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2 hours ago, dandydunn said:

Why would they wave a kill all huns banner at parkhead?

I'm just back from my ban, and the first person to confront me is none other that the kleek grandmaster himself !! Think about what I said. Do not challenge my intelligence on this.. It's not complicated... See, polite DD, no need to go running to the mods again...

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2 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

I'm just back from my ban, and the first person to confront me is none other that the kleek grandmaster himself !! Think about what I said. Do not challenge my intelligence on this.. It's not complicated... See, polite DD, no need to go running to the mods again...

I’ve no idea what you mean, but I’ll ask again, why would Aberdeen fans wave a kill all huns banner at parkhead? 

Oh and it’s clique, so that makes the intelligence thing kinda null & void 👍🏽

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2 minutes ago, dandydunn said:

I’ve no idea what you mean, but I’ll ask again, why would Aberdeen fans wave a kill all huns banner at parkhead? 

Oh and it’s clique, so that makes the intelligence thing kinda null & void 👍🏽

A simple spelling mistake is not the mark of one's intelligence. I would however like your thoughts on the disgusting, bigoted, terrorist like banner, your lot unveiled at ibrox the other day.. The Green Brigade have never gone that far, and that's a fact. Aberdeen football club, have they even made a statement condemning this sort of behavior? It's very serious, threatening to kill fellow men, woman, and children.. That's what I got from the banner...

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2 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

A simple spelling mistake is not the mark of one's intelligence. I would however like your thoughts on the disgusting, bigoted, terrorist like banner, your lot unveiled at ibrox the other day.. The Green Brigade have never gone that far, and that's a fact. Aberdeen football club, have they even made a statement condemning this sort of behavior? It's very serious, threatening to kill fellow men, woman, and children.. That's what I got from the banner...

I’ll try and break this down into simple parts for you.

A: We all know your intelligence level

B: I would expect the club will mention it when the police investigation is complete, that’s generally how these things work

😄 Celtic had dummies hanging from the top tier at parkhead with nooses around their necks, see the reference here

😧 If you’d like my thoughts, look back on the thread where several Aberdeen fans said it was unacceptable 

E: Good try, but you must try harder 

F: I’ll ask again, why would Aberdeen fans have a banner that said Kill All Huns on it at Parkhead?


Hopefully that explains your scattergun approach to several things that have made you look thick as fuck as usual, anything else I can help with, please feel free to drop me another reply or PM and I’ll try and use as easily understood words as possible, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to use crayons to make it any easier.

Kind regards

DD 👍🏽



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51 minutes ago, dandydunn said:

I’ll try and break this down into simple parts for you.

A: We all know your intelligence level

B: I would expect the club will mention it when the police investigation is complete, that’s generally how these things work

😄 Celtic had dummies hanging from the top tier at parkhead with nooses around their necks, see the reference here

😧 If you’d like my thoughts, look back on the thread where several Aberdeen fans said it was unacceptable 

E: Good try, but you must try harder 

F: I’ll ask again, why would Aberdeen fans have a banner that said Kill All Huns on it at Parkhead?


Hopefully that explains your scattergun approach to several things that have made you look thick as fuck as usual, anything else I can help with, please feel free to drop me another reply or PM and I’ll try and use as easily understood words as possible, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to use crayons to make it any easier.

Kind regards

DD 👍🏽



No, I'm good I'm afraid. I'm done getting into arguments and debates. Its just history repeating itself and life is to short for both of us to go down that road. No PM is necessary DD....

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6 minutes ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

No, I'm good I'm afraid. I'm done getting into arguments and debates. Its just history repeating itself and life is to short for both of us to go down that road. No PM is necessary DD....

Good to see you’ve tried to attack me, been proven wrong in every point, so decided to completely ignore the subject now 😂😂😂😂

It’s good to have you back, it makes people’s days a lot happier to read your nonsense. 

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21 minutes ago, dandydunn said:

Good to see you’ve tried to attack me, been proven wrong in every point, so decided to completely ignore the subject now 😂😂😂😂

It’s good to have you back, it makes people’s days a lot happier to read your nonsense. 

Attack you? I've chewed tougher fish suppers than you!! No man, no need to attack you, I leave the weak alone mate..

Now, I will answer your question. Aberdeen scum who brought that banner to Ibrox, better not bring a similar banner to Parkhead. Is that simple enough for you to comprehend young fella....

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6 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

I see RH is still here, like that wee turd at the bottom of the toilet that just won't flush. Still trying to make friends kid. Stand on !!!

RH is asking for you btw.  He said you are a good lad but misguided a wee bit.  He still likes a Glenlivet.  Forever!!

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53 minutes ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

Attack you? I've chewed tougher fish suppers than you!! No man, no need to attack you, I leave the weak alone mate..

Now, I will answer your question. Aberdeen scum who brought that banner to Ibrox, better not bring a similar banner to Parkhead. Is that simple enough for you to comprehend young fella....

Why not? What you gonna do? Text someone that actually knows where Parkhead is and demand they take it down? 😂😂😂

But since you finally answered it, how do you feel about the sex dolls that were hung by the neck at parkhead in an old firm game a few years ago, as I presented to you above? 

What do you think that symbolised in their actions?

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3 minutes ago, dandydunn said:

Why not? What you gonna do? Text someone that actually knows where Parkhead is and demand they take it down? 😂😂😂

But since you finally answered it, how do you feel about the sex dolls that were hung by the neck at parkhead in an old firm game a few years ago, as I presented to you above? 

What do you think that symbolised in their actions?

It was a disgrace, no place anywhere in life for that. One other thing wee man, I was attending matches at Parkhead and Hampden before you were even born.. I have been supporting my club and country longer than you have been alive junior... Respect that !!!! 

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Just now, Big Ramy 1314 said:

It was a disgrace, no place anywhere in life for that. One other thing wee man, I was attending matches at Parkhead and Hampden before you were even born.. I have been supporting my club and country longer than you have been alive junior... Respect that !!!! 


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7 minutes ago, dandydunn said:

Why not? What you gonna do? Text someone that actually knows where Parkhead is and demand they take it down? 😂😂😂

But since you finally answered it, how do you feel about the sex dolls that were hung by the neck at parkhead in an old firm game a few years ago, as I presented to you above? 

What do you think that symbolised in their actions?

As far as the banner comment, I would like to think they would get the living fuck kicked right out of them.. I would gladly do it myself if I was at Parkhead and witnessed a banner like the one at ibroke...

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13 minutes ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

As far as the banner comment, I would like to think they would get the living fuck kicked right out of them.. I would gladly do it myself if I was at Parkhead and witnessed a banner like the one at ibroke...

So you agree the green brigade should have the living fuck kicked out of them for their banners?

Again, why would they have a banner saying kill all huns at Parkhead?

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25 minutes ago, dandydunn said:

So you agree the green brigade should have the living fuck kicked out of them for their banners?

Again, why would they have a banner saying kill all huns at Parkhead?

I give up, I really do. So if the same cretins showed up at Parkhead with a banner "kill all Fenians"if, yes they deserve a severe kicking.. Little more dangerous than the GB, "Fuck the Crown"... You follow now? All hypothetical of course....

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16 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

Now that my 20 ban is over, I will answer this..

Simply because I can, and I enjoy this board. I am sure there are folk that don't agree with me, and that is fine. There are also folk that DO agree with me also. Problem is, there is a wee kleek on this board, has been for years. The sooner they realize this board is not theirs, freedom of speech is allowed,the better for all involved..  I just got a 20 day suspension.. For what ?? Having an opinion? I'll post whatever I want man, if the Mods want to can me for good because some members can't handle it, or they dislike me, then can me !! I'm just going to sit back with me feet up and watch all the rest of Scottish football try and catch us. Good luck. One other thing. The Aberdeen bigot brigade that want all huns killed, be best not pull that stunt at Parkhead.. 

I’m fairly sure if an away support had a banner at parkheid saying kill all huns they would get a standing ovation 🥴

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2 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

I give up, I really do. So if the same cretins showed up at Parkhead with a banner "kill all Fenians"if, yes they deserve a severe kicking.. Little more dangerous than the GB, "Fuck the Crown"... You follow now? All hypothetical of course....

Who mentioned anything about “fuck the crown”? You can’t just pick and choose the banners that you agree/disagree with. Some of them did get a kicking on Saturday, from their own fans, so Celtic fans ever do that, or is everyone scared of that goon brigade?

Also do you agree that the Celtic fans that were hanging sex dolls from the stands with scarves around their neck, simulating death by hanging or suicide, deserve a good kicking too? 

Just so we know what the boundaries are nowadays. 

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4 hours ago, Big Ramy 1314 said:

It was a disgrace, no place anywhere in life for that. One other thing wee man, I was attending matches at Parkhead and Hampden before you were even born.. I have been supporting my club and country longer than you have been alive junior... Respect that !!!! 

Canada ?

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