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A very talent man.

My heart sank when I saw his name trending on Twitter this morning, because, given his lifestyle, I knew it was unlikely to be good news.

Nevertheless, his music hit the spot for me, back in the day as a plooky youth.

Thanks for the for tunes, big yin.

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Gutted to hear he had passed, kind of had a sad bit of inevitability about it.

Core is my favourite album of all time, just raw and fantastic. Brilliant stuff.

Even though he wasn't really into Velvet Revolver, Slither is a fantastic song, don't think much of the rest tho unfortunately.

This was first time I saw STPs...

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Gutted to hear he had passed, kind of had a sad bit of inevitability about it.

Core is my favourite album of all time, just raw and fantastic. Brilliant stuff.

Even though he wasn't really into Velvet Revolver, Slither is a fantastic song, don't think much of the rest tho unfortunately.

This was first time I saw STPs...

Fantastic rendition of Sex Type Thing. :)

That episode of The Word is semi-legendary too. Apparently after it was aired Terry Christian and Mark Lamarr had a massive falling out, had to be physically separated, and Lamarr refused to appear onscreen with Christian again! He wasn't invited back for the following series...

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