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Three Young Good Looking Muslims Shot In The Head By Ugly Atheist

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The trouble is every religion has extremists who have twisted the word of there religion to suit there own purpose. In cristianity it is people like the westboro baptist church, Muslims have people like Isis etc. The trouble comes when folk see these extremists and think that all of that religion is like that when in fact most people of that religion do not follow the extremist views.

On the original point\question I agree that it should be classed as a hate crime. If I'd had been a muslim\buddist\hindu etc killing 3 white christians there would have been an outcry with a posse calling for blood

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Nice try Scotty but your whole "a Bible believing Christian could never be a murderer" thing is hopelessly flawed.

There's plenty of examples of murders thinking they were acting on God's behalf. By telling folk there's a man in the sky that listens to their "prayers" if they truly believe plays into the hands of nutjobs who think they're actually talking to someone who can see and sanction what they're doing.

In fact John 16:2 says as much - the time is coming when the person that kills you will think they are doing God's work.

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The trouble is every religion has extremists who have twisted the word of there religion to suit there own purpose. In cristianity it is people like the westboro baptist church, Muslims have people like Isis etc. The trouble comes when folk see these extremists and think that all of that religion is like that when in fact most people of that religion do not follow the extremist views.

The gulf in 'evil' between The Westborough Baptist Church and ISIS is completely off the charts and I'm pleased that that's the worst example (I think) of persons claiming to be 'Christian' that is available.

ISIS isn't a small minority either. There are the majority of whole countries that think like that.

You are very nuanced when it comes to Christianity yet totally black and white when it comes to Islam.

I'm not.

There are muslims who agree with killing infidels and muslims who oppose that doctrine.

This anti Muslim pro Jewish shit is so schofield bible I cant even be arsed with you anymore,

I'm actually a lot less supportive of Israel (as it stands) than you think.

The prodigal nation is yet to repent.

You are not a Christian.

I am.

I'm a greatly flawed, far from perfect sinner who knows that he needs the saving Grace of Jesus Christ.

Scotty's heaven is going to be a awfy quite place.

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that approximately 2.5% of everyone who ever lived will go to heaven.

That's a small percentage, but a very large number.

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Ye shall know them by their fruits

What are Scotty's 'fruits' of his TAMB labours?

At least one person led to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and a whole slew of folk who know a lot more about the Bible than they otherwise would have.

911 Truth: Running Joke

Christianity: Running Joke

The Bible says that I would be mocked, scoffed, and hated, so we're on course there as well. :ok:

Nice try Scotty but your whole "a Bible believing Christian could never be a murderer" thing is hopelessly flawed.

It's not.

A Christian has failed if they only talk the talk. They have to walk the walk as well.

There's plenty of examples of murders thinking they were acting on God's behalf. By telling folk there's a man in the sky that listens to their "prayers" if they truly believe plays into the hands of nutjobs who think they're actually talking to someone who can see and sanction what they're doing.

Apart from the insane, what are some of those examples?

In fact John 16:2 says as much - the time is coming when the person that kills you will think they are doing God's work.

I think you have gotten twisted in your own logic.

John 16:2 speaks of people killing Christians.

Your job is to give examples of Bible-believing Christians killing in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The mask does slip occasionally.

There is no mask.

If there is someone more open about their real name, likeness, and worldview on here then I've missed it.

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I am sorry if I sounded harsh.

No problem.

But just every now and then you really shock me with how callous and 'ideological' you sound about other faiths and the people who believe in them. Anything but your narrow ridiculous beliefs are massively scorned, these are people who believe in God but who subscribe to another religion than yours.... It is here that you sound like a fundamentalist. Uncompromising and unable to deviate from your own strict literal belief.

It's folk that don't understand (or care) that say one belief system is just as valid as the next simply because the person who beliefs in that belief system is just as valid as the next person.

You have to differentiate between the two.

If a black gay Jew says that 2+2=5 then I will lovingly disagree and try and show them the correct answer because I would care enough to.

The fact that they are black, gay and Jewish would have nothing to do with the fact that they had it wrong.

Ultimately there are 2 kinds of people on planet earth. The saved and the unsaved.

The saved are saved on God's terms, and the unsaved are currently marching to their own drum.

With the notable exception of Judaism of course and Israel which have a free pass and who you will excuse all day long no matter how horrific it becomes. So then my sympathy just dries up and I feel like a berk for ever feeling it. You undermine and make an object of ridicule the things you profess to care most about.

You tried to stick that label on me years ago when I said that folk shouldn't be attacking/trying to wipe out Israel. I still believe that.

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The gulf in 'evil' between The Westborough Baptist Church and ISIS is completely off the charts and I'm pleased that that's the worst example (I think) of persons claiming to be 'Christian' that is available.

ISIS isn't a small minority either. There are the majority of whole countries that think like that.

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that approximately 2.5% of everyone who ever lived will go to heaven.

That's a small percentage, but a very large number.

Which is a bit of a shame for all those people who never even got the choice.

Try this......

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Scotty actually talks the talk ans walks the walk and gets a large amount of abuse for doing so.

Many on here who give him stick are also the ones that may get married in a church and the ones who will sit in a church and bow their heads and maybe put their hands together when attending a funeral etc, may even join in on a hymn or two.

And in very sad occasions when some will have a close relative close to deaths door, they may cry out and ask for Gods help.

Is that not just using the church out of desperation when it suits.

I do get a bit baffled amount the number 11 Scotty quotes a wee bit, i don't know the importance of that number besides wearing it on my back when i played on the wing in rugby union.


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Scotty one of the problems is the way you push your beliefs on people here. You my not think you are pushing it but seen from others view it is getting pushed. I commend what you are trying to do and applaud your unwavering belief but if someone does not wish to believe then you pushing them will not convert them if anything it will only push them further away. As the plinth says you can at times come across as a fanatic such as those you talk against. That just ends up with folk getting fed up with what you are saying and them abusing you.

As to my westboro\ Isis post it was of the top of my head to show that every religion has mutters and no religion is free from them. I'm sure if I put the effort in I could find stuff on extremists who called themselves Christian such as in andymac's post

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Apart from the insane, what are some of those examples?

I think you have gotten twisted in your own logic.

John 16:2 speaks of people killing Christians.

Your job is to give examples of Bible-believing Christians killing in the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.


My job? You're handing out jobs now are you? Tell you what, I'll give you a list when you can prove that Stalin and Pol Pot did what they did because they were athesit.

John 16:2 speaks of folk think they're acting on behalf of God, when in fact they were mistaken.

That's the problem with the Bible, its so open to interpretation and frequently contradicts itself. Not a problem in itself, however some folk take it as gospel...

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ISIS isn't a small minority either. There are the majority of whole countries that think like that.

My guess (and it's only a guess) is that approximately 2.5% of everyone who ever lived will go to heaven.

That's a small percentage, but a very large number.

First point, what countries are these and how can you say the whole population thinks like ISIS, where is your evidence?

Second point just deserves a :-)) . Show me the evidence again...

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"Be he a Baptist, Scientologist or Zoroastrian, in the heat of battle Deacon will call down Divine retribution on all net sinners, and will never miss an opportunity to blather endlessly about his religion. Deacon is fervent and earnest, but seldom contributes anything of interest or substance to the discussion. Occasionally Tireless Rebutter or Philosopher will rouse themselves engage Deacon in battle, but they soon lose interest because of his utter predictability."

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Sounds like an interesting fairy tale you tell your kids to make them behave

It would be a given that God knows more than mortals.

I shouldn't be so flippant about other peoples beliefs...

You can defend religion/the idea of religion all you like but that path is a futile one.

It's the road to nowhere.

... but all this you're either saved or unsaved stuff is beyond ridicule.

There's no inbetween.

A person either accepts or rejects Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

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There's no Inbetween

A person either accepts or rejects Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

I'm comfortable with my lack of faith. I don't think you should fake these beliefs and at 31 I don't believe in Jesus as told by the bible and reject all religion on a personal level.

People should be left to find their own way, don't think preaching helps

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Which is a bit of a shame for all those people who never even got the choice.

Who never got the choice?

(I can't make a connection to your post from that link.)

If you are asking what about those that die without hearing the Word, then...

1. If they haven't reached the age of accountability (where they are able to understand the difference between right and wrong), or if they are (say) mentally challenged, then they would go to heaven.

2. If they were adults and lived in deepest, darkest wherever, then God would judge their heart (as they would still know the difference between doing 'good and doing bad').

Regarding the link... It's important to know the difference between murder and killing.

The Sixth Commandment from Exodus 20:13 is "You shall not murder."


All murder is killing, but not all killing is murder.

Ted Bundy (for example) was a murderer.

An allied soldier who landed on D-Day (my Dad for example) wouldn't at all be thought of in the same light.

Both would have taken life, yes, but the first would take pleasure from his deeds in the situations that he went out of his way to create, while the second faithfully carried out a duty that time and circumstance had placed upon him.

The article talks of war and how one side has had to organize in order to protect themselves from the other.

International law and common sense allow this.

War crimes, however, are never justifiable.

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I'm comfortable with my lack of faith. I don't think you should fake these beliefs and at 31 I don't believe in Jesus as told by the bible and reject all religion on a personal level.

I didn't repent (properly) until I was 45. Best thing that ever happened to me.

People should be left to find their own way...

They are.

...don't think preaching helps

It's pretty much the only way.

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17

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Scotty actually talks the talk ans walks the walk and gets a large amount of abuse for doing so.

Par for the course, mate. (Hope you are well. :wink2: )

I do get a bit baffled amount the number 11 Scotty quotes a wee bit, i don't know the importance of that number...

The Biblical antichrist is symbolised as the 11th horn in the Book of Daniel.

The illuminati are using (among other things) numerology in connection with staged world events to bring him to the global platform (and I just remind folk about that).

And that is for the Lord alone to judge, not any one of us.

Absolutely, it's just that you won't be able to make any changes after 'the gates of life' have closed.

Once you die, it's a done deal.

Living how you want and hoping for the best would be the height of foolishness.

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