2016 Tamb Running Thread - Anything Goes - Other topics not covered elsewhere - Tartan Army Message Board Jump to content

2016 Tamb Running Thread

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Thought it might be an idea to kick off a new thread for the new year.

Kick started today for a few of us in Aberdeen with a double parkrun. The beach was a bit tough today, with the sand levels on the proms being crazy in parts.

Tomorrow sees the first 10km race of the year again, at Lumphanan.

Currently also signed up for:

National XC in Falkik

Inverness Half Marathon

Manchester Marathon

Berlin Marathon

Will also be adding a few other 10k's and halfs over the year.

Really looking forward to it all.

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Back into the running properly now, wasn't really able to do anything much from September until late November. I'm signed up for a couple of half marathons in Spain, plus the Devilla Forest, and also a couple of Cross-Country things. Parkrun later this morning.

Edited by Pool Q
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Entries for the Mull of Kintyre half and 10k open tmrw. Regularly lauded as one of the most picturesque half marathons in the uk

Heading for a sellout despite the problems with the site, took a couple of hours of reloading to finally get registered

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Been without a local parkrun for going on two and a half years but as of yesterday there is now one near where I live. Such a great concept and I am going to being either running or helping out whenever I can.

We had a great social parkrun night last night. It is a great think - I have nothing but good things to say about it :-))

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Getting back onto training after 2 months of faffing.

County Champs X-C on Saturday (not as muddy as I was expecting) followed by 3 hours in the hills on Sunday (slippier than expected and almost made a right tit of myself descending one hill right in front of a large group of walkers!)

A bit of stretching last night and the legs don't feel as bad as I thought they might.

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I'm considering entering the Inverness Half Marathon - but would prefer to wait a few weeks yet.

Does anyone know if it typically sells out? (and thus should I just bite the bullet and get entered now)

I know the marathon and 10k generally has availability quite late, but not sure about the half.

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