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Grim Jim

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About Grim Jim

  • Birthday 10/30/1959

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  1. You're right exile, rate-of-change for us results wise is/was downwards, but have hopefully bottomed out. Have never been happy with apparent peaks in 1973 & 1977 😳
  2. I said before that you'd get my vote Tidy, but you need to be more authoritarian to get folk to do as their told and way to the right to get positive press. Or top right corner with a big stick and call yourself Atilla, Genghis or Keir and do as you please.
  3. I don't think there's much to learn. Just a run out to keep players fit. On second thoughts, maybe a test for players coming back from injuries, but hopefully without picking up new hamstring stresses which seem prone to happen.
  4. Going back to exile's OP, rankings are based on past performance. We need to factor in who's on an upward trajectory. Germany have improved, the Swiss maybe drooping a bit? ( I was never great at calculus though. Should I be integrating or differentiating their results to get a prediction? 😬 )
  5. Probably a good idea if its outdoors & hot. In the Englishergarten in Munich I asked for beer pointing to giant mugfulls the barman was lining up on the counter, but he shook his head with a disapproving look which told me that I didn't want those ...radler.
  6. Yeah, don't bother going to the breweries (three at least in the centre) if you don't want to try the Alt. Same with kolch (which is more like a lager) in Cologne. For folk that haven't seen it, the waiters may continually replace your wee empty kolch glass with a fresh one and update the total on your beer mat until you put a beer mat on your glass to stop. (In other places I was using beer mats to keep wasps out the lager. They are suicidal for it.) There are lots of liqueures/digestifs. The local one in Dusseldorf was Killepitsch (a bit like Jagermeister) and I remember an off sales across from one of the breweries used to serve it (and other drinks) out a hatch in the wall.
  7. Killed the thread or there're some political/fitba nonsense goin' on?
  8. Probably right 😃 First time for everything though. Quickie... Producer Rick Beato demonstrates a Tool riff.
  9. Who's the lucky soul getting your allocated ticket? 😋 Kidding. Best of luck BH, and hope you're fit for the quarters. Not too dissimilar situation in my wee group; a minor procedure on 2nd July.
  10. OK, but badly needs a brush & an iron. 1965-71. Can't think of anything memorable 🤔 Oh yeah! We failed to qualify for two World Cups and a Euros, but were World Champions for a while.
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