edinburgh me from heathrow) on the Wednesday afternoon. He's got a two hour wait for me at the airport bar as he arrives about 2.30 me about 4.45. So there will be a traditional (for us) airport pint before Joe to the hotel in town. Let us know if anyone arriving the same pm. We will dump our bags at Hilton park hotel and then out on the sesh. Like the Canadian contingent it would be great to hear if any Wednesday evening gatherings or areas !

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Aye no worries WeeJohnny both of us keen to find other Scotland fans for a wee sing song.

We fly to frankfurt then get the train arriving in Munich at 12:10 PM. We will obviously have done customs etc at that point, mind you dunno how much sleep we will get on the flight after being in the airport bar for a few.

I'm a travel nerd so making a google map of all the beer halls and points of interest. I could share it here if anyone wants it.

So nobody knows of a pub or whatever being Scotland HQ?

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26 minutes ago, jimmyhillshitman said:

Aye no worries WeeJohnny both of us keen to find other Scotland fans for a wee sing song.

We fly to frankfurt then get the train arriving in Munich at 12:10 PM. We will obviously have done customs etc at that point, mind you dunno how much sleep we will get on the flight after being in the airport bar for a few.

I'm a travel nerd so making a google map of all the beer halls and points of interest. I could share it here if anyone wants it.

So nobody knows of a pub or whatever being Scotland HQ?

That'd be braw if you could share yer map. Are you staying central ? 

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Posted (edited)

Here's a map I made. I'm not that tech savy so hopefully this works and I'm not giving out my google account details!




I'm staying west of city, no too far from where the scotland fan meet up is. Seems they put us just out of the center.

This map contains my hotel and my mates place so you can ignore that. But has all the beer halls with rankings.

Yellow - tourist attraction

Green - beer hall

Brown - Beer garden

Red - stuff to do with the game itself


******it's no saved properly and it's missing stuff. Baws*****

Edited by jimmyhillshitman
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Heathrow to Zurich on Thursday 13th; train from Zurich Airport direct to Munich; arriving late afternoon.

After check-in, I'll presumably head for Marienplatz with a few beers to find a colossal gathering of the clans.

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Land in at Munich airport 13:30pm on the Thursday - rest of my group land 17:30. straight out around the MarianPlatz area id guess on the Thursday afternoon/night

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Dunno yet. Should get into Koln Wednesday about midday. Have a bed for the night . Just reckon I can make it from there to Munich by Friday , earlier the better. 
hoping to base in Koln for the group games given its proximity to Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen and Düsseldorf. Only met a few Swiss, expecting to increase that. 
Embdy have an inkling what the weather might be like next Friday ? 

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4 hours ago, Shaundy said:

Dunno yet. Should get into Koln Wednesday about midday. Have a bed for the night . Just reckon I can make it from there to Munich by Friday , earlier the better. 
hoping to base in Koln for the group games given its proximity to Dortmund, Gelsenkirchen and Düsseldorf. Only met a few Swiss, expecting to increase that. 
Embdy have an inkling what the weather might be like next Friday ? 

XC Weather has it raining at some point every day for the next week, I'm hoping that's a good sign, maybe by next Thursday/Friday the rain will have passed....🤞

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On 6/6/2024 at 1:52 PM, Rich NATA said:

Heathrow to Zurich on Thursday 13th; train from Zurich Airport direct to Munich; arriving late afternoon.

After check-in, I'll presumably head for Marienplatz with a few beers to find a colossal gathering of the clans.

Hi Rich,

I'm doing the same trip. Did you get discounted train fares?




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2 hours ago, Paulyd said:

Hi Rich,

I'm doing the same trip. Did you get discounted train fares?





I bought most of my long-distance train tickets (3) before the UEFA/Deutsche-Bahn deal kicked in (that was 14th January IIRC).

At the time (December?) they were all cheap enough for me not to wait for the €29 fares.

(Current) flight home is out of Frankfurt. I've not yet booked the train from Stuttgart to Frankfurt Airport, but I'll use the €29 deal for it.

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