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About Bzzzz

  • Birthday 03/18/1973

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    Rusty Nail TA

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  1. Looking for travel ideas, was hoping to do a quick in and out due to the Euros devastating my leave! It's a Sat game, there MUST be a way! 😂
  2. Sat: Edi - Stansted - Lisbon Tues: Faro - Stansted - Lisbon Approx £200
  3. Bzzzz


    Last time we played Albania I hired a car from the airport at Podgorica and the drive was fine, the drive out of Tirana was less so but getting to and from Shkoder was easy enough.
  4. I'd rather eat ma ain shite than vote for ANY unionist party and in particular that shower of cunts. Cole-Hamilton is a vile piece of shit, says Scotland should never exist yet is happy to take the Scottish taxpayer's money, fuck him and fuck his party. Pathetic drama queen of a man.
  5. I can't see it, I can't see indy supporters all of a sudden deciding it was ok to vote for an english puppet party. Wouldn't make ANY sense to do so.
  6. The shitebag's obviously been caught daein something. Excellent news, NEXT!
  7. Are we seeing big Craigie bowing out on 75caps tonight? I'll have a tear in my eye if it is.
  8. Fingers crossed Hibs relegation campaign will be at the forefront of their coverage! 👍
  9. Just proves that that overrated echo dome Wembley should be nowhere near staging ANY major games nevermind tournaments.
  10. Unionists. That's enough for me NEVER to vote for them. I'd rather eat ma ain shite than vote for a unionist party.
  11. Have you tried the classic ones? I think that's what they're called, they've got gold type branding on them but they've got arch support, very nice.
  12. It's no the kilt that makes ye hot it's the 11 jaiskits ye huv tae wear! I never feel the kilt makes me overheat at all, keeps the breeze aboot ye!
  13. There's a big difference to yer bawbag swinging in the wind and looking LIKE a bawbag in a bucket hat! 😂
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