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Looks like the annual bit of fun looking for heaving cleavage and women with large bottoms in lycra is going to be wasted

Will it even go ahead ?  And if it does will it finish ?

And if allowing Israel to compete wasn't enough of a grenade they had to expel one of the favourites ,the Dutch weirdo, last night 

We're supposed to believe it's because a female event organiser got hurt feelings when she told the Dutch entry to remove their stage gear

Also reports of the Israeli lobby bullying folk backstage as well

Security will need to be tighter that your arse after eating a vindaloo as it's surely a beacon for every Islamic extremist now



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I'm one of the sad folk who loves Eurovision! Always been a guilty pleasure. But all the political nonsense even has me a bit apathetic about tonight. It's a fecking singing competition.....anyone trying to make any sort of political statement should be instantly disqualified. 

I agree, I fear the worst tonight, whether it's a terrorist threat or more likely, it just descending into a farce with a few acts protesting or whatever. 

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A Russian representing Israel. Love it. Hopefully an Israeli win upsets a few of the arse/holes pronoun brigade with their blue hair and nose rings

The Israeli entry is actually a decent effort. A lovely ballad tinged with melancholy


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Sometimes not reading any news is best, I have absolutely no idea about any of this stuff going on and will be tuning in as usual hoping for a laugh. 

Israels entry is 🥱 , for that reason alone I hope it doesn’t win. 

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It used to be good when some twatter accounts did wee bad drawings/caricatures of each act

Don't get that now :(

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8 minutes ago, StirlingEgg said:

You say that like it's a bad thing 😋


it was catchy in a holiday resort way.

Ireland just ramped up the weirdness a notch. 

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4 minutes ago, kumnio said:

UK going with a gay Fight Club combination theme, not a bad song in all fairness.

Excellent dance number. The sort of song you hear blaring out of CC Blooms when you’re over the road waiting on your king rib supper

With regards to the choreography then you’ll just have to imagine that Jose Mourinho meme 🤐

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Bit more for the hetros thanks to Cyprus

Could be a good e/w

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