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Further Claims Of A Fraudulent Count

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Yep I dont think the issue here is whether its a conspiracy or not, I think it now centres around breaches of process which may have been against the law. It may come down to whether the yes camp wish to pursue these opr whether they accept it made little difference to the final outcome. But if the analysis of the postal votes caused the "vow" to be produced, that to me is corrupt.

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What was the result of just the postal votes do you know?

Haven't a clue. I dont think such a breakdown would exist (which is convenient for any fraud). They were counted on the night but Im not aware of any breakdown.

IMO, rather than being concerned with the vote being invalid, it is important this opportunity is taken to prove the weaknesses in the postal vote process and if possible demonstrate it has been abused. It was clearly abused in Glenrothes and nothing was done about it. It is unaccepted for this referendum to pass and the same weaknesses be allowed to persist.

I also meant to add, another suspicion I had was Fife not counting by constituency like most other regions. Does anyone know what other regions didn't count along constituency lines? Fife was one of the biggest regions in the referendum and they appear to have done it as one super count. I might be wrong, but this is likely to have loosened the process rather than tightened it.

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If the three tory parties, and we all know what bunny rabbits they are, knew the postal vote they could perhaps get their leaders to come up to Scotland with false promises.

Yep. Underlines why purdah needs to be more than a convention. Cannot have access to how voting is going or be able to change the terms of the vote after voting has begun.

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If this is a runner then it will come out. I'm prepared to be corrected but as I understand it every vote is traceable and technically it would be possible to do an audit and paper trail of a sample of the votes to see if they tally with what people actually voted for.

Thats is not fool proof either if papers have been counted and then replaced however it would then be possible to a do re count.

I'm not into conspiracy theories and unless there is hard evidence nothing is going to come of any of this.

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The other critical aspect is that if the Tories knew did they also let their "friends" in the betting firms know. Hence why the odds were consistently nuts. People should be doing time over this. If the bookies were in on the secret then 10,000s of people have been robbed. Its that simple.

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The other critical aspect is that if the Tories knew did they also let their "friends" in the betting firms know. Hence why the odds were consistently nuts. People should be doing time over this. If the bookies were in on the secret then 10,000s of people have been robbed. Its that simple.

Yeap, that would be my concern.

I seriouslay doubt if there was any major tampering going on, but the fact that some people had access to the results of the postal ballots...and that the bookies seemed to be aware of these results.....needs investigating.

On a wider point, this is simply another example of the archaic, Victorian system that we use in the UK for voting. Make everyone carry and show photographic ID, and cut out postal voting....let's bring ourselves into the 21st century, please.

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Yeap, that would be my concern.

I seriouslay doubt if there was any major tampering going on, but the fact that some people had access to the results of the postal ballots...and that the bookies seemed to be aware of these results.....needs investigating.

On a wider point, this is simply another example of the archaic, Victorian system that we use in the UK for voting. Make everyone carry and show photographic ID, and cut out postal voting....let's bring ourselves into the 21st century, please.

I was conscious that I turned up at the polling station, gave an address and got handed a paper. There was no check in place to verify I was who I said I was. In fact they assumed who I was, as there was 2 names listed for my address, and I don't look like a Lisa.

I did immediately think it would be fairly easy to "steal" someone's vote. Just by giving the address of someone of the same sex who hadn't voted yet.

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A few years back I would have dismissed these claims as paranoid nonsense. But Westminster has proven over and over again how devious they are. Just a short time ago I heard people say the Jimmy Saville paedophile scandal went right to the top in Westminster. I remember thinking these people were idiots. Well I was wrong and these people were 100% correct. I'll never close my mind like that again. The establishment is capable of anything.

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Definitely agree. Ill never forget the confidence from No politicians on the night of the vote. From just after 10pm, they knew they had won. YouGov's 99% certain that No had won just confirmed that confidence.

It definitely stank.

listen stop this...

I knew at 9.15 when the local polling supervisor told me the turnout was 96% already. The rich and old in this affluent area were tuning out in HUGE numbers and I knew there was no way we could match this.

At Ingliston, the first samples taken from counting the postal votes were coming through at 5 past 10. We were losing big on postal votes too.

Our telephone canvassing in the week up to the election saw undecideds moving to NO - this had not happened before. Before I got in the hall I knew it was over. I saw Carmichael doing a victory interview at 10 past 10 on the basis of the early info. This is how it works.

nothing dodgy happened on any scale. Tories peeking at the postal ballots, yes and they should get their arse kicked. Isolated incidents of idiots general faffing around - yes.

Referendum nicked - no we lost...

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listen stop this...

I knew at 9.15 when the local polling supervisor told me the turnout was 96% already. The rich and old in this affluent area were tuning out in HUGE numbers and I knew there was no way we could match this.

At Ingliston, the first samples taken from counting the postal votes were coming through at 5 past 10. We were losing big on postal votes too.

Our telephone canvassing in the week up to the election saw undecideds moving to NO - this had not happened before. Before I got in the hall I knew it was over. I saw Carmichael doing a victory interview at 10 past 10 on the basis of the early info. This is how it works.

nothing dodgy happened on any scale. Tories peeking at the postal ballots, yes and they should get their arse kicked. Isolated incidents of idiots general faffing around - yes.

Referendum nicked - no we lost...

Excellent post.

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I've not indulged in any of this vote rigging chat to date. I agree the videos going about are pretty meaningless but what about this issue about missing barcodes and serial numbers from ballot papers?

Is is right they should have had these details on the back?

My polling card certainly had a bar code on the back.

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